From OpenSimulator
PostgreSQL Support
This page is dedicated to supply postgreSQL support within opensim. It describes all steps in the process, and what problems may arise. We will use linux as a startingpoint, but windoze-users should have no problems adapting it to their OS. First let's get ourselves a workspace... - Get monodevelop (your distro probably has a package for it, otherwise follow building instructions)
- Download the opensim-source into your monodevelop workspace-directory svn co opensim
- Modify the opensim/ file, so it creates a monodevelop-project, instead of a visual studio 2005 project Make sure that the last line reads: mono bin/Prebuild.exe /target monodev
- Prepare the project... sh
- Build it nant
- Do a test-run to see everything is working: "mono workspace/opensim/bin/Opensim.exe
- Fire up monodevelop, and open OpenSim.mds
Now we have a working development environment to test, and write new code. Notice the opensim/OpenSim/Framework directory. It contains alot of important files. What we want to do is to copy as much code as possible from the working mysql-connector(which sucks under linux by the way, but that's a mysql-connector issue, and not a code-problem).