From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 09:01, 9 August 2007 by Glem01 (Talk | contribs)

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Frequently asked questions

I can't find any build files or solution files

  • If you're on windows, run prebuild.bat - on linux prebuild.sh

VS2005 wont open the .sln file

  • Try running the VS2005 C#. You are probably running VS2005 C++. This is a C# project.

Running OpenSim.exe from a Cygwin shell has access denied for some dll's

  • Do a 'cd bin' followed by 'chmod 777 *' to make all dll files executable.

I cannot start my sim

I start the sim and it doesn't connect to any grid

When OpenSim is first started, it needs configuration.

I start the OpenSim.Grid.UserServer.exe and it gives an error

If this error is access denied for username@localhost, the mysql database is not set up.

It will print some text and wait for input - either an enter to accept a default value, or another value you can supply.

I want to run my own Local Grid but one or more servers fail to start

  • Be sure that you're able to start OpenSim.exe alone, in Standalone mode, and to be able to login.
  • Start the servers in the correct UGAS order and answer the questions as recommended (see OpenSim: Configuration).
  • Set all the external URI's to the correct IP: if running on your local machine, or aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd if running on a remote server.
  • Check again all the *.xml configuration files for any wrong settings or typing errors...!
  • Don't forget to connect with your SL-viewer to port 8002 (Grid User-Server) instead of 9000 (Standalone OpenSim-Server).
  • Delete all *.xml and *.yap files in the bin directory if you want to run a full reconfiguration again.

I cannot connect to my OpenSim

I connect but cannot move

If the client connects but the avatar can only spin in place and not move, then the sim is not correctly configured. It completed the initial login function, but packets are not being exchanged between the client and the sim, probably due to a network configuration error on the sim.

Can I teleport from the Linden Lab Second Life grid to my Sim?

No, OpenSim islands cannot connect to the Linden Lab grid.

I need a new UUID for my sim config

Use 'uuidgen' or generate one on the uuidgen webpage.

I want to run multiple sims

Add another xml file to bin/Regions. You need to create a new 'sim_UUID' (see above) and change the 'sim_name', 'internal_ip_port', 'sim_location_x' and 'sim_location_y' (and anything else you wish to change). Restart OpenSim.

I have problems with the viewing the worldmap

  • This may happen when running OpenSim on a Linux server, both in grid or standalone mode.
  • Symptoms: when opening the worldmap window in the SL-viewer, the sims are not displayed grahically in the worldmap, the server console shows some error related to openjpeg, the current session freezes...
  • Reason: your svn source trunk has not the correct (or whatever...) libopenjpeg-libsl library.
  • Solution: get the newest code from libsecondlife (svn co svn://opensecondlife.org/libsl/trunk), 'make' manually in the subdir openjpeg-libsl, and copy the resulting libopenjpeg-libsl- into your OpenSim .../bin subdir, overwriting the existing one.
  • Recompile & restart OpenSim.

How to ask for help

Before asking for help...

Asking in IRC

IRC channels are #opensim-help, #opensim and #opensim-dev on EFNet. Approach them in that order :) Please be courteous and remember that the developers and anyone else assisting you are volunteers there.

  • Don't ask to ask, just ask.
  • Phrase your question in the form of a question.
  • Be specific.
  • Explain the problem.
  • Describe how to reproduce the problem.
  • If you need to paste configuration files or error messages, please paste to pastebin then send the link in the IRC channel.

After you get help

  • If no-one can help you, please submit a bug.
  • If someone does help you, please document the problem and fix on the wiki on this page.
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