User talk:Talentraspel

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Revision as of 14:23, 28 December 2008 by Simcore (Talk | contribs)

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Please stop spaming the gridlist at once !!!

Please stop spaming the gridlist at once !!! talentRaspel, the main grid list is for usefull informations, as long as you repeatedly spam with unusefull informations your grid will be moved.

( I thought you had said you would stop reacting for 48 hours, this is the confirmation you are not a truthfull person in general =)

We have to find a way to force people to stop being ex-SS-like children on the site

100% Agreed.

- Keep the main grid list for usefull information only, like before november
- Keep the grid list sub entries like they were before you changed them
- Always keep the ordering of grid list entries (public + standalone)
- Keep the grid list entries free of advertising
- Don't announce grids that are not publically accessible as public grids until they are
- Don't "park" grid list entries by announcing grids that do not conform to the rules


It's ok for me, but people goes to look for OpenSimPT and don't go to find. And the name is not intirely change. - Ideia Boa

What about "WorldSimTerra/OpenSimPT" as name. That takes into account that you intend it to actually have both names. "exOpenSimPT" would invite others to include their ex-grid-names too. - Talentraspel

Tank you for the idea, I'll go tho chage now. - Ideia Boa

1-Thank you, for the change before me. 2-Try to do something, it's a war or what? Is one to try to destroy the work of all? Ideia Boa

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