Chat log from the meeting on 2024-08-20

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[11:02 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone.
[11:02 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird Hi Andrew
[11:03 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Here we are again on a Tuesday. :)
[11:04 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hi
[11:05 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: This week saw a number of commits to the code base.
[11:05 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes about las week coding we had github PR waiting for sometime now...
[11:06 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Was the PR related to use of SSL?
[11:06 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i did accept the relevant commits from Adil
[11:06 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:07 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: those add code to make selfsigned certs using dotnet tools
[11:07 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: with right option, region can make new ones on every start
[11:07 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:08 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so updating the IP
[11:08 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: I saw the commit where you fixed an issue with the option.
[11:08 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in case of standalones etc
[11:08 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird why would you want to do that?
[11:08 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird if you don't have a fixed IP?
[11:08 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: if you run a simple standalone and want ssl
[11:09 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: note that robust support for SSL is not complet
[11:10 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: some services need both ssl and open ports
[11:10 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in same cases one redirection to the other
[11:10 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: redirecting..
[11:10 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that is a big TODO still
[11:11 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and yes a made a few changes to those commits
[11:11 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: some because of this last issue..  and a minor problem reading a option flag
[11:13 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well and guess that was it
[11:13 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks nods
[11:13 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: That about covers it.
[11:13 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Hiya.  Actually escaped the day job for a bit today
[11:13 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: if i remember you can run regions with ssl
[11:13 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hi mike.Chase
[11:13 AM PT]  Mike.Chase LOL I guess I'll need the notes to see what I missed
[11:14 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Hi :)
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: with this little code, a bit easier to make simple selfsing certs
[11:14 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Mike.
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: self sing? ok not that far still  .. selfsigned
[11:15 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Mike, we have been talking about the changes to the code base made this past week.
[11:15 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Joe
[11:15 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: Hello. Did I miss anything important?
[11:16 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird Hi Joe, Mike
[11:16 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Joe, I was just telling MIke that we have been talking about the changes to the code base made this past week.
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i spent sometime on the FS 7.x crashes with clear cache and looking a Fs PR request to fetch all inventory at login
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: at fs JIRA ppl keep reporting the crashes on the fs release..  still not clear if they did test later Alpha version
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i have no crashes on later betas/alpha
[11:18 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Nods.  There is a workaround as well that we've found.  Setting an AISv3 debug setting to false that affects it.  I've been wanting to try CoolVL as well
[11:18 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but with those reports is not clear what version is refered
[11:18 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: seeting that to false should be a nop..
[11:19 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that setting is check at sametime as grid
[11:19 AM PT]  Mike.Chase It should be of course because the CAP is missing but it definitely affects inventory loading
[11:20 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: anyways..  it is now clear the code change needed to get the full fetch at login a gain
[11:20 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in fact is just to comment out a else
[11:21 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and we will need that because og HG teleports
[11:21 AM PT]  Mike.Chase nods
[11:21 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well if users did remember to fetch all inv  before tp, that would not be a problem also
[11:22 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: fs version 6.6.17 did not fecth all the inv and did not crash
[11:22 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: mike have any new information abotu testes with last alpha on your fork ?
[11:23 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ( gavin if you merge ll code you will get this issues :)= )
[11:23 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird ok
[11:24 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Well its kind of tough. I actually dont get the issue.  But some do and I know others running NGC do.   I'm chatting with Beq now to get a clear alpha to test with.  There has been some mixups because we're also looking into WebRTC
[11:24 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: last one i have is fomr Aug 11
[11:24 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the one with webrtc
[11:25 AM PT]  Mike.Chase I have that version.  So I can test with that if you think it addresses this issue.
[11:25 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but as i said several times, Beq did a change on  inventory timings, that may had fix the crashes
[11:25 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and that needs to be tested
[11:26 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal is that Beta 1 from a few weeks ago?
[11:26 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it did fix them for me and all ppl i asked
[11:26 AM PT]  Mike.Chase We're using a different MySQL connector as well which probably affects timing on database operations so if its a timing bug definitely could be differences.
[11:26 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yes it was on last beta also
[11:26 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Ok I'll get someone to try it as well
[11:26 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah all points to a timing issue
[11:26 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: deeper on the coroutines control
[11:27 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal With the new beta I still get crashes on login when there are a ridiculous number of textures to load
[11:27 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: see if we get the full fecth fix, it may just hide a deeper issue that my bite us later
[11:28 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hmm i had no crashes on assets..
[11:28 AM PT]  Mike.Chase yeah streaming inventory is actually nice vs bringing it all over.  It may very well mask a fix.
[11:28 AM PT]  Mike.Chase mask a bug sorry. LOL
[11:28 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:29 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I think the crash was textures in world, not inventory related
[11:29 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah that is why im asking ppl to test alpha  bf getting the full fetch fix
[11:29 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that ofc we do need to reduce hg/suitcase issues
[11:30 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: dont thin joe will have this issue
[11:30 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: using proper rust threading :)
[11:31 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: I have not touched inventory yet.
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well you can register that opensim needs a full cache update at login
[11:32 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: to avoid problems with HG tps later
[11:33 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i also did look to webrtc
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: went test P2P at sl  sending something bf noticing that they do not have it
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: grrr
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: they only have parcels voice at this point on main grid
[11:34 AM PT]  Mike.Chase So I wanted to toss out an issue.  I dont expect to resolve it now but its sort of a messy one.  Maybe get people thinking about it.   Binary Serialization (like we use all over the simulator) is deprecated as of dotnet 5 and they are starting to simply remove it from the codebase now.  Its a security issue.  Ideally we need to change how data is serialized but there is tons of legacy data (assets,etc) serialized this way and when you HG the current code will use it.  I think we need to figure out a way past this and ideally do it across the board.  Again not a simple fix so I wanted to toss it out and get folks thinking about it.
[11:35 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Yeah we're having issues finding an SL install to test against as well
[11:35 AM PT]  Mike.Chase For WebRTC
[11:35 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: seen them changinc code on that just 2 days ago
[11:36 AM PT]  Mike.Chase nods yes
[11:36 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: do not understand the rush forcing tps to have it..  but well their business
[11:36 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I think Beq listed the regions in SL you can test rtc in one of her blogs or beta announcements
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: wel that binary serielization is not that of a big security problem
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: they are 4 named guess..  webrtcx
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :p
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: with x 1...4
[11:38 AM PT]  Mike.Chase My issue is we're going to have issues ever updating past dotnet 8 without a solution,  And we may have dependencies removing code even in dotnet 8
[11:38 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so far it is working on 8
[11:38 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: guess if it stops we will need to clone it
[11:39 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: for compatibility
[11:39 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: with our current assets
[11:39 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hmm dont' think we do use it that deeply
[11:39 AM PT]  Mike.Chase I'm going to start to look into alternatives but yes thats an option.
[11:39 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i remember mutes..  bakes... KFM
[11:40 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: first 2 are not a loss..  things easy to recover
[11:40 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but well guess a lot..
[11:40 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hidden in code
[11:40 AM PT]  Mike.Chase That might be the first step.  Get an inventory of whats affected
[11:41 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah
[11:41 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but think we will need to just "clone" current code to keep old things happy
[11:42 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the security issue is on the automatic serielization, or worse  deserielization MS made
[11:42 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Understood. I'm just starting to look at it so once I get a big picture I can come back with some suggestions
[11:42 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that does allow injection og bad things on a generic use
[11:42 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: You need a new serialization format?
[11:42 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: do not think we are that vulnerable
[11:42 AM PT]  Mike.Chase MS suggestion is to move to json serialization
[11:43 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we are talking about a old one dotnet has and ms wants to remove joe
[11:43 AM PT]  Mike.Chase but the issue is mostly injection yeah.  The Binary Serialization will serialize most anything. And on deserialization you may not get what you expect
[11:43 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc we should have a binary one for all our comms
[11:43 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: If you have to change, consider binary LLSD.
[11:43 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: no joe
[11:43 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that is BAD
[11:44 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: very naive thing
[11:44 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Isn't thatpartly an issue of doing proper checks of the data being deserialized?
[11:44 AM PT]  Mike.Chase I was thinking flatbuffers or protobufs but they all have issues
[11:44 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeap protobif are the standard
[11:44 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: Why is it that bad? It's comparable to JSON, but simpler.
[11:44 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but i don't like them :)
[11:45 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: I have a Rust implementation:
[11:45 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Andrew thats part of the issue, once its binary data you can validate by inspection whats in there
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ans since when json is good? :P
[11:45 AM PT]  Mike.Chase heh
[11:45 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Ubit, :)
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i shown you some alternatives once mike.Chase
[11:45 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Lots of room for religion in this space. :)
[11:46 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal xml or die!
[11:46 AM PT]  Mike.Chase haha
[11:46 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: I so often hear people point at JSON the moment there is talk of data exchange.
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc at this moment i do not remember the names of those serielizers lol
[11:46 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: Indeed. I don't have any particular preference.
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in fact most done by same person
[11:46 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Well I'll start with inventorying where its used.  We may not have as big a problem as I suspect
[11:46 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal jk of course
[11:46 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: The trouble with text representations is that OS/SL type data has a lot of floats, and converting those to strings and back is expensive and bulky.
[11:47 AM PT]  Mike.Chase nods
[11:47 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ".. BinaryFormatter is being removed in .NET 9 · Issue #293  "
[11:47 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeap damm ms
[11:47 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: There is a certain amount of overhead having to parse a JSON string.
[11:47 AM PT]  Mike.Chase nods yes.  Its pretty much getting torn out now
[11:48 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ok messagePack is another standard
[11:48 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Lyr.
[11:48 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: None of this is visible to the viewer, so I have no stake in this.
[11:49 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: wel you are making a viewer, so can add it in place of llsdXML
[11:49 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: Hello *(grins*
[11:49 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: in fact you can add it to llsd
[11:49 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: hi lyr
[11:49 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal hey Lyr
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: llsd does has nice outdection
[11:50 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: Already have XML LLSD, Notation LLSD, and binary LLSD written in Rust. See link above.
[11:50 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: Great to see everyone
[11:50 AM PT]  Mike.Chase I'm going to have to run back to RL work. But I'll do the inventory I mentioned and share what I find UBit
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: due to the prefixes..
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: cya mike.Chase
[11:50 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Mike. Thanks for dropping by.
[11:50 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: bye Mike
[11:50 AM PT]  Mike.Chase Have a great day everyone!  Glad to be able to make one of these :)
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ty
[11:50 AM PT]  Kayaker Magic: Lyr, you have a daylight savings time issue?
[11:51 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[11:51 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: hehe
[11:51 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: had a class this term before this meeting *smiles*
[11:51 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but yeah joe  that binary serialization is more of a issue on our inter regions and grid services comms
[11:52 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Getting close to back to school time where I am.
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: like ll we did use nonsense xml everywhere
[11:52 AM PT]  Lyr Lobo: Yes
[11:53 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: We are close to the top of the hour. Any other questions/comments/updates for today?
[11:53 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal a couple quick ones
[11:53 AM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: go ahead, Cuga.
[11:54 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal first, is it possible that the loading of in-world textures on login can trigger the same texture/inventory issue seen?
[11:54 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I'm seeing a reproducible crash, wondering where to report it or if it's expected
[11:54 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we saw no texture/inventory issue..
[11:54 AM PT]  Joe Magarac: Textures in world are mostly separate from inventory.
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: textures are assets. diferent code paths, mostly
[11:55 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal ok then purely viewer issue... ok
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeha the inventory crashes are viewer side.. possible fs only
[11:55 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal second, I occasionally see an exception in the console from the OHTTP server
[11:55 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal dotnet htto server
[11:56 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal the region is unreachanble until manual shutdown and startu
[11:56 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal theres a hung thread that requires terminal shutdown
[11:56 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal only happens like once every 2 weeks but has been happening  for a year
[11:56 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal anyone seen it? or just some voodoo
[11:57 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Every two weeks as in the region been running that long as well?
[11:57 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I captured the exception if interest
[11:57 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal no, I restart it every few days :)
[11:57 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird exactly every two weeks?
[11:58 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal no.random
[11:58 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird ok
[11:58 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Does it see a lot of traffic? Got a lot of scripts doing http requests? Something trying to exit the region constantly requesting region data?
[11:58 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal not a big deal, but an annoyance I have to watch out for
[11:58 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal the HTTP server basically goes dead, but the server keeps running thinking all is ok
[11:58 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal standalone
[11:58 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal 10:44:36 - [BASE HTTP SERVER]: OSHttpServer.OSHttpListener had an exception System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (22): Invalid argument
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketErrorAndThrowException(SocketError error, Boolean disconnectOnFailure, String callerName)
   at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.UpdateStatusAfterSocketOptionErrorAndThrowException(SocketError error, String callerName)
   at OSHttpServer.OSHttpListener.AcceptLoop() in /Users/cuga/opensim/OpenSim/Framework/Servers/HttpServer/OSHttpServer/HttpListener.cs:line 145
[11:59 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester So inbound
[11:59 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal yeah
[11:59 AM PT]  Cuga.Rajal anyone can reach that port with anything
[12:00 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal some weird binary that the server isn't expecting
[12:00 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I'm guessing
[12:00 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester You don't happen to have a proxy in front of that to log the requests it gets?
[12:00 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I don't, but I was thinking of adding one for that purpose
[12:00 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal doesn;t happen very often
[12:00 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Smells of someone trying to send injection or something, not the first time bogus data breaks things
[12:01 PM PT]  Joe Magarac: Gotta go, next meeting! Back next week.
[12:01 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Joe. See you next week.
[12:01 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal thats what I was afraid might be going on
[12:01 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal might be an general exploit and not specific to dotnet
[12:02 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal if it keeps happening I might set up a proxy, I have apache running on the same machine for port 80 so piece of cake
[12:03 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester The line number is interesting, possibly could try to handle the bad data some way
[12:03 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal yeah, not rejecting the data properly
[12:04 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I update dotnet pretty quick when updates come out
[12:04 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal tho I have no idea if this is related to that
[12:04 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: If my copy of the code is the same that Cuga is running the code is setting NoDelay to true for a socket.
[12:05 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I'm using the latest dotnet8 and trunk with nothing altered
[12:05 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird is this relatively new?
[12:05 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal but its been going on for a while
[12:05 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal could be a mac specific thingm who knows
[12:05 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal if nobody else os seeing it
[12:06 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird I had a simmilar issue on a Mac based server quite some time ago, but have not seen it the last 2 years
[12:06 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird It originated from some external poll on the region
[12:06 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal from an http inbound request?
[12:06 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes
[12:07 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal ok then coukd be Mac voodoo
[12:07 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird might even have been an inbound friends request
[12:08 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal happens infrequently enough
[12:08 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird I doubt I have logs from when I saw those the last time
[12:08 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I could set up a region ponger and auto-restart when not reahcable
[12:08 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal that might be easiest answer
[12:08 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal pinger*
[12:09 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Alternatively "http debug in 6" if you have space for all those logs
[12:09 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Though that might not output before it breaks either, hard to tell
[12:09 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal at least theres a timestamp so I would know where to look in the log
[12:10 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal proxy server is best, or region pinger
[12:10 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird are you able to catch the incoming IP?
[12:10 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal it's using whatever http server comes with dotnet, so I knw nothing of how to configure or minitor that. I know apache pretty well
[12:11 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal but even with a log I doubt it would capture the offending request
[12:12 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I think a region pinger is a good idea anyway, so I might just do that
[12:12 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird did you check the macOS system logs?
[12:12 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal could be Mac voodoo
[12:12 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I didn't check. was assuming it was all within dotnet
[12:13 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal next tiime I see it I will check
[12:13 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird yeah, but there might be spindumps
[12:13 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal ok
[12:13 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I'll look into that if it happens again
[12:13 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo: Great to see everyone. I must dash *waves*  Have a grand week.
[12:13 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird also, are you running out of open files as standard macOS used to be set to 256 pr process
[12:14 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal nope, plenty of memory and CPU left
[12:14 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Lyr.
[12:14 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal the defaut process limit is huge on Mac
[12:14 PM PT]  Lyr Lobo waves and poofs
[12:14 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes process limit, but not open files pr process
[12:15 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I suspecy it's some weird binary data coming in that the server chokes on
[12:15 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird
[12:15 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird here is to plists for changing that on system boot
[12:15 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal On my system the kimits were already above those needed for OS
[12:16 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal I'm hosting it on macOS 14.x which might be different from 2019
[12:16 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes
[12:16 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird but check it anyhow
[12:17 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal will do, last time I checked trhe defaults werer already higher
[12:17 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal thats all I have thanks for listening :)
[12:17 PM PT]  Cuga.Rajal and your feedback
[12:17 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: yw, Cuga.
[12:18 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird I should call it for today
[12:18 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird have a great week all
[12:18 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Gavin. See you again next week.
[12:18 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Just about time to wrap up todays meeting anyway.
[12:19 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: At almost 20 past the hour I will call todays meeting to a close.
[12:19 PM PT]  Andrew Hellershanks: Thank you all for coming. See you again next week.
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