Chat log from the meeting on 2024-08-06

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Revision as of 12:19, 6 August 2024 by Tampa (Talk | contribs)

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[11:12 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: welcome..
[11:12 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: again not many code changes during last week
[11:13 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: just a few workarounds on some null references
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and a minor improvement on scripts cpu time resolution, replacing datetime by stopwatch
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so going from 15ms to about 0.1us resolution on most win systems
[11:14 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ( or from 1ms o 0.1us on linux )
[11:15 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Nice
[11:15 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i may add code so windows time resolution is also 1ms
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sadly this changes the entire OS, increasing energy use
[11:16 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird nice but is there a need for such high resolution?
[11:16 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Was about to ask how heavy that is on cpu
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but it is done by several programs already
[11:16 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: like edge, discord.. etc etc
[11:16 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Not sure I would look to those for code inspiration
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well and others :)
[11:17 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that need 1ms resolution on threading etc
[11:18 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Speaking of threading...
[11:19 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I had some fun this week. Months ago I dug into the maptile code and pushed most of the tile generation into an independent thread, cleaning up the routines to be more efficient
[11:19 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester This yielded creating thousands of tiles from the single map-1 tiles within say 20 minutes usually. Creating the zoom levels that is
[11:20 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Watching it process them one by one and appending to files seemed like an inefficient approach so I took another look trying to parallel the whole thing
[11:20 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester After all I can read a tile multiple times and just paste it to the each zoom level in one go instead of one after the other
[11:21 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeap that code on core is..  bahhh :)
[11:21 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester So using threading tasks and a bit of parsing nonsense I rewrote it again and the end result is...
[11:21 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but suposed to run "now and then" so...
[11:21 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Finished generating 5085 zoom level tiles of 13056 maptiles. Took 144.2341205 seconds!
[11:22 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:22 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Generating the zoom levels from 2 to 9 by copying the pixels in memory and running each zoom level in parallel, then just combining the rest up to level 11 from the existing zoom levels
[11:22 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird I only have like 72 maptiles to generate
[11:23 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I did keep the old append method as well, this is just a full refresh
[11:23 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Basically only needed if you have bad tiles you removed and want to regenerate the zoom levels
[11:23 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Bottleneck is no longer code operations, but how much cpu and disk you have, so I'd say that's pretty well fixed :)
[11:24 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester It just runs on a timer and checks if new map-1 files are found based on datetime, then appends them to the levels normally
[11:24 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: why fixed? it wasn't broken
[11:24 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:24 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: improved you mean :)
[11:25 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Well it was broken in the sense that if you loaded up regions too quickly it would overlap and cause tiles to not render correctly
[11:25 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ok
[11:26 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I still have to clean up the code a bit and work out small inconsistencies, but it looks promising
[11:26 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and how is dayturn?
[11:26 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird too quickly?
[11:27 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird given I said I had been busy with guests the last 3 weeks, I'd imagine dayturn has been paid little attention
[11:27 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird I have added some code and cleanup, but yeah
[11:28 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester So say you have 20 single regions that all need to go onto one zoom level. When they register to the grid with their tile it kicks off a timer to append the tile to the level. If you then boot up a region while that runs it resets it and never adds the new tile. The end result is that you have missing region tiles on zoom levels
[11:28 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird the LL code base is getting increasingly messier to follow too unfortunately
[11:29 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah and will get worse
[11:29 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yup
[11:29 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird Looks like some LL customers are getting fed up too and cancelling their subscriptions
[11:29 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: dunno
[11:30 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Even just changing to a constant timed loop that checks datetime of files and then appends all it found solves that. The rest is just fancy stuff to make it faster and have a way to refresh all levels. I already added a bit of code to the shutdown on region side to upload water tiles so you don't have tiles stuck that way
[11:30 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird forums
[11:30 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: do see a lot of ppl on fs groups asking to turn off pbr
[11:30 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes
[11:30 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Technically the refresh routine could be used to "delete" tiles too by adding a water tile to the dictionary that holds the tile positions, but I'm not sure that's really necessary either
[11:30 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: cool vl does allow that..
[11:30 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: even alm
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: has like 3 or more rendering engines :)
[11:31 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird people have spent years making theri environments and products, which suddenly looks like shit unless everything is renewed
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: need to buy pbr ones
[11:31 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: whne in fact you only need to turnoff a option
[11:31 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird I know he does, but LL will most likley make it mandatory because of the mobile viewer
[11:32 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that does a brokne auto convertion to hdr
[11:32 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeah and the grey terrain if pbr is used is fun
[11:33 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well they are pushing all tpvs to move to pbr and webrtc fast
[11:33 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird IMO they are being pushed by owners / investors, but
[11:33 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well looks like they are spending rivers of $
[11:33 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: did hire a lot of coders
[11:34 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Hopefully that goes better than last time
[11:34 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird :-))
[11:34 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I don't need more cache voodoo to question my insanity
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well since friday one could not get a working fs with pbr
[11:34 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: all broken for opensim
[11:35 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird oh?
[11:35 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: the only that was working, they removed the links
[11:35 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but today they did add another one that seems working
[11:35 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: at least avatar bakes are back
[11:35 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird that sounds like a good thing to have :-)
[11:36 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well and it was doing skin only
[11:36 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so all naked :)
[11:36 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: at least in my av case
[11:36 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird only for the system avatar I presume. what about bakes on mesh?
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: only tested system
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but if system does not work, bom does not work
[11:37 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird because I am under the imprtession only BOM will work on future viewer
[11:37 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bom depends on system :)
[11:37 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester If they take my system avi I'm gonna riot!
[11:38 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird at least that is what works on the mobile, so the avatar looks like shit unless you make a very custom shape
[11:38 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bom is in fact make ols system wearables work on mesh
[11:38 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: without need for alpha layers.. etc
[11:38 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes, but it totally runins the old shapes
[11:38 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester The amount of stuff they are willing to break chasing the mobile gambling revenue
[11:39 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes, exactly Vincent
[11:40 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Hey maybe it means all the ones with grey matter left will come over :)
[11:40 AM PT]  orbert tatham: They have been, gradually
[11:40 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Some are just too invested
[11:40 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yep, one thing is to move your presence, another to move all your stuff
[11:41 AM PT]  orbert tatham: SL is (malice aforethought) never going to make it possible
[11:42 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird nope, but even for creators, who in theory should have everything to move their content, it is a massive job
[11:42 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Borked mesh import makes it almost impossible
[11:42 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird plus a lot of dependencies of stuff they again have purchased
[11:43 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird how is it borked?
[11:43 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Some of the content that comes over is... questionable in terms of quality anyways. Things I have seen that "just work" at SL, shudder
[11:43 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Well, it doesn't work?
[11:43 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird mesh import does not work?
[11:43 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Last I tried it completely screwed up the physics layer
[11:44 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Not just a little bit
[11:44 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird ok...
[11:44 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Collada requires that each separate object has its own collision matched assigned to it, which can be a pain to retrofit, but it's standard game dev practice
[11:44 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: you did not forgot to not use decomposition right?
[11:44 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I tried every way I could find documented
[11:44 AM PT]  orbert tatham: What do you mean "decomposition"
[11:45 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I had two separead .dae files
[11:45 AM PT]  orbert tatham: *separate
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: "analyse" options change the mesh format
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and try more complex things..
[11:45 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that do fail a lot more on viewers
[11:45 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Analyze or not, it wouldn't work
[11:45 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird I have hidden all the analyze functionality as it just screws up things on opensim
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: now complex objects can be a mess
[11:46 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird yep
[11:46 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I usually make a physics mesh and set it as the mesh on Lowest, then tell physics to use Lowest. Two birds with one stone really, LOD control and good physics ;)
[11:46 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: viewer may break them into several prims... using own rules
[11:47 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: nad yeha physics will be a mess
[11:47 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester You can also fix broken mesh by downloading it and then making boxes for the parts and assign them, though recent blender versions have stuffed that button into a place I have yet to find D:
[11:47 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: visual lowest can be pretty bad for physics
[11:47 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester If you let it generate yes
[11:48 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird it can
[11:48 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I use From file for that and as simple as possible if I can help it
[11:48 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird I see there is a new version of meshoptimizer 4 days ago so will test it
[11:48 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: as i said many times..  in many cases just add a few boxes or spheres makes good enough colliders
[11:48 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I don't make holes for windows anymore, cause they are not doors lol
[11:49 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I create a minimal physics, roughly shaped like the visible stuff.
[11:49 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: guess you need to split the mesh so that each upload is one single prim
[11:49 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Windows are transparent areas in the wall teextures
[11:50 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Ubit, yeah that's also a good option
[11:50 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Which they why bother with mesh, ubit?
[11:50 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I can do prims without blender just fine
[11:50 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: -m.esh is good for looks :)
[11:50 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Some shapes you can't do with prims
[11:50 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I need physics that works
[11:51 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Prim building used to be an art in itself
[11:51 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Old skool lol
[11:51 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird still is, but not so many master it any more
[11:51 AM PT]  orbert tatham: I was good at it, but SL penalized it so badly you couldn't do it any more
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: we don't
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ( for now.. )
[11:52 AM PT]  orbert tatham: 'course shoddy mesh no physics, etc. worked just fine there
[11:52 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird build houses and such in prims to scale, export to OBJ and use that for the real mesh
[11:52 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well and now they will replace all that by gltf things
[11:53 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Shitty gltf things*
[11:53 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ufff wait to see...
[11:53 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Does their piss-poor viewer even support all that successfully?
[11:53 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: they are adding it
[11:53 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird not yet
[11:53 AM PT]  orbert tatham: They are pushing tpvs to do it, but can they?
[11:53 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and yeah start saving $$ to buy a 4090
[11:53 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird dunno
[11:54 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird and a perpetual subscription to Substance painter
[11:54 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: and a new AC for the house...
[11:54 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:54 AM PT]  orbert tatham: LBSA turns my PC into a space heater
[11:54 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Gonna work great for mobile too, exploding phones everywhere
[11:55 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester "I'll just quickly log on on my phone" battery dies instantly
[11:55 AM PT]  orbert tatham: My understnading is that the latest LL hires are ex-Micro$haft - they are certainly acting like it
[11:55 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird just carry a windmill
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well from what i read seems they just plan to replace all thinbgs by gltf counter parts
[11:55 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sansar v3
[11:55 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Didn't learn a damn thing from that abortion
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: prims fail to work? " ohh buy new ones "
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: oh well whatever..
[11:56 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird just like a sharepoint upgrade
[11:56 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester lol
[11:56 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird just redo all code and customizations
[11:56 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it is their world..
[11:56 AM PT]  orbert tatham: The bad part is that they have the balls to call it an upgrade in the first place
[11:57 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird :-)
[11:57 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: sad is that we only have this set of viewers and get their mess in
[11:57 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Time to learn Rust and help out Joe :)
[11:57 AM PT]  orbert tatham: That is why you are struggling with trying to keep up - we need our own viewer (echoing silence...)
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:58 AM PT]  orbert tatham: And yes, I would love to help Joe
[11:58 AM PT]  orbert tatham: He has three years in it already
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: it is a huge project
[11:58 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird massive undertaking
[11:58 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: may need 8 more..
[11:58 AM PT]  orbert tatham: He has had to take over part of the supporting Rust codebase in order to make his perform
[11:59 AM PT]  Gavin.Hird like rewriting the Mac viewer for Swift   Metal
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well and rust is losing the highlights
[11:59 AM PT]  orbert tatham: Eh?
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: things like zig getting it
[11:59 AM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester The vanity is wearing off
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: even c  23
[11:59 AM PT]  Ubit Umarov: or c3
[12:00 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Rust is the only memory safe language without a run time and garbage collection - good luck writing a viewer in any of the others
[12:00 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Garbage colllection is an instant frame rate killer
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: uff tell me abt it
[12:01 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Not to mention the runtime performace hit
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ohh  what abotu tired compilation?
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: lol
[12:01 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird haha, the code that the compiler adds to the Mac version for automatic garbage collection
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: tiered..
[12:01 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird yes,
[12:01 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: or whatever
[12:01 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Well it's not impossible to write something decent. I looked at Cool VL the other day and turning all the graphics options up I still got 300 fps
[12:02 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Isn't that also c  
[12:02 PM PT]  orbert tatham: >?
[12:02 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird it is
[12:02 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: yeap it is
[12:02 PM PT]  orbert tatham: That is the problem
[12:02 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird version 1 codebase
[12:02 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Memory leaks and crashes
[12:02 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well version 1 looks.. rest is not 1
[12:02 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Looked not bad though compared
[12:02 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: like dayturn is nto 1
[12:02 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird it is version 1
[12:03 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird he does not use any of the coroutine stuff at all
[12:03 PM PT]  orbert tatham: I like coolVL
[12:03 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: since when 1 had pbr? :p
[12:03 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Rather limited, but it works well
[12:03 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird he has bolted it on top
[12:03 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: henry did add our terrain pbr thing
[12:03 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: i asked him at al :)
[12:04 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: err at sl..
[12:04 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird the Mac version runs like shit. Even resizing the viewer window makes a complete mess of everything
[12:04 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird but then again he does not support it
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: btw seems ll is considering going back to viewer side bakes
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: fun  no?
[12:05 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Back to the future
[12:05 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird too much load on their aws backend
[12:05 PM PT]  orbert tatham: They fail to learn from their mistakes
[12:05 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: never ubnderstud their login on moving to server side
[12:06 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: unless tpvs where doing a mess
[12:06 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: their login?? i meant their logic
[12:06 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Either one
[12:06 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Hack the viewer send naughty bakes over maybe lol
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc if they do that, they will kiil all the code tpvs now have for us
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc they always do they own crap
[12:07 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but well like all, wait to see
[12:07 PM PT]  orbert tatham: I am sure that is part of it - control
[12:07 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird might have to do with mobile traffic
[12:08 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well imagnone those servers now doing 2k pixels bakes..
[12:08 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird that too
[12:08 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: guess only using virtual cpus of aws
[12:09 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but well lets wait to see...
[12:09 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Having just played with that stuff, yeah cpu really likes playing with pixels xD
[12:09 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird does aws use vmware backend?
[12:09 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: one told that, possible still as a "maybe"..
[12:10 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well viewers have gpus that eat pixles at breakfest. lunch.. etc...
[12:11 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Exactly, right task to the right hardware
[12:11 PM PT]  orbert tatham: And generate lots of heat - apparently they also need to learn how to use GPUs evfficiently as well
[12:11 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well cool vl used 250w on ubittest2 :)
[12:11 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: where fs with pbr uses 120
[12:12 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Faster frames, too
[12:12 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc cool doing 140fps while fs domisticated to to just 30 :)
[12:12 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester heh
[12:13 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I'd say that's better though. Can always power limit, but shit code remains shit code
[12:13 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird Henri prides himself of making the viewer generate max fps
[12:13 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: well that is.. silly
[12:13 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird depends on which camp you are in
[12:13 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: even AAA games found that and do git rate limt option now
[12:14 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird never mind the montor only refres 60 or 120 times per sec
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: do give..
[12:14 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I'd rather limit framerate than chase it
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ofc on some  my gpu with not do the limited rate even :P
[12:14 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: on single threading fps matters a lot more
[12:15 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bc that is like name tells all the time of the logic of the game
[12:15 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird I guess I should call it
[12:15 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: including inputs processing etc
[12:15 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: not jsut gpu rendering..
[12:15 PM PT]  Gavin.Hird I plan to see you next week. Have a good one
[12:15 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: have fun
[12:15 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester See ya
[12:16 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: so on a action game 100fps was really needed
[12:16 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ort more...
[12:16 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Less with viewers, sure, but anything under 30 is a strain on the eyes
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: bahh you did play tons of games with 18fps  :P
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: like doom..
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: etc :)
[12:17 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I never actually did
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: pff kid..
[12:17 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: :)
[12:17 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester I grew up with a playstation and that usually held at minimum 30
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: but ok lets end for now
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: rl calls
[12:18 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester :)
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: any opensim issue?
[12:18 PM PT]  Vincent.Sylvester Nothing critical, just more voodoo
[12:18 PM PT]  orbert tatham: Later, guys
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: that is always there :)
[12:18 PM PT]  Ubit Umarov: ok have a nice week
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