Build Instructions

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 18:06, 20 August 2007 by Ldvoipeng (Talk | contribs)

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Installing from source

MS Windows

OpenSim requires either the .Net framework version 2.0, or the latest Mono. It also is compiled with the C# and not the C++ IDE for those who are using the no-cost Express Editions from MS.

Subversion Repository

1. Get the source code from the svn repository:



2. In the top-level directory, run the 'runprebuild.bat' file. This will create both a VS2005 solution file, and a nant build file.

3. Open the resulting sln file with visual studio, and build it there, or if you prefer to use nant, run nant in the same top-level directory. This will build the executables.


Double-click on the OpenSim.exe executable file in the 'bin' directory. This will start up OpenSim in standalone mode.

The debugger in VS2005 C# may be used to step through the code. For those that use a Cygwin shell, you may find that one or more dll's have permissions that cause problems running. Most find that a "chmod 777 *" from the bin directory solves this.


Subversion Repository

To check out the latest revision:

svn co svn://

Note: The is not really working. For this reason you should download the newest libsecondlife from, and build your own libopenjpeg library. If you use this instead of the SVN version, your sim will work fine.

Building (Mono)

mono bin/Prebuild.exe /target nant
mono bin/Prebuild.exe /target nant

(Yes, you must rerun the prebuild again after the first build, and then build again!)

Later revisions(1657 and above) no longer require you to build twice. Thus the procedure is simply as follows:

mono bin/Prebuild.exe /target nant

Running (Mono)

cd bin
mono OpenSim.exe

Binary releases

Some recent pre-compiled releases are available at OpenSim binaries. These are usually a few revs out-of-date.

NB: This Link is currently non-functional - does anyone know where the Binaries now live??

There are some older versions of the binaries here

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