Using Git

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Revision as of 10:32, 13 July 2009 by SeanDague (Talk | contribs)

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This is an introduction to using git for OpenSim core developers.


Installing Git


Git is provided as a package with all modern Linux distributions. Install the following packages depending on environment:

  • Debian, Ubuntu: git-core


On Windows you need to install 2 packages:

  • msysgit - the basic git port for windows. Install this first.
  • Tortoise Git - the git explorer. Install this second.

When installing msysgit be sure to choose Unix style line endings. This will make it so that all the line endings are managed correctly, which will prevent merge issues in the future.

The OpenSim Test Repository

There is a test repository on in /var/git/opensim-test. This is a point in time capture of the opensim trunk (and all changes prior). It is designed for messing around with to get comfortable with git. Don't worry about breaking this repository.

The initial clone will take a few minutes, as the git repository contains the entire history of the project.


Run the following on the command line:

git clone ssh://

This will create an opensim-test directory locally


Right click on the Desktop (or wherever) and 'Git Clone...'

When prompted for a url provide ssh:// You username and password will be the ones used for

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