Opensim ini

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Revision as of 03:26, 12 July 2011 by Mmetzmac (Talk | contribs)

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Parameters of OpenSim.ini

This is to describe the various switches in file OpenSim.ini

Section Switch since 0.6.9 since 0.7.0 since 0.7.1 since 0.7.2 Value(s) Description
[Startup] timer_Script  Y Y Y Y Script name the script, that should run every 20 minutes automatically (i. e. timer_script = "backup.txt"). This script must be located in the bin directory
[Network] Port Y Y Y Y Number (i.e. 9000) tells the client, on which TCP port to listen. If Region is connected to a Grid, this Port is used for the Region-Simulation

Table has to be filled with all parameters! Please keep in mind, that the most actual usage of the parameters is described within the version related OpenSim.ini within the bin folder. The list above should more describe the effect, a setting has on the simulation. It would be nice, if someone helps filling the table.

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