Chat log from the meeting on 2023-01-24

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Revision as of 14:56, 24 January 2023 by Kcozens (Talk | contribs)

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[11:00] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone.
[11:00] Lyr Lobo smiles and waves
[11:00] Lyr Lobo: Hello
[11:01] Ubit Umarov: hi
[11:01] Andrew Hellershanks: Hm... In this new version of FS Vincent and Lyr are clouds
[11:01] Lyr Lobo: Hello *grins*
[11:01] Ubit Umarov: oops Andrew already here.. im realy late
[11:01] Lyr Lobo: ah i'll rebake
[11:01] Andrew Hellershanks: ok. Took a while for them to rez.
[11:02] Andrew Hellershanks grins at Ubit
[11:02] Ubit Umarov: new fs does now improve betwork
[11:02] Ubit Umarov: ;)
[11:02] Ubit Umarov: betwork?
[11:02] Lyr Lobo grins
[11:02] Ubit Umarov: well can be a name for network .:)
[11:02] Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[11:02] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Selby
[11:03] Selby.Evans H  everyonne
[11:03] Lyr Lobo: Hello Selby!
[11:03] Ubit Umarov: welcome everyone
[11:03] Ubit Umarov: Selby!
[11:03] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:04] Ubit Umarov: out 406 assets
[11:04] Ubit Umarov: outch
[11:04] Ubit Umarov: you got fat vincent.Sylvester
[11:04] Lyr Lobo: aww
[11:04] Ubit Umarov: well where 406 assets from zeta
[11:05] Vincent.Sylvester Probably what little mesh I wear or something
[11:05] Ubit Umarov: dunno ended almost after i typed
[11:06] Vincent.Sylvester Hasn't been much going on this week, some minor cosmetics or sugar as you like to call that
[11:06] Vincent.Sylvester I spent mostly doing maintenance stuff so haven't done much code
[11:07] Vincent.Sylvester Did find something in the loginservice I may fix up later
[11:07] Vincent.Sylvester Once I understand how it actually works
[11:07] Ubit Umarov: yeah on code changes..  just some cosmetics on dotnet6
[11:08] Andrew Hellershanks: I don't have the dotnet6 branch checked out so I didn't see any changes this week.
[11:08] Vincent.Sylvester The port stuff yeah
[11:09] Ubit Umarov: well changed the Const pulbic port to 9000, since default example is for a standalone, and 9000 elsewhere
[11:09] Ubit Umarov: wel that was the other week already
[11:09] Andrew Hellershanks: I saw that mentioned last week
[11:10] Ubit Umarov: yes.. was last. week
[11:11] Ubit Umarov: meanwhile i did browe around fs code on profiles
[11:12] Ubit Umarov: and found a the cause for the fail
[11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: Ubit, excellent
[11:12] Ubit Umarov: sent info to Beq.. so we should get it fixed on next release or beta
[11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Motoko
[11:12] Motoko.Karu Hihi Andrew... Hi everyone...
[11:12] Motoko.Karu sorry for the tardiness... :)
[11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: np
[11:13] Ubit Umarov: ipfc Beq had done most the recovery for our profiles.. the issue i spoted was a minor significant detail :)
[11:14] Andrew Hellershanks: The problem is just due to some change in FS?
[11:14] Lyr Lobo greets Motoko
[11:15] Motoko.Karu waves
[11:15] Ubit Umarov: ll changed the entire profiles code, as i told on other meetings
[11:15] Andrew Hellershanks: I remember
[11:15] Ubit Umarov: Beq had to recover all the old one, lludp etc
[11:16] Jagga Meredith: is this something other grids should be aware of?
[11:17] Ubit Umarov: we did lost interest lists etc
[11:17] Ubit Umarov: this meeting is abotu all grids
[11:17] Ubit Umarov: osgrid is just host
[11:17] Ubit Umarov: :)
[11:18] Jagga Meredith: reworded - will it affect other grids, how to avoid?
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: keep older fs
[11:18] Jagga Meredith: ok
[11:18] Lyr Lobo chuckles
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: until that new one is release
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: those breakings changes where on last fs release
[11:18] Ubit Umarov: well possible other viewers also
[11:19] Andrew Hellershanks: Other viewers will be affected if they have picked up the recent changes in the LL viewer code
[11:19] Ubit Umarov: currently im not following others, like dayturn, alch etc
[11:19] Jagga Meredith: i'm on  am I OK?
[11:19] Ubit Umarov: yes
[11:20] Ubit Umarov: and they will need to do that for sl
[11:20] Orbert.Tatham Jagga: look at somebody's profile picks, that will answer your question
[11:20] Orbert.Tatham If they work, you are ok
[11:20] Jagga Meredith: ok
[11:20] Ubit Umarov: so.. some work needed..   or just copy and paste Beq's ( with mention hopefully )
[11:22] Jagga Meredith: got a loading spinny
[11:22] Orbert.Tatham All you'll get
[11:22] Jagga Meredith: k
[11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: Similar issue on the Notes tab
[11:22] Ubit Umarov: yes picks and notes
[11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Jamie
[11:23] Ubit Umarov: and as i said, interests tabs gone
[11:23] Jamie.Jordan Hi everybody
[11:23] Motoko.Karu Hihi Jamie
[11:23] Ubit Umarov: hi jamie.Jordan
[11:23] Andrew Hellershanks: Yes, no Interests tab but there is a Feed tab now.
[11:24] Ubit Umarov: that was there already  called web i think
[11:24] Andrew Hellershanks: ah, ok. Just a name change.
[11:24] Vincent.Sylvester I think we even have caps for that to show something there
[11:25] Andrew Hellershanks: I do see info on that tab
[11:26] Ubit Umarov: ahh online info only works for friends
[11:26] Selby.Evans Hi Jamie
[11:26] Ubit Umarov: evne if you are in from of the person
[11:26] Ubit Umarov: you can see they added also friends rights
[11:26] Ubit Umarov: just after the name on profile
[11:27] Ubit Umarov: now you need "see online" right to get online green
[11:27] Ubit Umarov: viewer side filter
[11:27] Ubit Umarov: even standing in front of the avatar, as i said
[11:27] Ubit Umarov: so NPCs, alwways offlne :)
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: duhh
[11:28] Vincent.Sylvester Kinda redundant and it uses different icons than on the friendslist, I can hear the screams of a UI/UX designer
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: we need ask Beq to fix that
[11:28] Ubit Umarov: i think we do send filtered online ???
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: well mb not.. that is really heavy..
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: to fetch all friends and rights
[11:29] Andrew Hellershanks: Some might call it a privacy issue to say online status if not in ones friends list.
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: anyways.. it is still broken
[11:29] Ubit Umarov: yes it is
[11:30] Ubit Umarov: but on profiles we could see it .. since ever.. if i remember
[11:30] Jagga Meredith: will that break online indicators?
[11:30] Ubit Umarov: guess only that info display on profile
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: ofc at least, if no right to see the entire word sould vanish, not nbe red there
[11:31] Ubit Umarov: oops
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: i don't see it on non friends now
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: so ok.. better
[11:32] Vincent.Sylvester Add HG into the mix and all bets are off, online in presence, 12, reported online true in griduser 287 lol
[11:32] Ubit Umarov: hmm then possible is is fixed already on this last release
[11:33] Ubit Umarov: nahh
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: ppl online on friends list do show up offline on profile
[11:34] Ubit Umarov: odd
[11:34] Vincent.Sylvester I have learned to just disregard that by now
[11:34] Jagga Meredith: that's been going on for awhile
[11:34] Vincent.Sylvester Probably wouldn't notice if it suddenly started working properly
[11:35] Ubit Umarov: yes since same code changes
[11:35] Ubit Umarov: hmm at least..
[11:35] Jagga Meredith: years
[11:35] Ubit Umarov: nahh ?? years??
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: i think that was fine on older fs
[11:36] Ubit Umarov: well i no longer have it on this machine
[11:37] Ubit Umarov: ok ill take a look to what we do send
[11:37] Vincent.Sylvester I think I kept most of the installers of the last couple years somewhere on a drive
[11:39] Vincent.Sylvester Even have that one from april fools somewhere still I think, the one which made the floaters detached from the main viewer window
[11:39] Andrew Hellershanks: Some of the older FS ones are still available on their website
[11:39] Motoko.Karu would love to be able to have separate windows....from the main viewer
[11:39] Motoko.Karu ^_^
[11:39] Ubit Umarov: well i did add a extra
[11:39] Ubit Umarov:  if on same region force online
                            if (p != null && !p.IsDeleted)
                                flags |= 0x10;
[11:40] Ubit Umarov: bc we did had a issue on that yes
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: ok so yeah guess it is a old isseu
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: since i did add that on region check
[11:43] Ubit Umarov: so those at least do show right
[11:44] Vincent.Sylvester I recall for the agent data there were issues with the caching also, not returning correct data after some time, though that was fixed years ago
[11:44] Vincent.Sylvester Has me wonder if the whole friends and online code hasn't been properly tested when it was written
[11:44] Ubit Umarov: there is region change
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: a change made on other region may take a bit to showup
[11:45] Ubit Umarov: i mean there is a region CACHE :)
[11:46] Vincent.Sylvester Also run into issues if you fill the request queue up with "is online" requests from dead endpoints, might take a while for the rest to process then
[11:46] Andrew Hellershanks: Ubit, Hm... another "magic number". Is there no pre-defined constant for that flag that can get used instead of 0x10?
[11:46] Vincent.Sylvester Had a user with 800 friends and half were from grids no longer existing, clogged up the pipes real good
[11:47] Andrew Hellershanks: :)
[11:47] Ubit Umarov: yeah we should change that to a enum
[11:47] Ubit Umarov: if we do have one..
[11:48] Ubit Umarov: guess we don't
[11:48] Andrew Hellershanks: I can't easily check these days. Something changed on my machine and I can't run monodevelop any more as it can't find a library that is installed on the machine.
[11:50] Jagga Meredith: PATH?
[11:50] Orbert.Tatham To Vincent's problem: is there any kind of repository or cache that keeps track of the various grids, last time they connected, etc.? Is there somehow that we could ping a grid to see if it is online easily and accurately?
[11:51] Andrew Hellershanks: No idea. It seems to do some checks for the library using a valid path according to ltrace.
[11:51] Vincent.Sylvester Is all xmlrpc so if you know their address you can request gridinfo, if that responds you know it is there
[11:51] Vincent.Sylvester That's how that known grids list on the ZetaWorlds website works
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: some operations to other grids are locally cached
[11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, Orbert. Didn't see you arrive as you are behind my chat window.
[11:52] Ubit Umarov: sadly several things need short expire
[11:52] Orbert.Tatham I like hiding :)
[11:52] Vincent.Sylvester
[11:52] Orbert.Tatham Thank you Vincent
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: outch lots of red there
[11:53] Vincent.Sylvester Sadly removing dead friends is really difficult without access to database
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: ohh what is my test one doing there?
[11:53] Ubit Umarov: lol
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: guess it went there on the meetings we had at Zeta?
[11:54] Vincent.Sylvester We also did tests on things
[11:54] Vincent.Sylvester For that uri alias
[11:54] Ubit Umarov: yeha guess we did yes
[11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: I hope that page knows when it last checked the existance ofa grid so it doesn't do the check(s) every time the page is loaded.
[11:55] Vincent.Sylvester It checks hourly that page just fetches the data from that
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: my edge gave up getting colors?
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: most are jsut white
[11:56] Vincent.Sylvester Probably has some sort of hard limit on how many async js calls it will run
[11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: Chrome gave up after getting in to the G's
[11:56] Ubit Umarov: oh some red in middle of the whit
[11:58] Vincent.Sylvester I tried doing a fetch of all the data all at once in one large array, but that just didn't work at all due to size limits somewhere
[11:58] Vincent.Sylvester javascript is pain
[11:58] Ubit Umarov: white may just mean no curent information, but the name
[11:59] Vincent.Sylvester If it has no data shows as red, probably just doesn't want to do 4000+ async http request calls heh
[11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: The page should store the results in a DB and only refresh the info for a given grid when the data is more than a day (or week) old.
[11:59] Orbert.Tatham Firefox has everything red or green, plus some shading on a few
[12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: We are at the top of the hour. Before I wrap up todays meeting, Jagga has a couple of items. The floor is yours, Jagga.
[12:02] Lyr Lobo smiles
[12:02] Jagga Meredith: 2 things
[12:02] Jagga Meredith: 1.  In the box in between me and Andrew is a landmark to my Orientation region on Aviworlds.  It goes all the way from basic movement to building to advanced scripting.  
It's basically finished except some code cleanup in particles.  Feel free to have a look - offer suggestions.
[12:02] Jagga Meredith: 2.  Trying to code a bowling pin.  It detects the ball and I've got the ground detection but the movement is clumsy.  Any suggestions?
[12:03] Vincent.Sylvester What are you using for movement?
[12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: Setting the pin to physical and getting hit by a moving sphere doesn't get the right effect?
[12:04] Jagga Meredith: llsetpos
[12:04] Ubit Umarov: ubode physics bouce will always mk it lose energy, so stop
[12:04] Jagga Meredith: nope  needs to fall over
[12:04] Vincent.Sylvester setpos has a delay in it
[12:04] Jagga Meredith: ah
[12:04] Vincent.Sylvester primitiveparamsfast prim_pos might work a little better
[12:04] Vincent.Sylvester Else keyframe it
[12:05] Jagga Meredith: ok
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: see ?
[12:05] Jagga Meredith: yup
[12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: It will be tricky to use KFM as multiple scenareios would be needed.
[12:05] Vincent.Sylvester You can also adjust the physics parameters of the object, things like how much grip it has sliding across
[12:05] Ubit Umarov: thats to mk sure all things do stop after a while
[12:06] Vincent.Sylvester How much bounce you get and so on
[12:06] Ubit Umarov: and do not stay burning cpu for no reason
[12:06] Jagga Meredith: yup thats what I'm demonstrating
[12:07] Andrew Hellershanks: You can stop the pin movement after the sweeper thing comes down to clear the pin area.
[12:08] Vincent.Sylvester Physics are not on rails, I have a freefall tower on my region that depending on how many sit on it or just due to cpu spike somewhere never reaches the same spot either
[12:08] Ubit Umarov: this is bounce with both set to 1 bounciness
[12:08] Jagga Meredith: k
[12:09] Ubit Umarov: hmm no idea why it gets silly after a while
[12:09] Vincent.Sylvester compound rounding errors, it's physics, it's always rounding errors :)
[12:09] Ubit Umarov: hmm ok "tunnel effect"
[12:10] Ubit Umarov: or not
[12:10] Ubit Umarov: grrr
[12:10] Vincent.Sylvester That's very amusing to look at though
[12:11] Jagga Meredith: thanks.  gotta run go bowling RL
[12:11] Jagga Meredith: mesmerizing
[12:11] Lyr Lobo: Thanks!
[12:11] Andrew Hellershanks: ok, Jagga. Good luck with it.
[12:11] Andrew Hellershanks: Sounds like a fun project
[12:11] Vincent.Sylvester I once tried to make a water slide thing fully physical, but the randomness in physics meant every other run down it ended up flung halfway across the region instead
[12:12] Vincent.Sylvester If you want things to behave in certain ways you have to play with applyimpulse and others
[12:12] Vincent.Sylvester Force it to behave itself
[12:12] Andrew Hellershanks: hope you put down a soft landing area over there for that odd time someone got flung there. :)
[12:13] Selby.Evans bye  all
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: bye
[12:13] Andrew Hellershanks: Bye, Selby
[12:13] Lyr Lobo: Thank you!  bye Selby
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: i also need rum to rl
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: run
[12:13] Orbert.Tatham Peace Selby, Ubit
[12:13] Motoko.Karu bye selby
[12:13] Lyr Lobo: bye Ubit
[12:13] Ubit Umarov: cya later
[12:13] Motoko.Karu cya ubit
[12:13] Andrew Hellershanks: ok. In that case I'll call this gathering to a close.
[12:13] Motoko.Karu heh..
[12:13] Vincent.Sylvester I think it would work quite well if I changed all the colliding parts to not have seams where their triangles meet and then set the vehicle to only have points for collisions not entire faces
[12:13] Andrew Hellershanks: Thank you all for coming. See you again next week.
[12:14] Andrew Hellershanks: Hm... I should make that a gesture to save me typing it out every week.
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