
From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 12:21, 9 September 2020 by Steevithak (Talk | contribs)

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Hi! My name is Steve Rainwater but most everyone knows me as Steevithak online. I'm a FLOSS hacker, photographer, robot builder, and maker of random weird things. I'm a long-time member of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group and cofounder of Dallas Makerspace, a hackerspace located in Dallas, TX.

I have a lot of experience with software development, mostly in C and PERL but have used a ton of other languages. Open Simulator is my first brush with C# as I'm not much of a Microsoft fan. Until I get up to speed, I'll probably just experiment on my own OpenSimulator region. In the meantime I do have some experience with MediaWiki (I host and maintain a large MediaWiki site known as Camera-Wiki) so I'll try to help with some clean up here while I'm learning more about the OpenSimulator codebase.

I'm running a little OpenSimulator test region on OSGrid called Steevopolis, feel free to stop by. It's usually running.

Contact info:

What I'm working on

  • Trying to reduce the number orphaned pages in this wiki. If you want to help see the orphaned pages list.
  • Research Papers - started a list of OpenSimulator related research papers. For now I'm only including free-available papers but may add a section for paywalled papers too. Know a paper I haven't included? Please add it!
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