User:KMeist Hax
From OpenSimulator
Revision as of 14:42, 14 April 2008 by KMeist Hax (Talk | contribs)
soup /opensim/ KMeist Hax, part time opensim developer and /b/tard here. Makes region modules and doesn't afraid of anything.
I am currently responsible for the following projects:
- Data Snapshot Module and Format - Search the open metaverse -- and beyond!
- That's pretty much it
Contact info
If I accidentally broke your sims with my code, you have a feature request, or just want to talk, you can contact me via the following ways:
- Linden Lab's grid - username KMeist Hax.
- OSGrid - Again, KMeist Hax.
- Steam - Play a game of Team Fortress 2 with KMeist_Hax sometime.
- Freenode IRC - kmeisthax / kmeisthax_afk has been known to lurk #opensim and #opensim-dev from time to time
- AIM - lotsostuff1 - I've had this username since my underage b& days!
- MSN - km767 YOUKNOWWHATGOESHERE hotmail EARTHBOUND com - Replace "YOUKNOWWHATGOESHERE" with that little A in a circle symbol. Replace "EARTHBOUND" with a dot.
- (in korea, only old people use) E-mail - dcrkid YOUKNOWWHATGOESHERE yahoo EARTHBOUND com - Same as the MSN account, let's hope the spambots don't just grab stuff with yahoo in it nowadays.