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string osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams, integer blend, integer disp, integer timer, integer alpha, integer face)
No descriptions provided
Threat Level VeryHigh
Extra Delay 0 seconds
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Example of osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace
// ExtraParams Values:
//    width - width of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: width:256) 
//    height - height of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: height:256) 
//    alpha - alpha (transparency) component of the dynamic texture. Values are from 0- full to 255 - solid
//    bgcolour - specifies the background color of the texture (example: bgcolour:Red) 
//    setalpha 
//    integer value - any integer value is treated like specifing alpha component 
        llSay(0,"Touch to see osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace used to render Web Based Image/Texture on a prim");
    touch_start(integer total_num)
        string sDynamicID = "";                          // not implemented yet
        string sContentType = "image";                   // vector = text/lines,etc.  image = texture only
        string sURL = "http://www.goes.noaa.gov/FULLDISK/GMVS.JPG"; // URL for WebImage (Earth Shown)
        string sExtraParams = "width:512,height:512";    // optional parameters in the following format: [param]:[value],[param]:[value]
        integer iBlend = TRUE;                           // TRUE = the newly generated texture is iBlended with the appropriate existing ones on the prim
        integer iDisp = 2;                               // 1 = expire deletes the old texture.  2 = temp means that it is not saved to the Database. 
        integer iTimer = 0;                              // timer is not implemented yet, leave @ 0
        integer iAlpha = 255;                            // 0 = 100% Transparent 255 = 100% Solid
        integer iFace = 0;                       // Faces of the prim, Select the Face you want
        // Set the prepared texture to the Prim
        osSetDynamicTextureURLBlendFace( sDynamicID, sContentType, sURL, sExtraParams, iBlend, iDisp, iTimer, iAlpha, iFace );

Name Description Remarks
dynamicID UUID of already existing dynamic texture. Intended to accept UUID from a previous call to osSetDynamicTextureXXXX functions in order to provide modification of an existing dynasmic texture NOT IMPLEMENTED
contentType specifies the type of the data parameter.

The following values are allowed:

  • image
url the url of source image
extraParams additional optional parameters in the following format: [param]:[value],[param]:[value]

Multiple parameters are separated by commas. The following ones are supported:

  • width - width of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: width:256)
  • height - height of the dynamic texture in pixels (example: height:256)
  • alpha - alpha (transparency) component of the dynamic texture. Values are from 0-clear to 255-solid.(example: alpha:255)
  • bgcolour - specifies the background color of the texture (example: bgcolour:Red)
  • altdatadelim - specifies a delimiter between the draw commands contained in the data parameter.
  • setalpha - integer value is treated like specifing aplha component
  • lossless - true or false, default false
blend If true, the newly generated texture is blended with the appropriate existing ones on the prim.
disp Display flags. Value 1-expire deletes the old texture if it is replaced by a newer generated texture (may not currently be implemented). Value 2-temp flags the asset as temporary, which often means that it is not persisted to the database.
timer specify a time interval to update the texture NOT IMPLEMENTED
alpha The alpha value of the generated texture. 0 (full transparent) to 255 (solid)
face The face of the prim on which to put the generated texture. If ALL_SIDES then all sides of the prim are set.

lossless parameter added on version, Nov 4th 2019. Old versions did as true, but that should one be used if needed

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