Chat log from the meeting on 2022-10-25

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[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so abotu last week changes on code :)
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i kept doing changes on the dotnet6 branch
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: a lot just code style changes, a few with performance impact
[11:15 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: some, both on main code and libopenmetaverse with more direct performance impact
[11:15 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: using some new features of .net.6 like readonlyspan, etc
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: on both main and dotnet i added 2 new LSL functions
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: for compatibility with sl
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: llSHA256String()  that i just like osSHA256 we already had
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and llObjectGetLinkKey
[11:18 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: like name says allows to get the uuid of a prim or sitting avatar on another linkset
[11:19 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: I have a question about HG settings: On a small grid with HG access, in the GridCommon.ini of every region, in the [HGAssetService]
 section, I set DisallowExport ="Unknown, Texture, ..." to prevent copybotting. It worked, we can't give anything to any HG visitors. What doesn't work is: I commented that line out in one region as a transfer location to give stuff to HG vistors. Restarted, still cannot give anything to HG visitors. Is there a good reason why I can't turn this off? (It is not set in Robust.ini)
[11:20 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sadly that works at low level
[11:20 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: assets transfer. people may get broken inventory items
[11:22 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: We get an viewer pop-up with a message about unable to transfer that item or some such.
[11:22 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it not present, assets should be allowed
[11:25 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: The viewer error is "Not allowed to transfer this item."
[11:25 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and console?
[11:28 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes and region console?
[11:28 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: looking...
[11:29 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: No error, I get just the atempt to transfer: " [INVENTORY TRANSFER]: (giving) Inserting item 5565ded4-0512-494e-afe8-59d29b9ae5bf into agent 95c7aca2-1965-4df9-af94-cdcbe7afed0a's inventory
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: dunno
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sure the peer ahs allowed import ?
[11:31 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: I created several cubes with full perm to test with.
[11:32 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: I tried the same transfer in a region with DissallowExport and without, I see the same transfer message and the same viewer error.
[11:34 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Tried several destination avs, including this one here in OSGrid
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well on my test regions i also have that comment out and tranfers work
[11:35 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Yeah, I've never uncommented it before, have seen transfers work on another grid, was happy when they did not on this one (since that was the plan)
[11:36 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: also check the urls
[11:36 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Arielle! Welcome!
[11:36 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Hi Kayaker :)
[11:36 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Hi all
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: HomeURI there
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: [HGAssetService] HomeURI
[11:38 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: still confusing that one
[11:39 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: also be sure that the SRV_ entry on origin grid is correct
[11:39 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: That appears in several sections, I'm using the default:    HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
[11:40 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah but confusing, because may be diferent things
[11:40 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in same places may be the global thing, on others relative to that service
[11:41 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: ?What is the SRV_entry?\
[11:41 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc no fun if that was simple and clear :p
[11:41 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: .
[11:42 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: on robust.ini
[11:42 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: SRV_HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_InventoryServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_AssetServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_ProfileServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_FriendsServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_IMServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
    SRV_GroupsServerURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"
[11:43 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and on StandaloneCommon.ini
[11:43 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: why does the IM server not store offline messages  from friends in another grid?
[11:44 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Ah, that is in Robust.ini. I am using those defaults as well.
[11:44 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: dunno
[11:44 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: can you fix it?
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: possible issues with potencial unkown ids
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: HG visitor ids are not very presistent
[11:45 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: if the message arrived  when i am online it seems it should be available to be stored when i am not
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: even on friends
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ill try to look
[11:46 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: thank you
[11:46 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Report it in a Mantis!
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeha mantis alwyas helps
[11:47 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone.I was at my workbench so I didn't notice the time and then my cat wanted play time.
[11:47 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: not really a bug as it has always been that way
[11:47 AM PT]  Motoko.Karu ;)
[11:47 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah, guess there is a deeper reason, somewhere :)
[11:47 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: diva might know
[11:47 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: I've noticed there is a different message if you try to send to a HG user who is on-line than when they are off-line.
[11:48 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: The off-line message says "unable to deliver" or something that inidicates the message was lost.
[11:48 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes seems like that
[11:49 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well a lost one can't be stored on recepient offline, ofc
[11:49 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: My solution has been to HG jump the the destination grid, then send an IM and it is stored (somewhere) and the destination AV get it on next login
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that is a dif issue, possible
[11:50 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes, done the same  but a bit of a clunky workaround
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but need check
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: may happen target offline returns that
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: there is also a off grid spam issue
[11:51 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: potencial spam issue
[11:51 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: the viewers have spam protection?
[11:51 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: inside a grid the sender uuid is known
[11:51 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: via HG, they are not known
[11:51 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: but if they are listed as a friend then not really unknown
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and IMs can't go waste time checking friends everywhere
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes my friends are deeper on another service and another db
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: just checking is opening a big DDOS door
[11:53 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but well need check
[11:53 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: guess we also only have some ddos checks sender side.. not or recvrs
[11:54 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ( ie  msg throttles )
[11:54 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: can that be instituted receiver side?
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: (busy response): Unable to send instant message. User is not logged in.
[11:55 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: are messages UDP?
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: udp is only use to viewers
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: all damm heavy http elsewhere
[11:56 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: what the advanytage  with http then/.
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that was the msg o got here sending a im to me at my grid :)
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ppl just love http
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ll is moving all udp to http
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ir http on top of tcp
[11:57 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: at same time google moved http 3 to udp
[11:57 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bahh
[11:57 AM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes i was reading that a while ago
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it is a lot  industry "fastion"
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: back in 2010 or so, it was all http and xml
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: xmlrpc or rest etc
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: now many just replaced xml by json
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: others like google some binary protocol again, like google protobuf
[12:00 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so opensim APIs where made with 2000, 2010 ideas
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sadly so current new SL apis
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: for example  profiles are current broken on fs beta
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and other viewers
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: Beq already spent hours fixing it, but still issus
[12:02 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: just LL totally killed it
[12:02 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: seeing that
[12:03 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ll had no code for "legacy profiles"  only web ones
[12:03 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: added again the "legacy" but with a very bad http api that i just refuse to add
[12:04 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc would mean changes from regions to grid backend
[12:04 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: inc other profile modules
[12:04 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but as i said Beq already did fi most of them
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: just a few issues with picks et
[12:05 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: i'm on the newest beta but it isnt working here
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we actually should make a fs jira on those
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it does show several things
[12:05 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: where?
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: profiles
[12:06 PM PT]  Jamie.Jordan i've gotta go yall have a great day
[12:06 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: i just looked at your profile and nothing but your name
[12:06 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Jamie. Thanks for dropping by
[12:06 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: hmm ok when i r-click on you and  select profile i do
[12:07 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: ok maybe just needs more time then it used to to fill
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Test: oops
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Test: lol
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sorry closed the wrong viewer :)
[12:08 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[12:08 PM PT]  Ubit Test: fs does show most
[12:08 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: ubit test profile blank
[12:08 PM PT]  Ubit Test: not picks
[12:08 PM PT]  Ubit Test: and no notes
[12:08 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar:
[12:09 PM PT]  Ubit Test: is that the version i told?
[12:09 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: thats on
[12:09 PM PT]  Kayaker Magic: 666, the number of the beast!
[12:09 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ohh mre recent than mine?
[12:10 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yah noticed that
[12:10 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes
[12:10 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well them possible there was a regression
[12:10 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc on tht 6.6.5 most was working
[12:10 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: I'm on 6.6.3 and I can see my own profile.
[12:10 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: There is even profile data in the web tab.
[12:11 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes LL code was merge after 6.6..3
[12:11 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and deleted all the good code fs had
[12:11 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: feed works for me
[12:11 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: strange how 6.6.6 is worse that 6.6.5
[12:12 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: mergede with s/l viewer code?
[12:12 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: 6.6..5 i have has Beq fixes
[12:12 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: putting back most the lludp code we need
[12:12 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: only on the opensim viewer?
[12:12 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc
[12:13 PM PT]  Kayaker Magic: RL calling, gota go. Thanks all!
[12:13 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Tc Kay
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: wle Beq knows the issue and is working on it, when has time :)
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hope other viewer devs also
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc really the now LL API is just BAD
[12:15 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the new, i mean
[12:16 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so sad how the replace some really good lludp  byt pretty bad http xml crap
[12:16 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks nods
[12:16 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but in case of this API is even worse.. is to do a lot more trafic
[12:16 PM PT]  Selby.Evans bye all
[12:16 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Selby.
[12:16 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: cya selby.Evans
[12:17 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: This is another reason we need our own viewer so we don't have to worry about how LL might make things worse.
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well  fear future merge of dotnet6 into master will be a big pain
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the way i moved BOTH at same time
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: merge will be a big pain :)
[12:18 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: cant we  use the FS  opensim one
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but at this point im keeping 2 diferent code bases
[12:19 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we do use fs for opensim ofc
[12:19 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: or any other viewer version for opensim, if they have both
[12:19 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes but why not from before their latest merge?
[12:19 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the last release ins 6.6.3
[12:19 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and that is bf merge
[12:20 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: betas do have the issue
[12:20 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc we can stay on 6.6.3 until there is a fix
[12:20 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but that is bad
[12:20 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: why?
[12:20 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we all miss also code like rendering improvements
[12:20 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: no new features is there?
[12:21 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well there are those.. rendering performance improvements
[12:21 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: have those been an improvemtn in opensim/./
[12:21 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc
[12:21 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: its render side.. same as sl
[12:22 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: so between a rock and a hard place
[12:22 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well i hope Beq will find the time to fix the last issues
[12:22 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: my 6.6.5 is almost there
[12:23 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: as i said only picks and notes still bad
[12:23 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: strange that 6.6.6
[12:23 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sure its for opensim?
[12:23 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: so you cant save any nasty notes about me
[12:23 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: oh i use paper on that
[12:23 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: supposedly according to the  one i picked
[12:23 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: postits all around the monitor even
[12:24 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: haha hard copy, good idea
[12:25 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Not a good idea for me. The cat would start trying to play with them and knock them off on to the desk.
[12:25 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it is also possible ?? all Beq work is still not merged into main fs ???
[12:25 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: it came up on a web page
[12:25 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: seeing i can find it in history
[12:26 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: oh i see the 6.6.6 notice at sl
[12:27 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well dunno
[12:27 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ill try that 6.6.6
[12:27 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: not seeing. I was surprised it triggered a web page though
[12:27 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: had a list of different beta versions
[12:28 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: S/L windows, linux etx
[12:28 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: as well as Opensim
[12:29 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: nothing in e-mail
[12:29 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i see it on a SL group
[12:29 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: ok
[12:30 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: wel Beta versions are that... working test versions
[12:30 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Osgrid  concurrency is really increasing
[12:30 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: seeing 188 online
[12:31 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: bet a lot of s/l people are worried
[12:31 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: with the Tilla spin off
[12:31 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu tilla?
[12:31 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: Tilia
[12:31 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the money thing?
[12:31 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu what's that?
[12:31 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: yes
[12:32 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: they are a seperate company now
[12:32 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu sorry..haven't been in the SL realm for awhile now
[12:32 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: The payment processor being used by LL for SL.
[12:32 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sl made a companie to run the currency
[12:32 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc legal reasons etc
[12:32 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu ah... interesting
[12:32 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: they where already another company
[12:32 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but on same group
[12:32 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Ubit, I need to go. Will you post the meeting log?
[12:33 PM PT]  Arielle Popstar: then got investments from Chase Manhatten bank
[12:33 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu interesting... found their site
[12:33 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: cant you do it later?
[12:33 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: guess meeting is over now
[12:33 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: I can. I'll wait a while until the chat logger is turned off.
[12:34 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well meeting is over :)
[12:34 PM PT]  Motoko.Karu hehe
[12:34 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok. Thank you all for coming. See you next week.
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