User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 5/BAM Touch Goal

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Myriad Lite BAM Touch Goal

Each step/task of the quest or adventure is represented by a goal object.

There are two basic parts to configuring a Goal object:

  1. Configure the current task that the player must be working on, in order to have "successfully" found this goal.
  2. Configure a NEXT task to hand out when the player finishes this current task, to send the player on to the next goal.

There are currently 3 starter goal objects, with many more possible, to help nudge players through your quest.

Touch Goal

There is a touch goal which must be clicked with the mouse.

This could represent opening the treasure chest, opening the door to the final clue area, pressing the correct button on the bomb to defuse it, etc.

The touch goal checks the distance to the player to make sure the goal "is in arm's reach" of the player when activated.

By combining these three goals, and clever task descriptions and hints, you can build an infinite number of scavenger-hunt style quests for players in your regions.


Configuring all three goals is a similar process:

  1. Create the goal object - such as a door, box, control panel button, etc.
  2. Drop in the goal script
  3. Edit the goal script ADVENTURE-SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION settings at the top.
    1. MSG_SETTEXT: the hovertext message over the quest goal. Example: "Processed Red Salt Cask";
    2. MSG_SETTEXT_COLOR: color of the hovertext. Examples:
    3. MSG_SETTEXT_ALPHA: alpha/transparency of the hovertext. Examples: 0.0 = invisible, 1.0 = fully visible.
    4. ADVNAME: short name of this adventure: Example "Red Salt Quest"
    5. ADVGOAL: the current task number that finding this goal will complete. Example: 101 Note: You can have multiple goal objects with the same goal number. That gives players multiple avenues to complete the same step of the quest.
    6. TASKDONETEXT: message to player they they found the goal to complete this task. Example: "You've found the salt mine! You'll need a lantern."
    7. TASKDONEUUID: uuid of a sound to play for player when they complete this step. Example: "step101done" Note: if you put a sound file in the goal object inventory, then this variable can be the name of the sound file.
    8. PRIZENAME: A prize to give player for completing this task step in the overrall quest. Example: "Cave Lantern" Note: Not every goal needs to give out a prize, but this lets you equip player with necessary bits to complete later tasks in the quest.
    9. ADVTASKTDNUM: the NEXT task number "to-do" now that player has completed THIS task. Example: 102 NOTE: You can have multiple goals with the same task number that give the same OR DIFFERENT Next Task numbers. This can channel players into different parts of your quests based on which goal items they activated at that step.
    10. ADVTASKTODO: a description of the NEXT task in the quest. Example: "Explore the mine for processed red salt."
    11. ADVTASKTODOHINT: a hint to help player complete the next task. Example: "Processed red salt is usually stored and shipped in casks or barrels"
    12. TRIGGERWAIT: how long must player wait before being able to re-trigger this goal, in seconds. Example: 60
    13. PRIZEWAIT: how long must player wait between getting the prize from this goal again, in seconds: Example 3600 (=1 hour, 86400 = 1 day)
    14. EVENTTIMER: time between processing the recent and prizegiven lists, in seconds. Example 15.0 Note: Smaller numbers mean more accuracy but more lag. Larger numbers mean less lag but less precise list processing and cleanup.
  4. Save and close the script.
  5. Place the next goal using steps 1-4 above...
  6. Set the last goal in the quest to give the player a TASK and HINT to go back to the quest NPC for the main quest prize.


// Baroun's Adventure Machine BAM_Touch_Goal-v0.0.8-20120130.lsl
// Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Baroun Tardis (SL) and Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Baroun's Adventure Machine Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Baroun Tardis (SL)
// Myriad Lite and Baroun's Adventure Machine licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported
// You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software.
// If you do not agree to this license, simply delete these materials.
// There is no warranty, express or implied, for your use of these materials.

// Adventure-Specific Configuration
// Task numbers are (AdvNum*100)+task, so they don't overlap between adventures

// NPC or object-specific info

// Adventure-specific info
string ADVNAME          = "Red Salt"; // Adventure Name

// Current Task-specific info
integer ADVGOAL         = 102; // current goal
string  TASKDONETEXT    = "You've found the salt!"; // Mission complete message
string  TASKDONEUUID    = "f78027c9-e8bb-38f2-9b11-1d4e89ac10a4"; // sound byte to play
string  PRIZENAME       = "NONE"; // prize to give when mission complete

// Next Task-specific info
integer ADVTASKTDNUM    = 103; // next task to hand out when task is done
string  ADVTASKTODO     = "Return the salt to the baker"; // the next goal message
string  ADVTASKTODOHINT = "He's where you first met him"; // hint for the next goal

float TOUCH_RANGE = 1.5; // in meters, how close to be for touch to work arms & legs = 1.5m
integer PRIZEWAIT = 3600; // seconds to remember players who got prize?
float EVENTTIMER = 15.0; // seconds between running memory and list cleanup timed events

// Ask a player HUD if the player is in an adventure - InAdv?

// Player responds:
// Yes in an adventure - InAdv | String AdventureName
// No, not in adventure - InAdv | NONE

// Task In Progress Query - Ask player what their current goal is
// NPC/Object Send Example: TaskIP?

// Task In Progress Response - The player Responds with current task in progress
// Player Send Example: TaskIP | AdventureGoal

// Task Done - Tell player they have achieved their current goal
// NPC Object Send Example: DoneTask | GoalText | TaskDone Text | PlayerUUID

// Add a task to the Player HUD - AddTask | TaskNumber | String Describing Task
// Add a hint for a task to the Player HUD - AddHint | TaskNumber | String Hint

string MSG_STARTUP          = "Baroun's Adventure Machine is activating";
string CHAN_PREFIX          = "0x"; // prefix for calculating dynamic channels from UUIDs
string API_DIVIDER          = "|"; // The field divider within BAM packets
string API_INADV_QUERY      = "InAdv?"; // ask a player HUD if the player is in an adventure?
string API_INADV_RESPONSE   = "InAdv"; // player response to in adventure request
string API_TASKIP_QUERY     = "TaskIP?"; // what is player task-in-progress?
string API_TASKIP_RESPONSE  = "TaskIP"; // player says current task-in-progress
string API_DONETASK         = "DoneTask"; // tell player the task is done
string API_NONE             = "NONE"; // magic value for no current adventure, or no prize
string API_ADDTASK          = "AddTask"; // add a task to player HUD
string API_ADDHINT          = "AddHint"; // add a task hint to player HUD

list    RECENT;     // list people who recently checked this goal
list    GOTPRIZES; // list of who got prizes [UUID,unixtime]
key     AVKEY;      // key of player
string  AVNAME;     // name of player
integer BAM;        // Channel we listen on
integer TARGET;     //channel of thing we're talking to
integer HANDLE;     // hold a handle for the open listener

default {
    state_entry() {
        // calculate our dynamic channel
        BAM= (integer)(CHAN_PREFIX + llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-7,-1));
        HANDLE = llListen(BAM,"",NULL_KEY,""); // start a listener with llremove handle
        llSetTimerEvent(EVENTTIMER); // set a timer to manage the recent list

    timer() {
        // on timer, check memory left and clear recent list if needed
        integer freemem = llGetFreeMemory(); // how much memory free?
        if ( freemem < 1024 ) { // is it too little?
            llInstantMessage(llGetOwnerKey(llGetKey()),"Memory low for "+llGetObjectName()+" in "+llGetRegionName()+". Resetting RECENT list.");
            RECENT=[]; // clear the recent list
            GOTPRIZES=[]; // clear the gotPrizes list
            return; // exit timer event, no sense in processing lists further since we just emptied them
        // check to see if entries in RECENT list have expired
        integer i; // temporary index number into list
        list temprecent = []; // temporary list to hold entries we want to keep
        key who; // temporary place to keep the keys we process in the lists
        integer time; // temporary place to keep the time we process in the lists
        for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(RECENT); i += 2) { // step through strided list from begin to end
            who = llList2Key(RECENT,i); // get the UUID for this list stride
            time = llList2Integer(RECENT,i+1); // get the integer time for this list stride
            if ( llGetUnixTime() < time ) temprecent = [who,time] + temprecent; // non expired, keep this entry
        RECENT = temprecent; // now, replace the RECENT list with the pruned version
        // check to see if entries in GOTPRIZES list have expired
        temprecent = []; // clear the temp list again
        for (i = 0; i < llGetListLength(GOTPRIZES); i += 2) { // step through next strided list
            who = llList2Key(GOTPRIZES,i); // get the uuid for this list stride
            time = llList2Integer(GOTPRIZES,i+1); // get the integer time for this list stride
            if ( llGetUnixTime() < time ) temprecent = [who,time] + temprecent; // non expired, keep this entry
        GOTPRIZES = temprecent; // replace the gotprizes list with the pruned one        
    touch_start(integer times_touched) {
        while (times_touched--) { // count down through all touches in this event
            AVKEY=llDetectedKey(times_touched); // get the UUID of the toucher
            AVNAME=llDetectedName(times_touched); // get the name of the toucher
            float dist = llVecDist(llGetPos(),llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(AVKEY,[OBJECT_POS]),0)); // find distance between item and toucher
            if ( dist <= TOUCH_RANGE ) { // is toucher within arms reach?
                if ( llListFindList(RECENT,[AVKEY]) == -1 ) { // is player in recent list?
                    RECENT = [AVKEY] + RECENT; // no, add player to list
                // calculate player-specific BAM dynamic channel
                TARGET= (integer)(CHAN_PREFIX + llGetSubString((string)AVKEY,-7,-1));
                llSay(TARGET, API_INADV_QUERY); // ask player if they are in adventure, must be within 10m for effect
    listen(integer chan, string name, key id, string msg) {
        chan = 0; // LSLINT
        name = ""; // LSLINTlsl
        // calculate the BAM dynamic channel of the person interacting with us
        TARGET= (integer)(CHAN_PREFIX + llGetSubString((string)llGetOwnerKey(id),-7,-1));

        list tokens = llParseString2List(msg, [API_DIVIDER], []); // split message apart around | symbols
        string command = llList2String(tokens, 0); // assign first item in list as BAM command
        string data    = llList2String(tokens, 1); // assign second item in list as BAM data for command

        // if they answer with the current adventure, then react accordingly
        if ( command == API_INADV_RESPONSE ) { // player responded they are in an adventure
            if ( data == ADVNAME ) { // are they in THIS adventure?
                llSay(TARGET,API_TASKIP_QUERY); // if so, ask which task in this adventure they are working on
                return; // exit early to save processing
            return; // done processing "in adventure" responses, exit listen early

        if ( command == API_TASKIP_RESPONSE ) { // player responded with their task in progress
            if ( data == (string)ADVGOAL ) { // its the task for THIS object - player has found the goal

                // tell player HUD the task is done! - DoneTask|(num)|(text)|UUID
                // now tell GM the task is done
                llInstantMessage(llGetOwnerKey(llGetKey()),llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id))+" (adventure "+ADVNAME+"): finished task "+(string)ADVGOAL+" ("+TASKDONETEXT+").");

                // The Task is Done, Distribute the Prize, if any
                if ( PRIZENAME != API_NONE && llListFindList(GOTPRIZES,[llGetOwnerKey(id)]) == -1 ) { // is there a prize at this step?
                    llGiveInventory(llGetOwnerKey(id),PRIZENAME); // give it over
                    GOTPRIZES = [ llGetOwnerKey(id), (llGetUnixTime() + PRIZEWAIT) ] + GOTPRIZES; // remember who and when
                    // tell the GM
                    llInstantMessage(llGetOwnerKey(llGetKey()),llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id))+" (adventure "+ADVNAME+") prize given: "+PRIZENAME);
                // Does finishing this task trigger a new task? If so, add it and a hint to the HUD
                if ( ADVTASKTDNUM != 0 ) { // there is a "TODO" task too
                    // assign the next task to the player HUD
                    // assign the next task HINT to the player HUD
                    // tell the GM the player is on the next task
                    llInstantMessage(llGetOwnerKey(llGetKey()),llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id))+" (adventure "+ADVNAME+"): Assigning next task "+(string)ADVTASKTDNUM+" ("+ADVTASKTODO+")");
                return; // we're done with API_TASKIP_RESPONSE, so exit listen early in case we add more commands later
            } // if data = ADVGOAL
            return; // return early since we are done with TASKIP responses, in case we add more later
        } // end if command equal TASKIP reponse
// END

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