User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Dev/Myriad Lite Module BAM-v0.0.4-20120317.lsl

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// Myriad_Lite_Module_BAM-v0.0.4-20120317.lsl
// Copyright (c) 2011-2012 By Baroun Tardis (OSG/SL) and Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Baroun's Adventure Machine Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Baroun Tardis (SL)
// Myriad Lite and Baroun's Adventure Machine licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported
// You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software.
// If you do not agree to this license, simply delete these materials.
// There is no warranty, express or implied, for your use of these materials.

//string VERSION = "0.0.2"; // Allen Kerensky's script version
//string VERSIONDATE = "20120201"; // Allen Kerensky's script yyyymmdd
string CHAN_PREFIX = "0x"; // channel prefix for calculating dynamic channels
string DIV = "|"; // message field divider

// Module to Module Messaging Constants
integer MODULE_HUD = -1;
integer MODULE_CHARSHEET = -2;
integer MODULE_ARMOR = -3;
integer MODULE_BAM = -4;
integer MODULE_RUMORS = -5;
integer LM_SENDTOATTACHMENT = 0x80000000;

string API_OFFERADV = "OfferAdv"; // Offer an adventure to HUD wearer
string API_ACCEPTADV = "AcceptAdv"; // Offer accepted player is on an adventure
string API_INADV_QUERY = "InAdv?"; // Ask a player HUD if the player is in an adventure - InAdv?
string API_INADV_RESPONSE = "InAdv"; // In Adventure Response Yes: InAdv | String AdventureName  No: InAdv | NONE
string API_TASKIP_QUERY = "TaskIP?";
string API_TASKIP_RESPONSE = "TaskIP"; // Task In Progress Reply current task in progress: TaskIP | AdventureGoal
string API_TASKCP_QUERY = "TaskCP?"; // Task Complete Query
string API_TASKCP_RESPONSE = "TaskCP"; // Task Complete Reply
string API_DONETASK = "DoneTask"; // Task Done - player achieved current goal NPC sends: DoneTask | GoalText | TaskDone Text | PlayerUUID
string API_DONEADV = "DoneAdv"; // Done Adventure reply
string API_NONE = "NONE"; // a fixed string when not in adventure - uses variable to stay consistent everywhere
string API_ADDTASK = "AddTask"; // Add a task to the Player HUD - AddTask | TaskNumber | String Describing Task
string API_ADDHINT = "AddHint"; // Add a hint for a task to the Player HUD - AddHint | TaskNumber | String Hint
string MSG_NO_ADVENTURE = "Looking for adventure...";
string MSG_CURRENT_ADVENTURE = "Adventure: ";
string MSG_CURRENT_GOAL = "Overall Goal: ";
string MSG_CURRENT_TASK = "Current Task: ";
string MSG_CURRENT_HINT = "Current Hint: ";

integer CHANOBJBAM; // channel of thing we're talking to
string  STATUSMSG; // scratch space to build status messages
integer STATUS_FLAG; // show status as HUD hover text

// Adventure-Specific Configuration
// Task numbers are (AdvNum*100)+task, so they don't overlap between adventures
string  ADVNAME="NONE"; // Adventure Name
string  ADVTEXT; // brief description
// Current Task-specific info
string  ADVTASKTODO; // task name of the next task handed out
integer ADVTASKTDNUM; // task number of the next task handed out
string  ADVTASKTODOHINT; // Hint text for the next task handed out
// Previous Task-specific info
list    ADVTCOMP; // completed task numbers (list of numbers)
integer FLAG_DEBUG; // show debugging?

DEBUG(string debugmsg) {
    if ( FLAG_DEBUG == TRUE ) llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL,"("+llKey2Name(llGetOwner())+") MOD BAM: "+debugmsg);

// SETUP - begin bringing the HUD online
    llSetText("",<0,0,0>,0); // clear any previous hovertext
    if ( llGetAttached() >= 31 && llGetAttached() <= 38 ) { // are we attached to a HUD slot?
        STATUS_FLAG = TRUE; // turn on HUD hovertext
    } else {
            STATUS_FLAG = FALSE; // turn off body attached hovertext

// RESET - shut down running animations then reset the script to reload character sheet
    llResetScript(); // now reset

// GLOBAL STATUS() - update adventure data on HUD
    if ( ADVNAME == API_NONE ) { // is player in an adventure?
    } else { // yep, build the status
            MSG_CURRENT_GOAL + ADVTEXT + "\n" +
            MSG_CURRENT_TASK + ADVTASKTODO + "\n" +
    if ( STATUS_FLAG == FALSE ) { // if attached to body, use chat output
    } else { // attached to HUD slot, use hovertext

// DEFAULT STATE - load character sheet
default {

    // STATE ENTRY - called on Reset
    state_entry() {
        SETUP(); // show credits and start character sheet load

    // ON_REZ - logged in with meter, or worn from inventory while running
    on_rez(integer param) {
        param = 0; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // a reset to reload character

    // ATTACH - logged in with meter or worn from inventory/ground while running
    attach(key id) {
        id = NULL_KEY; // LSLINT
        RESET(); // a reset to reload character

    // TOUCH_START - touch HUD for adventure update
    touch_start(integer total_number) {
        total_number = 0; // LSLINT

    // LINK MESSAGE - commands to and from other prims in HUD
    link_message(integer sender,integer sending_module,string message, key speakerid) {
        if ( sending_module == MODULE_BAM || sending_module == LM_SENDTOATTACHMENT ) return; // ignore our own messages
        DEBUG("link_message: sender=["+(string)sender+"] sending_module=["+(string)sending_module+"] message=["+message+"] speakerid=["+(string)speakerid+"]");
        sender = 0; // LSLINT
        if ( message == "BAMSTATUS" ) { STATUS(); return;} // show status when specifically requested
        if ( message == "BAMRESET" ) { RESET(); return;} // reset on command
        // calculate BAM dynamic channel of item/player talking to us
        CHANOBJBAM = (integer)(CHAN_PREFIX + llGetSubString((string)speakerid,-7,-1));

        // break down the commands and messages into units we can work with
        list fields = llParseString2List(message,[DIV],[]); // break into list of fields based on DIVider
        string command = llList2String(fields,0); // assume the first field is a Myriad Lite command
        string data1   = llList2String(fields,1);
        string data2   = llList2String(fields,2);
        string data3   = llList2String(fields,3);

        // We're asked what adventure we're in
        if ( command == API_INADV_QUERY ) {
            llSay(CHANOBJBAM,API_INADV_RESPONSE + DIV + ADVNAME); // reply with In Adventure and Adventure Name
            return; // command done, return early

        // We're asked our current task in progress
        if ( command == API_TASKIP_QUERY ) { // what task in progress?
            // respond with task in progress
            llSay(CHANOBJBAM, API_TASKIP_RESPONSE + DIV + (string)ADVTASKTDNUM); // Reply with current task in progress and number
            return; // command done, return early

        // Get list of completed tasks
        if ( command == API_TASKCP_QUERY ) { // what tasks complete?
            llSay(CHANOBJBAM, API_TASKCP_RESPONSE + DIV + llList2CSV(ADVTCOMP)); // reply with current task complete list as CSV
            return; // command done, return early

        // player is offered an adventure
        if ( command == API_OFFERADV ) { // want adventure?
            // FIXME need to add dialog box to accept/decline later
            ADVNAME=data1; // name of the adventure
            ADVTEXT=data2; // description of the adventure
            ADVTCOMP=[]; // clear the completed task list and start new one
            ADVTASKTODO=""; // clear the next task name
            ADVTASKTDNUM=0; // clear the next task number
            llSay(CHANOBJBAM, API_ACCEPTADV + DIV +data1); // accept the adventure
            return; // command done, return early

        // add the next task to complete
        if ( command == API_ADDTASK ) { // add a task
            ADVTASKTDNUM=(integer)data1; // next task number
            ADVTASKTODO=data2; // next task name
            llOwnerSay(ADVTASKTODO); // tell player the next task name
            return; // command done, return early

        // add a hint for the next task to complete
        if( ( command == API_ADDHINT ) && ( (integer)data1 == ADVTASKTDNUM) ) {
            ADVTASKTODOHINT=data2; // next task hint
            llOwnerSay(ADVTASKTODOHINT); // tell that player the next task hint
            return; // command done, return early

        // is player done with this task of the adventure?
        if ( ( command == API_DONETASK ) && ( (integer)data1 == ADVTASKTDNUM) ) {
            ADVTCOMP = [(integer)data1] + ADVTCOMP; // add this task number to completed list
            ADVTASKTDNUM=0; // clear out the task number we're working on since its done now
            ADVTASKTODO=""; // clear out the task name
            ADVTASKTODOHINT=""; // clear out the task hint
            llOwnerSay(data2); // tell player task is complete
            if ( data3 != "" ) llPlaySound(data3,0.5); // play sound if one was defined
            return; // command done, return early

        // is player done with the entire adventure?
        if ( ( command == API_DONEADV ) && ( data1 == ADVNAME ) ) {
            ADVTCOMP = []; // clear out adventure tasks - we're done
            ADVTASKTDNUM=0; // clear out next task number
            ADVTASKTODO=""; // clear out name of next task
            ADVTASKTODOHINT=""; // clear out next task hint
            ADVNAME=API_NONE; // set current adventure name to none
            ADVTEXT="Looking for adventure..."; // set the current adventure name to
            llOwnerSay(data2); // tell player adventure is complete
            if ( data3 != "" ) llPlaySound(data3,0.5); // play sound if one was defined
            return; // command done, return early
    } // end listen
} // end state running
// END

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