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Revision as of 13:14, 22 December 2008 by DaveCoyle (Talk | contribs)

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Unofficial .deb packages

Currently tested with Ubuntu Hardy (8.04), Intrepid (8.10), and Jaunty (9.04). Debian compatibility to come.

These are packages I (coyled) created and use to run an assortment of regions in OSGrid (though there's nothing OSGrid-specific in these packages). You're welcome to use, but please back up your OpenSim.ini, Regions/*.xml, *.db, and other important files before installing, just in case. But I use these packages on a regular basis, and they work fine for me.

To install the latest tagged release (e.g. 0.6.0), add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

   deb opensim releases

Then run:

   # apt-get update
   # apt-get install opensimulator

Or, if you'd rather be closer to the bleeding edge and run recent builds from the SVN trunk, add:

   deb opensim trunk

to /etc/apt/sources.list instead. Packages of new trunk builds will be available at least once per week, and I'll ensure that the latest one available to apt will be compatible with OSGrid.

OpenSim will be installed in /usr/lib/opensim , logs will appear in /var/log/opensim , and it'll create an opensim user & group. It doesn't install any start/stop scripts, as people tend to have different preferences on how to do that.

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