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Revision as of 11:14, 2 May 2009 by RevolutionFL (Talk | contribs)

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Automated Testing

For information on the current continuous integration system for OpenSim go to Automated Testing.

Current functionality

  • Standalone region tested with svn version 7082
  • Grid region tested with svn version 7082


  Standalone Grid
login OK OK
logout OK OK
relog OK OK
Home - Login Start Location OK OK - Configurable by Region
Alt Home - if Home unavailable unknown Alternate Region hardset by GRID


  Standalone Grid
day / night cycle OK OK
windlight OK OK
clouds Working Working
wind Working Working
water and water texture OK OK
terrain and terrain textures OK OK

Accounts and permissions

  Standalone Grid
multiple account creation OK OK
permissions per account partially working minimal
account has inventory OK OK - Early stages
sim supports multiple logins OK OK


  Standalone Grid
teleport within region partially working (always facing north after teleport) partially working (go inside ground when teleport from low to high position,always facing north after teleport)
teleport between regions partially working (Sometimes may fail) OK
built-in animations (walking, flying, sitting) partially working partially working
uploaded animations / gestures partially working (play locally, but not in world) OK
uploaded sounds partially working (play locally, but not in world) OK
can wear clothes Working (sometimes need to rewear) OK
can attach items Working, sometimes dont basic support but lost attach if reboot serve
profile pics & text pics & text


  Standalone Grid
create prim OK OK
change prim type OK OK
change prim transparency OK OK
change prim colour OK OK
change prim texture (including uploaded textures) OK OK
change prim size, cut, hollow, etc OK OK
prim light, fullbright and flexi OK OK
link prims OK OK
unlink prims OK OK
permissions Working Working
objects persist in world across login / logoff and server restart OK OK
parcel support OK See Parcels Below OK See Parcels Below


  Standalone Grid
select land OK OK
raise land OK OK
lower land OK OK
flatten land OK OK
roughen land OK OK
smooth land OK OK

Land and parcels

  Standalone Grid
subdivide Working Working
join Working Working
buy and sell Partial, sell and buy, but no money recieved. (Set helper uri to IP ADDRESS AND PORT:9000 Partial, sell and buy, but no money recieved. (Set helper uri to IP ADDRESS AND PORT:9000
Set Land To Group OK OK
Allow Deed To Group OK OKd
Owner Makes Contribution With Deed not working Not Yet Implemented
Buy Pass - (Temporary Paid Access) not working Not Yet Implemented
Buy For Group OK OK
Buy For Group OK OK
Estate Owner OK OK
Land Objects
Sim Usage OK OK
Prims on Parcel OK OK
Return Parcel Primitives OK OK
AutoReturn of Prims OK OK
Show Owners (Land Menu) OK OK
Land Options
Show Owners (Land Menu) OK OK
Land Media
Replace Texture With Media OK OK
Music Stream URL OK OK
Restrict Spatialized Sounds to Parcel Not Yet Implemented Not Yet Implemented
Land Access
Show Owners (Land Menu) OK OK
Land Bans
Limit Access to Group Not Yet Implemented Not Yet Implemented
Limit Access by Avatar OK OK
Individual Avatar Ban Working Working - Grid can disable feature gridwide


  Standalone Grid
friends list OK OK
uploads OK OK, jpg, bmp,tga (alpha)
edit profile unknown not working (not persistent)
search not working not working
large map OK OK(currently map textures are a little broken - unavailable for locations not yet visited)
minimap OK OK
money not working not working
HUD attachments not working not working


  Standalone Grid
add OK OK
remove OK OK
permissions not working not working
mapping not working not working
online visibility not working working ?
can edit my objects no no friends = generic perms application only
send teleport not working OK


Groups are not yet implemented as of 0.6.2

  Standalone Grid
create not working Not Yet Implemented
join not working Not Yet Implemented
description unknown Not Yet Implemented
graphic unknown Not Yet Implemented
notices unknown Not Yet Implemented
vote unknown Not Yet Implemented
invite unknown Not Yet Implemented
remove unknown Not Yet Implemented
members unknown Not Yet Implemented
group list unknown Not Yet Implemented
publish unknown Not Yet Implemented
set title unknown Not Yet Implemented
change active title unknown Not Yet Implemented
enrollment fee unknown Not Yet Implemented
open enrollment unknown Not Yet Implemented
set mature flag unknown Not Yet Implemented
group land unknown Not Yet Implemented

Group Roles

  Standalone Grid
create unknown Not Yet Implemented
edit unknown Not Yet Implemented
remove unknown Not Yet Implemented
add person unknown Not Yet Implemented
remove person unknown Not Yet Implemented
abilities unknown Not Yet Implemented

Chat, IM, Voice

  Standalone Grid
local chat OK OK - Plus Configurable Distance (server)
Shout OK OK - Plus Configurable Distance (server)
send / receive IM OK OK
offline IM unknown Not Yet Implemented
group IM unknown Not Yet Implemented
multiple friend IM unknown Not Yet Implemented
participant list unknown Not Yet Implemented
voice unknown Not Yet Implemented
IRC bridge OK OK (Configurable on Server)

Physics / Collision

  basicphysics POS OpenDynamicsEngine modified_BulletX RealPhysX
walk on ground OK OK OK partially working (ground is very slippery) unknown
fly OK OK OK OK unknown
sit on ground OK OK OK not working not working
sit on object OK not working partially working (autopilot has trouble getting to the right spot 'try phantom prim') unknown unknown
walk on object not working OK OK unknown unknown
bump into object not working OK OK unknown unknown
Collidable Linksets not working OK OK unknown unknown
Avatar Land on Prim not working OK OK unknown unknown
prim physics not working not working OK unknown unknown
Physical (active) Linksets not working not working not working not working not working
cut/hollow/dimpled prim (non)collisions unknown unknown partially working unknown unknown


  Standalone Grid
create LSL script partially working OK, see supported commands
add script to object OK Drag from inventory into prim
execute script in object OK OK

Note: not all scripting features are supported yet. Check LSL Status for currently implemented features.


Inventory should not yet be treated as permanent, whilst development is still occurring.
  Standalone Grid
create new items (folder, notes, body, clothes, prims, scripts) OK OK
delete prims -> trash OK OK
delete items -> trash OK OK
trash folder functions (restore, purge) OK OK
search inventory OK OK
"recent items" list not working half, only new uploaded and self created stuff, but acctepted inventory offers not listed (8814)
inventory persists across logout / login OK OK
drag items to / from world OK half... still in progress grid wide
give inventory items to other avatars Not implemented ? Implemented, but no clue on screen


  Standalone - Allowed User Standalone - Denied User Grid - Allowed User Grid - Denied User
Run Script - Estate Disabled unknown unknown no no
Run Script - Parcel Disabled unknown unknown yes no
Rez Object - Estate Disabled unknown unknown N/A N/A
Rez Object - Parcel Disabled unknown unknown yes yes
Edit Estate Settings unknown unknown yes no
Edit Terrain unknown unknown yes yes
Duplicate (Drag-Duplicate AND Ctrl-D) Object unknown unknown yes yes
Take Object unknown unknown yes yes
Move Object unknown unknown yes yes
Copy Object unknown unknown yes yes
Edit Object unknown unknown yes yes
Delete Object unknown unknown yes yes
Add/Remove to Object's Inventory unknown unknown yes yes

-- note -- new objects had to be rezzed for each change in permissions for a test - new permissions settings did not apply to existing objects

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