Talk:Enabling Groups

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Revision as of 04:38, 7 November 2011 by Gwyneth Llewelyn (Talk | contribs)

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Wow, great page, Makopoppo. Love the diagram as well -- Justincc 17:06, 8 July 2011 (UTC)

Now what we need is some documentation about the format of the messages being passed :)

All's nice when it works out of the box :) I was lucky to get it working under and until I switched my backend to xoopensim, which supposedly handles everything under a single module for Xoops. Well, now I cannot get any authentication — I'm assuming something seriously broke down when migrating the group tables to xoopensim. But since the communication protocol is sadly not documented, it's very, very hard to see what is happening.

Granted, Groups are not the only thing that lacks documentation... pretty much all remote services that can be called suffer from the same lack of documentation :) When they work, they're great! When they don't, they're a nightmare to track down. Answers are usually "did you install your page in German?" or "you need to place a default image somewhere" — completely unrelated "fixes" (which often work!) making no sense whatsoever. Why should authentication be dependent on the collation of the database storing user profiles? And so on...

Gwyneth Llewelyn 03:38, 7 November 2011 (PST)

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