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Revision as of 23:14, 22 March 2022 by Kayaker Magic (Talk | contribs)

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Primshapes Describes prim shapes, colors and textures       (back to Database Documentation)

The current structure of the Prims table is as follows:

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
Shape int(11) YES NULL
ScaleX double NO 0
ScaleY double NO 0
ScaleZ double NO 0
PCode int(11) YES NULL
PathBegin int(11) YES NULL
PathEnd int(11) YES NULL
PathScaleX int(11) YES NULL
PathScaleY int(11) YES NULL
PathShearX int(11) YES NULL
PathShearY int(11) YES NULL
PathSkew int(11) YES NULL
PathCurve int(11) YES NULL
PathRadiusOffset int(11) YES NULL
PathRevolutions int(11) YES NULL
PathTaperX int(11) YES NULL
PathTaperY int(11) YES NULL
PathTwist int(11) YES NULL
PathTwistBegin int(11) YES NULL
ProfileBegin int(11) YES NULL
ProfileEnd int(11) YES NULL
ProfileCurve int(11) YES NULL
ProfileHollow int(11) YES NULL
State int(11) YES NULL
Texture longblob YES NULL
ExtraParams longblob YES NULL
UUID char(36) NO PRI
Media text YES NULL

      (back to Database Documentation)

ScaleX ScaleY Scalez
The size of the prim in meters.

The percent size of the hole in the prim. Divide this integer by 500.0 to get the number you see in the build dialog.

The UUID of this prim in database table Prims.

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