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There are 4 basic steps to the viewer login process.

Step 1

The viewer contacts the grid login service. On a viewer, this can be specified by the -loginuri command line switch or by picking a grid in the grid manager of a viewer that provides this.

The viewer sends an XMLRPC login_to_simulator message to the loginuri. This provides

  • "first" - User first name
  • "last" - User last name
  • "passwd" - Hashed password
  • "version" - Viewer version
  • "start" - Start location. If "home" then the user's home location, "last" is the user's location on previous logout. Start can also be a SLURL (todo: document the format of this).

Step 2

If the user is authenticated, the simulator at which they want to start is contacted and told that they are coming. It is passed a circuit code for that viewer.

Step 3

If the simulator will accept the user, then the user is passed the details of this simulator (chiefly the URI to use, as well as the circuit code).

Step 4

The viewer connects directly to the simulator and is authenticated using the circuit code.


The simulator exposes an XML-RPC method called login_to_simulator at the loginuri URL. This takes a number of parameters from the viewer. Here's an example call.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
              <string>Singularity Release 64</string>

The parameters are as follows

  • first - First name of the user.
  • last - Last name of the user.
  • passwd - MD5 hash of the user's password with the string "$1$" prepended.
  • start - The region in which the user should start upon login. This is one of
    • "home" - start in the user's home location.
    • "last" - start in the location from which the user last logged out.
    • A specific location. This is in the format "uri:<region-name>&<x-coord>&<y-coord>&<z-coord>". For instance, the string "uri:test&128&128&0" above signals that the user should login to the center of the region named test (the avatar is placed on the ground if given a z-coordinate below terrain).


The parts of OpenSimulator that handle steps 1 and 2 can be found in OpenSim.Services.LLLoginService package.

References provides some diagrams that illustrate the login process.

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