Chat log from the meeting on 2011-11-15

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Revision as of 17:34, 15 November 2011 by Justincc (Talk | contribs)

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[2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: infact in windows its worse [2011/11/01 10:59] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, it's more likely some opensim issue [2011/11/01 10:59] dan banner: lbsa crashed earlier with that mm whatever it was out of memory error [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: cause your stuck with 32bit in windows [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: which limits .net to 2gb total space [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: unless you do the 3gb hack [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: which pretty much no one does [2011/11/01 10:59] Justin Clark-Casey: It really should be possible to auto-start it o n64 bit mode [2011/11/01 10:59] Justin Clark-Casey: it's yet another thing on my list that I; simply dont' get the capacity to address [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: ya well even so [2011/11/01 10:59] Nebadon Izumi: in 32 bit windows [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: it performs worse than 32 bit linux [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: 32 bit linux will always die around 3.5gb memory [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: windows its 3gb [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: err 2gb [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: default [2011/11/01 11:00] sim core: :-J [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: you can hack the opensim.32bitlaunch.exe with VS express [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: to use 3gb [2011/11/01 11:00] Nebadon Izumi: and it actually does help quite a bit [2011/11/01 11:01] Justin Clark-Casey: ok, I have a hard stop todya - see you folks aroudn [2011/11/01 11:01] Richardus Raymaker: not much compared with 64bit linux .... [2011/11/01 11:01] Nebadon Izumi: [2011/11/01 11:01] Richardus Raymaker: bye justin [2011/11/01 11:01] Nebadon Izumi: see ya Justin [2011/11/01 11:01] Justin Clark-Casey: Justin Clark-Casey waves [2011/11/01 11:01] Sarah Kline: bye Justin [2011/11/01 11:01] sim core: :-) See-you, Justin [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: it seems to be tied to everytime someone logs in [11:04] Sarah Kline: hi Justin [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: i see a spew about threads [11:04] Richardus Raymaker: sure there's no crazy sandbox now ? [11:04] Justin Clark-Casey: Hi sarah [11:04] Justin Clark-Casey: hi folks [11:04] Richardus Raymaker: hi justin [11:04] Spike Miles: hiya Justin [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: i doubt it will crash though, knock on wood [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: hehe [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: it didnt crash at yesterdays load test [11:04] Andrew Hellershanks: Hello, everyone [11:04] Ubit Umarov: it will survive :) [11:04] Nebadon Izumi: just a bit of lag now and then [11:05] Nebadon Izumi: hello Andrew [11:05] Richardus Raymaker: flashback to old days nebadon :) [11:05] Nebadon Izumi: heh its gonna happen now and then [11:05] Justin Clark-Casey: I suspect the exception generation inserts a non-trivial delay in the scene loop [11:05] Nebadon Izumi: these tuesday meetings are as much about talking about stuff as they are for us to test how things are running [11:06] Richardus Raymaker: i know [11:06] Spike Miles: for some reason I see 5 ppl without hair o.O .. might be my connection tho [11:06] Nebadon Izumi: heh [11:06] Nebadon Izumi: i see Andrew as a cloud [11:07] Andrew Hellershanks: again? [11:07] Andrew Hellershanks: :-P [11:07] Nebadon Izumi: everyone else looks ok [11:07] Andrew Hellershanks: I see everyone fine [11:07] Richardus Raymaker: andrew cloud here to [11:07] Nebadon Izumi: Hey Robert [11:07] Richardus Raymaker: hi odd [11:07] Nebadon Izumi: that pastebin that mic sent you [11:07] Nebadon Izumi: it seems to occur when people log in [11:07] Robert Adams: hey nebadon [11:07] Mic Bowman: i sent that to dan [11:07] Nebadon Izumi: right at the same moment the sim is freezing on us [11:08] Mic Bowman: is he here? [11:08] Nebadon Izumi: yes [11:08] Nebadon Izumi: heh [11:08] Sarah Kline: outside [11:08] Nebadon Izumi: you know what i need to do i forgot to extend the chat range to 30m here [11:08] Andrew Hellershanks: If we want to start off talking about something regarding OS, I was working on the search add on module to make it support events showing on the map. [11:08] Nebadon Izumi: i need to do that [11:08] Nebadon Izumi: let me do that now [11:09] Richardus Raymaker: i would look at (hope i remember) the 11-06, i think i saw something like this on lbsa then. [11:09] Sarah Kline: that would be good Andrew [11:09] Andrew Hellershanks: Has anyone ever used the events stuff? I'm not sure if the events table has all the required fields. [11:10] Nebadon Izumi: ive not Andrew [11:10] Andrew Hellershanks: I've got half(?) of event support done. I need to implement support for event_info_query() so it will return the details of a given event. [11:10] Nebadon Izumi: is there anyway to even register an event? [11:10] Nebadon Izumi: i thought that required some extra php [11:10] Andrew Hellershanks: Yes, there is something on the search for events panel. The only other way to do it would be via an external website. [11:10] BlueWall Slade: I think you have to do it on the web [11:10] Dahlia Trimble: hi [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: there is? [11:11] Andrew Hellershanks: I don't think there is any support in wiredux for that. [11:11] Justin Clark-Casey: hi dahlia [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: i do not see anything to regsiter events [11:11] Richardus Raymaker: hi dahlia [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: only search [11:11] Sarah Kline: hi Dahlia [11:11] Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon, you have to do a search for events first. The results will have an option to create an event. [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: seriously? [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: how dumb is that [11:11] Nebadon Izumi: frigan LL [11:11] Dutchy Daredevil: hi alll [11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: hm... looks like that may only work when you can get at least one event. [11:12] Nebadon Izumi: problem is there are no events [11:12] Nebadon Izumi: so you cant search [11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: one event from a search. [11:12] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: yeah. [11:12] Nebadon Izumi: omg what a stupid design [11:12] Richardus Raymaker: misisng the logic about that. lol [11:12] Spike Miles: hiya Dutchy and Dahlia [11:12] Andrew Hellershanks: its partly a viewer issue that you can't create an event inworld unless there is an event to be found via a search. [11:13] Richardus Raymaker: thats complete nuts [11:13] Nebadon Izumi: is it me or did the glas from this building get erased? [11:13] BlueWall Slade: the V3 has a place to submit one [11:13] Nebadon Izumi: the whole back of the building is missing for me [11:13] Richardus Raymaker: i think someone stole your windows neb [11:13] Dahlia Trimble: which building? [11:13] Nebadon Izumi: wtf [11:13] Andrew Hellershanks: Oh, and if you click on the new event button in Imprudence it sends you to the SL page for making an event. So that is really dumb. [11:13] Richardus Raymaker: at least South and West [11:13] Nebadon Izumi: a bunch of stuff is erased [11:13] BlueWall Slade: but, all those things are external web-apps that ues the webkit browser in the viewer [11:13] Nebadon Izumi: its just me [11:13] Richardus Raymaker: i see nowindows to. some are goneneb [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: how wierd all the sudden a bunch of prims are missing [11:14] Andrew Hellershanks: I was also hooking in the map support for classifieds. [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: but they are still there colliding [11:14] dan banner: i see no attachments either [11:14] Dahlia Trimble: prims missing here? [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: i see all avatars properly [11:14] Andrew Hellershanks: classifieds don't show on the map but clicking the listing can have the location of the ad show on the map. [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: nah its just my viewer i think Dahlia [11:14] Richardus Raymaker: avatars look fine [11:14] Sarah Kline: i see windows ok [11:14] Sarah Kline: the prims are there [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: ok cool [11:14] Richardus Raymaker: wich one you use now neb ? [11:14] dan banner: everybody bald and barefoot [11:14] Spike Miles: the building looks fine to me but a heck lot of ppl are missing prims tho [11:14] Nebadon Izumi: im on Imprudence [11:15] Richardus Raymaker: sarah the ones behind me are gone [11:15] Justin Clark-Casey: at least we still have chat :) [11:15] Spike Miles: I see bald ppl here also [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: heh ya somethings gone very wrong it seems [11:15] Mic Bowman: we've had a number of comments about missing attachments for the last week or so [11:15] dan banner: ya chat is okay [11:15] Andrew Hellershanks: I'm on 1.4.0 beta 2. [11:15] Dutchy Daredevil: hope i got my hat on ?? [11:15] Andrew HellershanksAndrew Hellershanks looks for a newer version [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: looks like there are a bunch of fixes still needed to some of the recent changes [11:15] Richardus Raymaker: im on beta 2 to and i see misisng windows to [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: ya is beta 2 [11:15] Dahlia Trimble: im getting movement lag but I see everything [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: the imprudence guys are not very good at versioning [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:15] Nebadon Izumi: they are worse than LL [11:16] Robert Adams: I'm running Singularity and everything looks fine to me [11:16] Spike Miles: lol [11:16] Andrew Hellershanks: For those of you interested in the recent changes to search that I'm working on, keep an eye on SVN. [11:16] Nebadon Izumi: ok cool Andrew [11:16] BlueWall Slade: when I ran the Imp 1.4x ones, I would miss prims [11:16] Nebadon Izumi: just let me know when theres anything worthy of upgrading OSgrid too [11:16] Andrew Hellershanks: I haven't commited the changes yet. I need to run some more tests. I'll probably commit the classified changes first. [11:16] Justin Clark-Casey: which svn is that, andrew? [11:17] Richardus Raymaker: i have not seen the misisng prim before [11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: nebadon, sure. Always good to have someone else that can test the changes. [11:17] Justin Clark-Casey: what did you think of michelle's changes? [11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: Justin, OpenSimSearch addon module. [11:17] Nebadon Izumi: one thing ive seen people asking about with OSprofiles lately andrew is the "My Notes" page on profiles [11:17] Richardus Raymaker: robert, wich sinularty ? [11:17] Nebadon Izumi: it only seems to work for yourself [11:17] Nebadon Izumi: and no one else [11:17] Justin Clark-Casey: andrew: okay ,thanks [11:17] Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon, that should work for everyone. Testing I've done seems to show its working. [11:18] Andrew Hellershanks: I can't get avatar property and interest data in profiles working. [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: try it here [11:18] Andrew Hellershanks: It used to work but doesn't any more no matter what code I use. [11:18] Richardus Raymaker: Rovert, wich sinularity version ? [11:18] Andrew Hellershanks: yeah, that is the odd thing. It works here but not in my standalone. [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: its never worked on OSgrid [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: no the My Notes [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: its never worked on OSgrid [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: only works for yourself [11:18] Nebadon Izumi: try doing it on someone elses profile [11:19] Robert Adams: 1.6.0 [11:19] Andrew Hellershanks: I did have the UUID's flipped around at one point in profile but I fixed that some time ago. [11:19] Nebadon Izumi: hmm [11:19] Nebadon Izumi: i am afraid to take your latest code [11:19] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:19] Nebadon Izumi: since Interests isnt working for you [11:19] Andrew Hellershanks: I haven't updated the profile code in SVN in ages. [11:20] Nebadon Izumi: hmm [11:20] Nebadon Izumi: ok brb i need to relog, 1/2 the building missing is disturbing me [11:20] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:20] Nebadon Izumi: brb [11:20] Andrew Hellershanks: hm... yeah, that is odd. I made a note in my profile but profile notes isn't enabled in someone elses profile. [11:21] Dutchy Daredevil: neither by me [11:21] Dutchy Daredevil: once it did [11:21] Nebadon Izumi: there we go [11:21] Nebadon Izumi: much better [11:21] Dutchy Daredevil: but thats more a month ago [11:21] Andrew Hellershanks: After I finish some map related stuff in Search, profile will be next. What I really want to do is make search and profile in to full modules that don't require external PHP code. [11:22] Richardus Raymaker: what you use as php editor andrew ? [11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: vi [11:22] Sarah Kline: how about mapping people [11:22] Richardus Raymaker: or maby betetr IDE [11:22] Nebadon Izumi: hmm [11:22] Richardus Raymaker: lol, ok andrew [11:22] Nebadon Izumi: i hate to say itt [11:22] Sarah Kline: when they turn that on [11:22] Nebadon Izumi: but memory usage seems worse now [11:22] Andrew Hellershanks: I haven't used an IDE in ages. [11:22] Nebadon Izumi: that before the changes you guys did Mic and Robert [11:22] Nebadon Izumi: memory seems awful high at the moment [11:23] Richardus Raymaker: whats high ? [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: 1300mb [11:23] Andrew Hellershanks: PHP is just another C like programming language to me. [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: on show stats [11:23] Andrew Hellershanks: eek... that's gone up a ton, nebadon. 50% or so increase? [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: 1.7gb on Rez on top [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: less than 50% [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: probably more like 25% increase in memory [11:23] Andrew Hellershanks: I wasn't doing full math. I was thinking it was 800 to 900 at one time. [11:23] Nebadon Izumi: it should be under a gig right now [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: ya [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: it should be more like 900 right now [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: with this many people [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: its bouncing around 1200-1300 [11:24] Andrew Hellershanks: nebadon, is there any red text on the console when people try accessing someone elses profile? [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: oh it just dropped a bit [11:24] Nebadon Izumi: 1080 [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: its all over the place [11:25] Andrew HellershanksAndrew Hellershanks looks at the osgrid profile PHP vs the svn one [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: oh ya what the heck [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: everyone is missing their hair now [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: i just noticed literally everyone is bald [11:25] Nebadon Izumi: accept me [11:25] Spike Miles: yay boldies XD [11:25] Sarah Kline: funnily we see you now with hair neb [11:26] dan banner: i see yours neb [11:26] Andrew Hellershanks: Dahlia has hair and so do a few others. [11:26] Nebadon Izumi: let me show you what i see [11:26] Andrew Hellershanks: a few are bald [11:26] Richardus Raymaker: lets see if replace outfit helps neb [11:26] Dahlia Trimble: YAY I have hair :D [11:26] dan banner: oh i know i see everyone w/o hair or shoes [11:26] Sarah Kline: lol Im gonna put a prim over my head [11:27] Dutchy Daredevil: lol sarah [11:27] BlueWall Slade: hehe [11:27] Richardus Raymaker: for some reason replace outfit did not add my hair automatic , did it manual [11:28] dan banner: cute UZpqN.png [11:28] Nebadon Izumi: everyones bald [11:28] Nebadon Izumi: heh [11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: yup. that's about what I see. [11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: 3 bald heads [11:28] dan banner: lol [11:28] Andrew Hellershanks: 4 [11:28] Richardus Raymaker: do i have hair now ? [11:28] Nebadon Izumi: everyone wiht prim hair its missing [11:29] dan banner: now rich has hair [11:29] Dahlia Trimble: thats kinda what I see except everyone is standing [11:29] dan banner: and sarah [11:29] Nebadon Izumi: ya Sarah too [11:29] Sarah Kline: i rewear mine [11:29] Dutchy Daredevil: richard dan nevb andrew i see coreect otheres are grey [11:29] Nebadon Izumi: hmm [11:29] Richardus Raymaker: yes, replace outfit did not reattach the hair again. hair is last time anyway a trick thing [11:29] Nebadon Izumi: very strange [11:29] Andrew Hellershanks: We must be special, nebadon. :-) [11:29] Nebadon Izumi: heh [11:29] Andrew Hellershanks: Dhalia has nice, long blond hair [11:30] Nebadon Izumi: your bald to me Andrew [11:30] Nebadon Izumi: so is Dahlia [11:30] Nebadon Izumi: you have the skin hair that is [11:30] Nebadon Izumi: no prim hair [11:30] Dahlia TrimbleDahlia Trimble hides [11:30] Andrew Hellershanks: strange how it seems to vary so from person to person [11:30] Nebadon Izumi: lagggggg [11:30] Justin Clark-Casey: well, it's probably just the exceptions making it random [11:31] Nebadon Izumi: ya could be a result of that lag we see when someone logs in [11:31] Dutchy Daredevil: and justin [11:31] Nebadon Izumi: !!!!!...... [11:31] Nebadon Izumi: sim stats keep dropping to 0fps [11:32] Nebadon Izumi: its def tied to that error message [11:32] Nebadon Izumi: i see 2 people just logged in [11:32] Nebadon Izumi: thats why [11:32] Andrew Hellershanks: which error message? [11:32] Richardus Raymaker: does soemone know if llMoveToTarget and llLookAT are implemented or only stubs ? [11:32] Nebadon Izumi: [11:33] Nebadon Izumi: this one [11:33] Richardus Raymaker: at least both seems not to work foir me here [11:33] Nebadon Izumi: welcome back dan :) [11:33] dan banner: ty [11:33] Dahlia Trimble: I think llMoveToTarget has been there for a while [11:33] Sarah Kline: wb [11:33] Richardus Raymaker: then it dont work well [11:33] dan banner: do i have hair and shoes? [11:33] dan banner: lol everyones bald again [11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: There is code for both, Richardus. [11:34] Dutchy Daredevil: your cool dan [11:34] dan banner: ok [11:34] Richardus Raymaker: i have not found anything andrew [11:34] Spike Miles: you look fine to me Dan.. but everyone but you are bald tho [11:34] Richardus Raymaker: anything with llgetpos is bad, [11:34] Andrew Hellershanks: Richardus, I just looked at LSL_Api.cs and both functions do something there. I don't know if either actually works. [11:34] dan banner: ya'll can run around bald all ya like as long as i have hair an shoes im good :P [11:35] BlueWall Slade: llMoveToTarget works [11:35] Richardus Raymaker: hmm, do you have a working example blue ? [11:35] Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSim 0.7.3 Dev a3c5f76: 2011-11-15 18:16:43 +0000 (Unix/Mono) [11:35] Andrew Hellershanks: Don't want to run around barefoot here. You might step on a loose nail as this place is still under construction. ;-) [11:35] Dutchy Daredevil: lol dan [11:35] Spike Miles: XD [11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: I've been meaning to try out a particle generator device to see if it works any better with the lastest code. [11:36] BlueWall Slade: the one I have is inside a not_at_target event [11:36] BlueWall Slade: it's in a hud [11:36] Andrew Hellershanks: I still want Physics so I can launch fireworks. [11:36] Dahlia Trimble: particles are all viewer side [11:36] Richardus Raymaker: im curious to see a working script. from that i can try things. the lsl ones seems to fail [11:37] Nebadon Izumi: you should be able to do fireworks [11:37] Andrew Hellershanks: yeah, but my experience has been that particles haven't been working in OS the same as they have been in SL. [11:37] Basic Gun whispers: Use Mouselook (press 'M') to shoot me. [11:37] Basic Gun whispers: Choose 'Detach' from my menu to take me off. [11:37] Andrew Hellershanks: Nebadon, ok. I'll try again. Haven't checked in a while. [11:37] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:37] Dahlia Trimble: they should, if you use the same viewer [11:37] Nebadon IzumiNebadon Izumi shoots andrew with cube gun [11:38] Richardus Raymaker: oh that gun. [11:38] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:38] Andrew Hellershanks: 765 items in inventory to 361 after I emptied my trash. :-) [11:38] Richardus Raymaker: maby that have movetarget to [11:38] BlueWall Slade: that just rezzes a pri9m with a velocity [11:38] Nebadon Izumi: ya but you could do the same for fireworks [11:38] BlueWall Slade: yes, it would work [11:38] BlueWall Slade: lol [11:39] Nebadon Izumi: hehe [11:39] BlueWall Slade: need the aim animation [11:39] Nebadon Izumi: heh ya [11:40] Andrew Hellershanks: I've tried using the Firework Launcher 1.1 from SL in OS and it's never worked yet. Not sure I've tried it in 0.7 [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: ouch [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: show stats says 1675mb [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: bit leaky [11:40] Andrew Hellershanks: yikes [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: ya [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: this is way above normal [11:40] Richardus Raymaker: stop shooting, stop shooting. :) [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: heh [11:40] Richardus Raymaker: sur eyou dont have appdomain enabled bye accident ? [11:40] Nebadon Izumi: positive [11:41] Justin Clark-Casey: are you still doing graph monitoring of wright plaza? [11:41] Andrew Hellershanks: we're shooting holes where the memory can leak out. ;-) [11:41] Richardus Raymaker: orrcorse i dotn see much differene if its enabled [11:41] Nebadon Izumi: it would be 1675mb if i just started the sim with no avatars [11:41] Nebadon Izumi: if that was set for true [11:41] Justin Clark-Casey: unfortunately, those stats use a different measure or memory [11:41] BlueWall Slade: RiRa, that is a workaround for the lookat thing [11:41] Richardus Raymaker: thansk blue. i gpo test that later. hope it moves smooth [11:41] Nebadon Izumi: yes Justin [11:41] Nebadon Izumi: 1 sec [11:42] Nebadon Izumi: trying to remember the damn URL [11:42] Richardus Raymaker: the munin one ? [11:42] Nebadon Izumi: [11:43] Nebadon Izumi: though its more than just Wright Plaza on this box [11:44] Nebadon Izumi: atleast its running pretty good [11:44] Nebadon Izumi: just seems mostly to be that one issue when people log in [11:44] Nebadon Izumi: pefrformance is good otherwise [11:45] dan banner: and the hair thing [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: huh [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: munin does not seem to actually be running anymore [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: that is odd [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: i just noticed the dates [11:46] dan banner: ya the days looked wrong [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: its August [11:46] Richardus Raymaker: that weird nebadon. i have not seen that happen [11:46] Nebadon Izumi: hmm wonder what the heck is up with that [11:47] Nebadon Izumi: ya wierd it is running [11:47] Nebadon Izumi: just not updating [11:48] Richardus Raymaker: 6 aug.. hmm thats long down. [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: well that sucks [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: ya [11:48] Andrew Hellershanks: odd about the dates. Nice set of stats though [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: ya I suspect it broke when i did a dist-upgrade on this box [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: from mono 11.1 to 11.4 [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: errr [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: suse 11.1 to 11.4 [11:48] Nebadon Izumi: not mono, lol [11:49] Richardus Raymaker: wow thats pretty old 11.1 [11:49] BlueWall Slade: 12.1 is out tomorrow [11:49] Nebadon Izumi: ill see if i can revive those stats later today [11:49] Justin Clark-Casey: munin looks impressive [11:49] Richardus Raymaker: oh.. i still use 11.3 [11:49] Richardus Raymaker: i love munin. i use it on all systems [11:49] Andrew Hellershanks: I haven't checked out the latest Ubuntu update of 11.10 [11:49] Justin Clark-Casey: nebadon: it's not too important atm - what I really ned to do is make the memory reported via the external stats the same as "show stats" [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: ya [11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: for stupid and insane reasons we have 4 different stat report mechanisms [11:50] Richardus Raymaker: ubuntu. well everything above 10.04 is ndont use. [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: well that might not be possible [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: the reason top is differenct [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: isbecause of the mono overhead [11:50] Andrew Hellershanks: Richardus, major breakage? [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: im not sure if we can calculate that [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: from inside the app [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: .net does something similar [11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: I'm not sure [11:50] Richardus Raymaker: no. unity interface. instead of good gnome2 [11:50] Andrew Hellershanks: 11.04 was the first Ubuntu I was able to use since 9.10 [11:50] Justin Clark-Casey: tbh, the only interesting number to me is the gc memory [11:50] Nebadon Izumi: seriously you need to try LinuxMint [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: it destroys ubuntu [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: but ya Justin [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: it would be nice to know it was atleast accurate [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: in its reporting [11:51] Andrew Hellershanks: Unity destroys Ubuntu. :-) [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: lol [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: LinuxMint is awesome [11:51] Nebadon Izumi: its bascially what Ubuntu should have been [11:51] Richardus Raymaker: andrew, if you dont want a tablet gui on your desktop. dont go above 10.04 [11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: I must admit, I#m putting off upgrading my ubuntu [11:51] Andrew Hellershanks: ok. I'll take a look at it. The way Ubuntu is going with Unity was making me think its time to change again. [11:51] Justin Clark-Casey: I fear I won't win the wrestling match to get my UI back [11:51] Richardus Raymaker: yes nebadon. [11:52] Nebadon Izumi: ya most everyone who hates Ubuntu Unity is ending up on Mint [11:52] Richardus Raymaker: i use widnows. and linux 10.04 in VM. works good [11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: I want a Linux system that doesn't have PulseAudio. It breaks sound support on my hardware that worked fine with Alsa. [11:52] Dahlia Trimble: kubuntu isnt bad [11:52] Nebadon Izumi: actually Andrew [11:52] Nebadon Izumi: i always had the same problem [11:52] Andrew Hellershanks: Unity only lasted an hour or so on my machine before I removed it all and added gnome 2 [11:52] Nebadon Izumi: until Mint [11:52] Dahlia Trimble: the new ubuntu UI is a mess tho [11:52] Nebadon Izumi: and now Pulsaudio works perfectly [11:53] Richardus Raymaker: 1 hour ? thats long [11:53] Nebadon Izumi: i dunno what they did, but they got some sharp people working on Mint [11:53] Andrew Hellershanks: neb, ok, ty. I have a spare partition or two so I can test it out. [11:53] Richardus Raymaker: mint i tried. but all the hinting kille dme. especially in openoffice. [11:53] Nebadon Izumi: ya you might even be able to test it fully off the live CD too [11:53] Justin Clark-Casey: andrew: how did you add gnome2? manually [11:53] Justin Clark-Casey: of course, th eproblem is that gnome2 is going away too [11:53] Nebadon Izumi: actually they forked it [11:53] Richardus Raymaker: justin, you can choice classic at the login screen [11:54] Nebadon Izumi: its called MATE [11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: Its good to know the lower level details of the Linux system but these days I'd prefer to just use the machine and not have to fight with it. [11:54] Nebadon Izumi: LinuxMint 12 comes with Gnome 3 and MATE installed side by side [11:54] Andrew Hellershanks: Justin, yeah. Downloaded it from the gnome website. [11:54] Nebadon Izumi: you can switch to either or on the login screen [11:54] Nebadon Izumi: but check out MATE desktop [11:54] Nebadon Izumi: its pretty sweet [11:54] Richardus Raymaker: i have lots of software that needs windows [11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: I like my gnome panels. I have all my program icons I use most of the time across the top panel of my desktop. [11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: I have 13 at the top. [11:55] Andrew Hellershanks: neb: ok, noted. [11:55] Dahlia Trimble: gnome is ok, Im starting to like kde better now that Ive been using it for a while [11:56] Richardus Raymaker: i think you have the same setup as i do andrew. virtual desktops , program,s, open programs list button on top etc. [11:56] Richardus Raymaker: kde. so undtable. last one i udes. it froze in a few minutes [11:56] Nebadon Izumi: anyone have anything else they wanted to bring up on the topic of OpenSim? [11:56] Andrew Hellershanks: I had sound issues back in the day with KDE because it wanted to grab the sound system for itself. It looks pretty but the issues I had with it meant I stayed with Gnome [11:56] Dahlia Trimble: Ive not had a problem with ked [11:56] Dahlia Trimble: *kde [11:57] Andrew Hellershanks: I haven't tried KDE in several years. [11:57] Nebadon Izumi: ya i think Pulseaudio was very problematic for a long time [11:57] dan banner: did we discuss that malformed uri thing? [11:57] Richardus Raymaker: the 4.x have so some weirness with the panels [11:57] Nebadon Izumi: it seems to have gotten alot better lately [11:57] Nebadon Izumi: no dan banner [11:57] dan banner: i arrived late [11:57] Nebadon Izumi: did a mantis ever get opened on that? [11:57] Nebadon Izumi: i dont even have the pastebin handy at the moment [11:57] dan banner: not yet i dont thin but i know its not limited to singularity or asra [11:57] dan banner: astra [11:57] dan banner: sec [11:58] Andrew Hellershanks: neb, yup. Between 9.10 and 11.04 pulseaudio was broken for me. [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: [11:58] Richardus Raymaker: i wish sinularity worked here good with inventory [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: ya i never had luck with it in Ubuntu [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: but in Mint it just worked [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: it used to take ma good hour or two to get skype working [11:58] Richardus Raymaker: i tried it again, it hangs around 209 and then itt seemms to do nothing [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: in mint everything just worked [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: even my wifi [11:58] Andrew Hellershanks: neb, unknown pasteID [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: i was very impressed [11:58] Nebadon Izumi: bah typo [11:58] Dahlia Trimble: I need to try mint [11:58] dan banner: [11:59] Andrew Hellershanks: Only pulseaudio broked in Ubuntu. Hardware was ok. [11:59] Nebadon Izumi: thanks dan [11:59] dan banner: seen it with imp users and phoenix users too [11:59] Nebadon Izumi: I suggest using Mint 11 for now, Mint 12 is still RC status [11:59] Nebadon Izumi: and it feels a bit rough [11:59] Richardus Raymaker: someone use singularity 1.6 here ? [12:00] dan banner: maybe reobert adams [12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: I stay away from RC versions of Linux unless I'm just testing. [12:00] Nebadon Izumi: i tried it last night Richardus [12:00] dan banner: robert* [12:00] Nebadon Izumi: i wouldnt say i "use" it though [12:00] Nebadon Izumi: hehe [12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: What's singularity? [12:00] Nebadon Izumi: im still defaulting to Imprudence [12:00] Nebadon Izumi: [12:00] Andrew Hellershanks: oh. YAV [12:00] Richardus Raymaker: a viewer that looks like v1 aka imprudence. but have mesh support. [12:01] Richardus Raymaker: it only dont load inventory good. if the would fix that i can use it here [12:01] Nebadon Izumi: mesh viewing support anyway [12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: ok [12:01] dan banner: astra seems good for me [12:01] Andrew Hellershanks: How does OS handle prim counts with mesh objects? [12:01] Richardus Raymaker: problem with stars [12:01] dan banner: inv loads quick [12:01] Nebadon Izumi: Justin any idea what that message could mean? [12:01] Richardus Raymaker: astra have the stars bug i dont know what it gause [12:01] Sarah Kline: they are just 1 prim [12:01] Nebadon Izumi: i saw it last night for myself using Singularity and Astra viewer [12:02] Andrew Hellershanks: message sounds a bit like something is missing. [12:02] Nebadon Izumi: but not with Imprudence [12:02] Nebadon Izumi: it almost seems random [12:02] Richardus Raymaker: imp1.4 i have no problems [12:02] Dahlia Trimble: gotta run, laterz people :) [12:02] Andrew Hellershanks: 1 prim? Nice. in SL they can be a lot more than that. [12:02] dan banner: ya it spams the console really bad [12:02] Sarah Kline: hehheh [12:02] Richardus Raymaker: good to know you have the star problem to with the 200 serie neb [12:02] Nebadon Izumi: and it doesnt seem to really cause any problems from what i could tell [12:02] dan banner: like 20gb of those errors in sandbox plaza [12:02] dan banner: it killed the sandbox earlier neb [12:03] Nebadon Izumi: odd [12:03] dan banner: lemme scroll back [12:03] Andrew Hellershanks: Any idea what action triggers the Uri issue? [12:04] Nebadon Izumi: no not at all [12:04] dan banner: maybe someone ctrl-c'd it [12:04] dan banner: looks like it was killed [12:04] Richardus Raymaker: nebadon you do have the bad stars in some viewers to ? [12:04] Richardus Raymaker: and what driver version ? [12:04] Nebadon Izumi: i never saw it myself until last night when i logged in with Astra viewer [12:04] Nebadon Izumi: i relog with Imprudence and no message [12:04] Nebadon Izumi: then i relog again with Astra and i get same thing [12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: Oh... has anyone else noticed the extra spaces in the "Unable to contact" line? There is something missing there. That would be the null variable [12:05] Richardus Raymaker: i have it with astra and sl3.2 others i have not looked [12:05] Nebadon Izumi: ya i'll need to test it more honestly [12:05] Nebadon Izumi: its possible its something with the V2+ viewers [12:05] Nebadon Izumi: that crept into Astra/Singularity/Firestorm too [12:05] Andrew Hellershanks: The variable m_ServerURL must be null. Configuration issue? [12:05] Nebadon Izumi: i was not able to make Imprudence do it [12:05] dan banner: stars are so small tho [12:06] Richardus Raymaker: no. the impr ones are rigt and good [12:06] Richardus Raymaker: oh singularity have it to i think. it must be a viewer bug [12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: ok, sorry I was a bit absent, trying to solve a cmoplicated triple thread deadlock [12:06] dan banner: this malfomed uri thing is new [12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: And I need to bug out now [12:06] Nebadon Izumi: no problem [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: ok Justin [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: if you get a moment take a look at this pastebin [12:07] Justin Clark-Casey: which one? [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: something we have been seeing a lot of lately [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: all the plazas seem to get it [12:07] Justin Clark-Casey: mmph [12:07] Nebadon Izumi: not quite sure what triggers it though [12:07] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, I don't know myself. ok. YOu might want to mantis it otherwise I will forget [12:07] Andrew Hellershanks: Ah... the message seems to be an HG issue. UserAgentServiceConnector() is being passed a null URL. Probably something missing in a config file. [12:08] Nebadon Izumi: yea we will [12:08] dan banner: okay sounds good justin [12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: I wish diva were here to look at those hg issues [12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: I just don't have the time right now [12:08] Nebadon Izumi: ya hopefully soon

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