V2 Groups/de

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Ab OpenSimulator 0.7.6 wurde OpenSimulator mit einem Kerngruppendienst geliefert. Dies kann anstelle des Drittanbieter-Dienstes XmlRpcGroups / Flotsam verwendet werden, dies wird jedoch weiterhin unterstützt.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Einrichtung neu ist. Es kann Fehler enthalten oder bisher unbekannte Probleme bei der Skalierung auf große Raster haben. Diese Funktion ist derzeit standardmäßig nicht aktiviert.



In OpenSim.ini sind die folgenden Einstellungen im Hypergrid- und Nicht-Hypergrid-Modus erforderlich. Dadurch wird auch die Gruppentabelle in der Datenbank generiert, die für Ihre eigenständige Installation verwendet wird.

  Enabled = true
  Module = "Groups Module V2"
  MessagingModule = "Groups Messaging Module V2"

Bei einer Nicht-Hypergrid-Installation möchten Sie auch den Service-Connector als angeben

  ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups Local Service Connector"

Bei einer Hypergrid-Installation möchten Sie sie stattdessen als angeben

  ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups HG Service Connector"

Bei einer Hypergrid-Installation müssen Sie die folgenden zusätzlichen Einstellungen vornehmen.

  LocalService = local
  ;HomeURI = http://example.com:8002
  ; oder
  HomeURI = "${Const|BaseURL}:${Const|PublicPort}"


Um Kerngruppen für ein Grid zu aktivieren, muss jeder Simulator OpenSim.ini konfiguriert und die ROBUST Dienste aktiviert werden.


In OpenSim.ini sind die folgenden Einstellungen im Hypergrid- und Nicht-Hypergrid-Modus erforderlich. Dadurch wird auch die Gruppentabelle in Ihrer ROBUST-Datenbank generiert.

  Enabled = true
  Module = "Groups Module V2"
  GroupsServerURI = http://example.com:8003
  MessagingModule = "Groups Messaging Module V2"

Bei einer Nicht-Hypergrid-Installation möchten Sie auch den Service-Connector als angeben

  ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups Remote Service Connector"

Bei einer Hypergrid-Installation möchten Sie sie stattdessen als angeben

  ServicesConnectorModule = "Groups HG Service Connector"

Bei einer Hypergrid-Installation müssen Sie die folgenden zusätzlichen Einstellungen vornehmen.

  LocalService = remote
  HomeURI = http://example.com:8002


In Robust.ini müssen Sie den Kerngruppendienst aktivieren.

GroupsServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Addons.Groups.dll:GroupsServiceRobustConnector"


The script below aims to help convert existing Flotsam Groups or jOpenSim Groups (which uses Flotsam anyway) database tables to the new core group tables.

Differences between tables names

jOpenSim Flotsam V2
jos_opensim_groupactive osagent
* AgentID
* ActiveGroupID
* PrincipalID
* ActiveGroupID
jos_opensim_group osgroup
* GroupID
* Name
* Charter
* InsigniaID
* FounderID
* MemberShipFee
* OpenEnrollment
* ShowInList
* AllowPublish
* MaturePublish
* OwnerRoleID
* GroupID
* Name
* Charter
* InsigniaID
* FounderID
* MembershipFee
* OpenEnrollment
* ShowInList
* AllowPublish
* MaturePublish
* OwnerRoleID
jos_opensim_groupinvite osgroupinvite
* InviteID
* GroupID
* RoleID
* AgentID
* TMStamp
* InviteID
* GroupID
* RoleID
* PrincipalID
* TMStamp
jos_opensim_groupmembership osgroupmembership
* GroupID
* AgentID
* SelectedRoleID
* Contribution
* ListInProfile
* AcceptNotices
* GroupID
* PrincipalID
* SelectedRoleID
* Contribution
* ListInProfile
* AcceptNotices
jos_opensim_groupnotice osgroupnotice
* GroupID
* NoticeID
* Timestamp
* FromName
* Subject
* Message
* GroupID
* NoticeID
* TMStamp
* FromName
* Subject
* Message
jos_opensim_grouprolemembership osgrouprolemembership
* GroupID
* RoleID
* AgentID
* GroupID
* RoleID
* PrincipalID
jos_opensim_grouprole osrole
* GroupID
* RoleID
* Name
* Description
* Title
* Powers
* GroupID
* RoleID
* Name
* Description
* Title
* Powers


You do not need to consider the field BinaryBucket in the flotsam table osgroupnotice as long as you did not apply the patch attached to Mantis #6699. If you have applied it, then maybe the following information will help, if you do not want to miss the content in the new tables:

Byte offset and description of bucket data:

  • 0: 1 byte indicating if attachment is present
  • 1: 1 byte indicating the type of attachment
  • 2: 16 bytes - Group UUID
  • 18: 16 bytes - UUID of the attachment owner
  • 34: 16 bytes - UUID of the attachment
  • 50: variable - Name of the attachment
  •  ??: NUL byte to terminate the attachment name

This information is copied from the original patch and describes the content format of field BinaryBucket.


Use this script if your are using the Flotsam groups.

The Script (Replace ROBUSTDB with your ROBUST database and FLOTSAMDB with your database, containing your Flotsam tables!):

INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_groups`
(GroupID, Name, Charter, InsigniaID, FounderID, MembershipFee, OpenEnrollment, ShowInList,
AllowPublish, MaturePublish, OwnerRoleID)
SELECT GroupID, Name, Charter, InsigniaID, FounderID, MemberShipFee, OpenEnrollment, ShowInList, AllowPublish,
MaturePublish, OwnerRoleID
/*fill os_groups_invites in ROBUST database with values from osgroupinvite
or FlotSam osgroupinvite*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_invites`
(InviteID, GroupID, RoleID, PrincipalID, TMStamp)
SELECT InviteID, GroupID, RoleID, AgentID, TMStamp
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.osgroupinvite;
/*fill os_groups_membership in ROBUST database with values from osgroupmembership
or FlotSam osgroupmembership*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_membership`
(GroupID, PrincipalID, SelectedRoleID, Contribution, ListInProfile, AcceptNotices)
SELECT GroupID, AgentID, SelectedRoleID, Contribution, ListInProfile, AcceptNotices
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.osgroupmembership;
/*fill os_groups_notices in ROBUST database with values from osgroupnotice
or FlotSam osgroupnotice*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_notices`
(GroupID, NoticeID, TMStamp, FromName, Subject, Message)
SELECT GroupID, NoticeID, Timestamp, FromName, Subject, Message
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.osgroupnotice;
/*fill os_groups_principals in ROBUST database with values from osagent
or FlotSam osagent*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_principals`
(PrincipalID, ActiveGroupID)
SELECT AgentID, ActiveGroupID
/*fill os_groups_rolemembership in ROBUST database with values from osrolemembership
or FlotSam osgrouprolemembership*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.os_groups_rolemembership
(GroupID, RoleID, PrincipalID)
SELECT GroupID, RoleID, AgentID
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.osgrouprolemembership;
/*fill os_groups_roles in ROBUST database with values from osroles
or FlotSam osrole*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.os_groups_roles
(GroupID, RoleID, Name, Description, Title, Powers)
SELECT GroupID, RoleID, Name, Description, Title, Powers


Use this script if you are using the jOpenSim groups.

The Script (Replace ROBUSTDB with your ROBUST database and FLOTSAMDB with your database, containing your jOpenSim tables!):

/* SQL script to convert group tables from Flotsam Groups (Group database) or jOpenSim (tables in Joomla Database)
to new V2 groups, which are part of OpenSimulator core up from 0.7.6 branch*/
/* FlotSam Tables latest version from
Commit-No.: 18275462c9*/
/* jOpenSim Version:*/
/*fill os_groups_groups in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_groups
or FlotSam osgroup*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_groups`
(GroupID, Name, Charter, InsigniaID, FounderID, MembershipFee, OpenEnrollment, ShowInList,
AllowPublish, MaturePublish, OwnerRoleID)
SELECT GroupID, Name, Charter, InsigniaID, FounderID, MemberShipFee, OpenEnrollment, ShowInList, AllowPublish,
MaturePublish, OwnerRoleID
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_group;
/*fill os_groups_invites in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_groupinvite
or FlotSam osgroupinvite*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_invites`
(InviteID, GroupID, RoleID, PrincipalID, TMStamp)
SELECT InviteID, GroupID, RoleID, AgentID, TMStamp
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_groupinvite;
/*fill os_groups_membership in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_groupmembership
or FlotSam osgroupmembership*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_membership`
(GroupID, PrincipalID, SelectedRoleID, Contribution, ListInProfile, AcceptNotices)
SELECT GroupID, AgentID, SelectedRoleID, Contribution, ListInProfile, AcceptNotices
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_groupmembership;
/*fill os_groups_notices in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_groupnotice
or FlotSam osgroupnotice*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_notices`
(GroupID, NoticeID, TMStamp, FromName, Subject, Message)
SELECT GroupID, NoticeID, Timestamp, FromName, Subject, Message
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_groupnotice;
/*fill os_groups_principals in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_groupactive
or FlotSam osagent*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.`os_groups_principals`
(PrincipalID, ActiveGroupID)
SELECT AgentID, ActiveGroupID
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_groupactive;
/*fill os_groups_rolemembership in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_grouprolemembership
or FlotSam osgrouprolemembership*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.os_groups_rolemembership
(GroupID, RoleID, PrincipalID)
SELECT GroupID, RoleID, AgentID
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_grouprolemembership;
/*fill os_groups_roles in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_grouproles
or FlotSam osrole*/
INSERT INTO `ROBUSTDB`.os_groups_roles
(GroupID, RoleID, Name, Description, Title, Powers)
SELECT GroupID, RoleID, Name, Description, Title, Powers
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_grouprole;
/*fill os_groups_roles in ROBUST database with values from jos_opensim_offlinemessages
--> no corresponding table in FlotSam  --  only applies to jOpenSim*/
(PrincipalID, Message, TMStamp)
SELECT fromAgentID, Message, sent
FROM `FLOTSAMDB`.jos_opensim_offlinemessages;

More informations on jOpenSim migration from Groups V2

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