From OpenSimulator
void osGrantScriptPermissions(key allowed_key, string function)
| |
Dynamically allow ossl execution to owner/creator/group by function name. | |
Threat Level | Severe (Pending Peer Review) is unknown threat level |
Permissions | No permissions specified |
Extra Delay | No function delay specified |
Example(s) | |
list functions = ["osNpcCreate", "osNpcGetPos", "osNpcLoadAppearance", "osNpcGetRot", "osNpcMoveTo", "osNpcRemove", "osNpcSaveAppearance", "osNpcSay", "osNpcSetRot","osNpcSit", "osNpcStand", "osNpcPlayAnimation", "osNpcStopAnimation","osNpcMoveToTarget", "osNpcStopMoveToTarget", "osOwnerSaveAppearance", "osAgentSaveAppearance"]; default { state_entry() { llSetColor(<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); } touch_start(integer det) { llSay(0, "Enable"); osGrantScriptPermissions(llGetOwner(), functions); state enabled; } } state enabled { state_entry() { llSetColor(<0,1,0>,ALL_SIDES); llSay(0, "ossl functions enabled"); } touch_start(integer det) { osRevokeScriptPermissions(llGetOwner(), functions); state default; } } This example will allow the owner of this object to create and manipulate NPCs. To allow other possibilities, change the llGetOwner() to any key for another avatar or group. |