RemoteAdmin:admin save heightmap

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Revision as of 08:25, 10 December 2011 by Michelle Argus (Talk | contribs)

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admin_save_heightmap remotely allows to save a hight map of the regions to file.


Enabling admin_save_heightmap

If not all functions are enabled, use admin_save_heightmap to enable the function in the [RemoteAdmin] section

enabled_methods = admin_save_heightmap,...


Required Parameters

These parameters are required

parameter Description Values
regionid region uuid
filename save height map as file name

Optional Parameters

No optional parameters.

Returned Parameters

Returned Parameters

These parameters are returned by Remote Admin

parameter Description Values
success true when successfull true

Error messages

When an error occures the following error value are returned


  • accepted is an returned parameter, probably used prior to success



// Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class.
// Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above
$myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret');
// Invoke admin_save_heightmap (multiple parameters)
$parameters = array('regionid' => '000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000', 'filename' => 'my_terrain.raw');
$myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_save_heightmap', $parameters);
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