User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Dev/Myriad Lite Module Skill Ranged Combat-v0.0.1-20120511.lsl

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// Myriad_Lite_Module_Skill_Ranged_Combat-v0.0.0-20120501.lsl
// Copyright (c) 2012 By Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Baroun's Adventure Machine Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Baroun Tardis (SL)
// Myriad Lite and Baroun's Adventure Machine licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported
// You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software.
// If you do not agree to this license, simply delete these materials.
// There is no warranty, express or implied, for your use of these materials.
string VERSION = "0.0.0"; // Allen Kerensky's script version
string VERSIONDATE = "20120501"; // Allen Kerensky's script yyyymmdd
integer MINSTAT = 1; // min value for statistics
integer MAXSTAT = 5; // max human value for a statistic/attribute
integer MINSKILL = 1; // min value for skill rank
integer MAXSKILL = 5; // max value for skill rank
integer MINDAMAGE = 1; // min attack dice for weapon
integer MAXDAMAGE = 5; // max attack dice for weapon
integer CHANMYRIAD = -999; // chat sent to ALL Myriad players in region
string DIV = "|"; // message field divider
// Module to Module Messaging Constants
//integer MODULE_HUD = -1;
//integer MODULE_CHARSHEET = -2;
//integer MODULE_ARMOR = -3;
//integer MODULE_BAM = -4;
//integer MODULE_RUMORS = -5;
//integer MODULE_CLOSE = -6;
integer MODULE_RANGED = -7;
//integer LM_SENDTOATTACHMENT = 0x80000000;
integer FLAG_DEBUG = FALSE; // see debug messages?
key PLAYERID = NULL_KEY; // cached player UUID
string PLAYERNAME = ""; // cached player name
string NAME = ""; // character name
list STATISTICS = [];
list SKILLS = []; // skills [ string SkillName, integer SkillRank ]
integer FLAG_INCAPACITATED; // incapacitated by wounds?
integer FLAG_DEAD; // killed by critical wounds?
// Returns the ability test score for use by success fail, opposed rolls, etc
// See Myriad PDF page 18, Myriad Special Edition page 24
integer ABILITY_TEST(integer attribute,integer skill) {
    integer highroll = 0; // clear out the highest roll
    while( attribute-- ) { // roll a dice for each point of the attribute
        integer roll = 1+(integer)llFrand(5.0); // roll this d6
        if ( roll > highroll) highroll = roll; // if this is highest roll so far, remember it
    } // finished rolling a dice for each point of the base attribute
    return highroll + skill; // now, return the total of highest dice roll + skill value
// COMBATOFF - turn off fist fighter
// COMBATON - turn on fist fighter
// DEBUG - show debug chat with wearer name for sorting
DEBUG(string dmessage) {
    if ( FLAG_DEBUG == TRUE ) { // are we debugging?
        llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL,"("+llKey2Name(PLAYERID)+") Module Ranged: "+dmessage);
// DEBUGON - turn on the DEBUG flag
    FLAG_DEBUG = TRUE; // set debug flag TRUE
    llOwnerSay("Debug Mode Activated");
// DEBUGOFF - turn off the DEBUG flag
    FLAG_DEBUG = FALSE; // set debug flag to FALSE
    llOwnerSay("Debug Mode Deactivated");
// ERROR - show errors on debug channel with wearer name for sorting
ERROR(string emessage) {
    llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL,"ERROR ("+llKey2Name(PLAYERID)+") Module Ranged: "+emessage);
// Requires a SKILL NAME
// Returns the rank value for that skill, or zero if player doesn't have skill
integer GET_SKILL_RANK(string askill) {
    integer atskill = 0; // start with skill zero in case character does not have that skill
    integer skillpos = llListFindList(SKILLS,[askill]); // position of skill name in list 0-n, or -1 if not found
    if ( skillpos >= 0 ) { // skill name was somewhere in list
        atskill = llList2Integer(SKILLS,++skillpos); // move to next pos in list after skillname and get skill rank there
        if ( atskill >= MINSKILL && atskill <= MAXSKILL ) return atskill; // found skill with value in range, return it;
    } // fall through...
    return 0; // player has zero levels in skill
integer GETSTAT(string name) {
    integer pos = llListFindList(STATISTICS,[name]);
    if ( pos >= 0 ) {
        return llList2Integer(STATISTICS,pos + 1);
    return 0;
    DEBUG("Free Memory: "+(string)llGetFreeMemory());
// An Opposed Ability Test - Myriad PDF p. 19 Myriad Special Edition p. 25
// Requires Attacker Attribute Name, Attacker Skill Name, Defender Attribute Name, Defender Skill Name
// Returns TRUE for Success, FALSE for failure
integer OPPOSED_TEST(integer aattrib,integer askill,integer dattrib,integer dskill) {
    integer acheck = ABILITY_TEST(aattrib,askill); // calculate attacker's ability test
    integer dcheck = ABILITY_TEST(dattrib,dskill); // calculate defender's ability test
    if ( acheck > dcheck ) return TRUE; // attacker more than defender = attacker wins
    return FALSE; // defender wins
// RESET - shut down running animations then reset the script to reload character sheet
    llResetScript(); // now reset
RPEVENT(string rpevent) {
    llRegionSay(CHANMYRIAD,"RPEVENT|"+NAME+" ("+PLAYERNAME+") "+rpevent);
// SETUP - begin bringing the HUD online
    PLAYERID = llGetOwner(); // remember the owner's UUID
    PLAYERNAME = llKey2Name(PLAYERID); // remember the owner's legacy name
    DEBUG("Version: "+VERSION+" Date: "+VERSIONDATE);
// DEFAULT STATE - load character sheet
default {
    // attach - when attached or detached from inventory or during login
    attach(key id) {
        id = NULL_KEY; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // force to go through state entry
    link_message(integer sender_num,integer sender,string message,key id) {
        if ( sender == MODULE_RANGED ) return; // ignore our own messages
        DEBUG("Link Message: "+message);        
        sender_num = 0; // LSLINT
        id = NULL_KEY; // LSLINT
        list fields = llParseString2List(message,[DIV],[]); // break line of text into = delimited fields
        string command = llToLower(llStringTrim(llList2String(fields,0),STRING_TRIM)); // field zero is the "command"
        string data = llStringTrim(llList2String(fields,1),STRING_TRIM); // field one is the data
        list subfields = llParseString2List(data,["="],[]); // break data field into comma-delimited subfields if needed
        if ( command == "set_statistic" ) {
            string statname = llList2String(subfields,0); // find the boon name
            integer statrank = llList2Integer(subfields,1); // find the boon rank value
            // TODO how to verify stat names are valid?
            if ( statrank >= MINSTAT && statrank <= MAXSTAT ) { // rank valid?
                STATISTICS = [statname,statrank] + STATISTICS; // add statistic to list
            } else { // invalid, report it
                ERROR("STATISTIC "+statname+" rank "+(string)statrank+" value out of allowed range: "+(string)MINSTAT+"-"+(string)MAXSTAT);
        if ( command == "set_skill" ) {
            string skillname = llList2String(subfields,0); // find the skill name
            integer skillrank = llList2Integer(subfields,1); // find the skill rank
            // TODO how to verify skill names are valid?
            if ( skillrank >= MINSKILL && skillrank <= MAXSKILL ) { // skill rank valid?
                if ( skillname == "Ranged Combat" ) {
                    SKILLS = [skillname,skillrank] + SKILLS; // add skill to list
            } else { // invalid, report it
                ERROR("SKILL "+skillname+" rank "+(string)skillrank+" value out of allowed range: "+(string)MINSKILL+"-"+(string)MAXSKILL);
        if ( command == "combatoff" ) { COMBATOFF(); return; }
        if ( command == "combaton" ) { COMBATON(); return; }
        if ( command == "debugoff" ) { DEBUGOFF(); return; }
        if ( command == "debugon" ) { DEBUGON(); return; }
        if ( command == "reset" ) { RESET(); return; }
        if ( command == "memory" ) { MEMORY(); return; }
        if ( command == "version" ) { SHOW_VERSION(); return; }
        if ( command == "dead" ) { FLAG_DEAD = TRUE; return; }
        if ( command == "alive" ) { FLAG_DEAD = FALSE; return; }
        if ( command == "incapacitated" ) { FLAG_INCAPACITATED = TRUE; return; }
        if ( command == "revived" ) { FLAG_INCAPACITATED = FALSE; return; }
        if ( command == "rangedhit" ) { // mortal combat attack message?
            integer attackstat = llList2Integer(fields,1); // get attackers stat
            integer attackskill = llList2Integer(fields,2); // get attackers skill
            integer attackdice = llList2Integer(fields,3); // get attacker object's attack dice
            key owner = llList2Key(fields,4); // get attacker object's key
            string item = llList2String(fields,5); // get attacker object name
            if ( attackstat < MINSTAT || attackstat > MAXSTAT ) { // is the attack stat value out of allowed range?
                ERROR("Attack stat value "+(string)attackstat+" out of range: "+(string)MINSTAT+"-"+(string)MAXSTAT);
                // TODO make a tattletale RP event?
            if ( attackskill < MINSKILL || attackstat > MAXSKILL ) { // is the attack skill value out of allowed range?
                ERROR("Attack skill value "+(string)attackskill+" out of range: "+(string)MINSKILL+"-"+(string)MAXSKILL);
                // TODO make a tattletale RP event?
            if ( attackdice < MINDAMAGE || attackdice > MAXDAMAGE ) { // is the attacking weapon's attack dice value out of allowed range?
                ERROR("Attack dice value out of range: "+(string)MINDAMAGE+"-"+(string)MAXDAMAGE);
                // TODO make a tattletale RP event?
            integer skillamount = 0; // create a place to hold the defenders mortal combat skill rank
            skillamount = GET_SKILL_RANK("Ranged Combat"); // get ranged combat skill rank
            // see if we're hit
            integer amihit = OPPOSED_TEST(attackstat,attackskill,GETSTAT("Grace"),skillamount); // attacker power+skill vs. defender grace+skill
            if ( amihit == TRUE ) { // we're hit!
                if ( command == "HITCHECK" || command == "RANGEDHIT" ) { // we're hit by ranged attack
                    llOwnerSay("You've been hit in ranged combat by "+llKey2Name(owner)+"'s "+item+"!");
                    RPEVENT("struck by "+llKey2Name(owner)+"'s "+item+" in ranged combat!");
                llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS,MODULE_RANGED,"HIT|"+(string)attackdice,PLAYERID); // apply the hit
        // Actions NOT Allowed When Dead/Incapacitated go below here
        if ( FLAG_DEAD == TRUE || FLAG_INCAPACITATED == TRUE ) return;
        if ( command == "attachranged" ) { // holding a ranged weapon rather than using fists
        if ( command == "detachranged" ) { // are we going back to fists?
        // If Your Bullet has hit, fire a hitcheck regionwide at targetplayer's channel
        if ( command == "rangedcombat" ) {
            integer attdice = llList2Integer(fields,1); // get attack dice of weapon used
            string hitwho = llList2String(fields,2); // get UUID of who we hit
            string bywho = llList2String(fields,3); // should be our own UUID
            string bywhat = llList2String(fields,4); // name of item we hit with (good for bullets/missiles)
            integer victimchan = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString(hitwho,0,6)); // calculate victim's dynamic channel
            integer attskill = 0; // zero our attack skill
            attskill = GET_SKILL_RANK("Ranged Combat"); // get ranged combat skill level
            llRegionSay(victimchan,"RANGEDHIT"+DIV+(string)GETSTAT("Power")+DIV+(string)attskill+DIV+(string)attdice+DIV+bywho+DIV+bywhat); // attack!
        } // end if RANGEDCOMBAT/TOHIT
    } // end of link_message event
    // on_rez - when rezzed to ground or from inventory as attachment during login
    on_rez(integer params) {
        params = 0; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // force to go through state entry
    // STATE ENTRY - called on Reset
    state_entry() {
        SETUP(); // show credits and start character sheet load
} // end state
// END
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