Chat log from the meeting on 2009-04-21

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Revision as of 12:19, 21 April 2009 by Nebadon (Talk | contribs)

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Tuesday Meeting @ Wright Plaza on OSGrid

Thanks to everyone who attended! Awesome Meeting!!!!
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Visitor List:
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Teravus Ousley
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Maria Korolov
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: BlueWall Slade
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Starky Rubble
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Orion Hax
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Ideia Boa
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Warin Cascabel
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Richardus Raymaker
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Michael Skelito
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Strawberry Fride
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Charles Krinke
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Snoopy Pfeffer
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Homer Horwitz
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Derika Juran
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Justin Clark-Casey
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Fly Man
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: ARADTech KoolKam
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Andreas mueller
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Alpha Core
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Little Sister
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: prism pawpaw
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Aramis Soren
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: oku taku
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: David Straaf
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: hippo finesmith
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Star Design
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Total = 26

[09:52] Nebadon Izumi: it really is amazing though how far its come
[09:52] Starky Rubble: Teravus... I want one!
[09:52] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[09:52] Nebadon Izumi: hover cubes!!
[09:53] Nebadon Izumi: that sucka moves
[09:53] Starky Rubble: really chunky little beige flying carpets
[09:53] Richardus Raymaker: hi
[09:53] Nebadon Izumi: good thing i wore my helmet today
[09:53] Starky Rubble: hey
[09:53] Nebadon Izumi: flying teravus cubes
[09:53] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[09:54] Starky Rubble: so is that the new physics engine teravus?
[09:54] Richardus Raymaker: oh nice. how do you move the cubes ? etc.
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi: say list
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Visitor List:
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Teravus Ousley
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Maria Korolov
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: BlueWall Slade
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Starky Rubble
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Orion Hax
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Ideia Boa
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Warin Cascabel
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Richardus Raymaker
[09:55] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Total = 8
[09:55] Maria Korolov: Nebadon -- what is your email ddress? I'll send you a note.
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi:
[09:55] Ideia Boa: Nebadon, it was nice if you can write all of this, about osg, somewhere
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi: ok
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi: i did start a Wikipedia page while back
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi: wonder if they erased it yet
[09:55] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi:
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi: could stand to be updated
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi: wikipedia annoys me though
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi: you write for 2 hours
[09:56] Starky Rubble: now that would be fun... bumper meetings!
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi: then some ass comes along and erases it
[09:56] Nebadon Izumi: cause your formatting was off a hair
[09:57] Teravus Ousley: heh, this is the LSL Vehicle api being worked on
[09:57] BlueWall Slade: Zero Linden?
[09:57] Richardus Raymaker: teravusm how donyou fly the cube ?
[09:57] Richardus Raymaker: cool
[09:57] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[09:57] Starky Rubble: is it the new Bullet physics?
[09:57] Warin Cascabel: I'm sure Zero didn't erase it, BlueWall. :)
[09:57] Nebadon Izumi: no this is ODE here
[09:57] Starky Rubble: wow
[09:58] Charles Krinke is Online
[09:58] Starky Rubble: awesome
[09:58] Richardus Raymaker: i love that cube !
[09:58] Richardus Raymaker: and the script.
[09:58] Michael Skelito: lol
[09:58] Starky Rubble: Yay its the TresSec
[09:58] Starky Rubble: TreasSec
[09:58] Warin Cascabel: Afternoon, Charles.
[09:59] Teravus Ousley: hello
[09:59] Nebadon Izumi: hello charles
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 1) masagin
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 2) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #01
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 3) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #02
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 4) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #03
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 5) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #04
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[09:59] Strawberry Fride: wow - ok, that looks like a magic box - rabbit inside?
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 1) masagin
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 2) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #01
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 3) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #02
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 4) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #03
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 5) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #04
[09:59] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[09:59] Charles Krinke: Afternoon, all. Hey, Teravus? Is that a physical box?
[09:59] Teravus Ousley: yes
[09:59] Nebadon Izumi: yep
[09:59] Charles Krinke: coolness
[09:59] Starky Rubble: mega
[09:59] Richardus Raymaker: hope there more of that sort of boxes
[10:00] Nebadon Izumi sprays the prototype cube with fire retardant foam
[10:00] Charles Krinke: flatten it and make a 'magic carpet' ?
[10:00] Snoopy Pfeffer is Offline
[10:00] Teravus Ousley: heh
[10:00] Surfer: Starting SE
[10:01] Homer Horwitz: Hi
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 1) masagin
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 2) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #01
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 3) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #02
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 4) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #03
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 5) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #04
[10:01] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:01] Teravus Ousley: hello
[10:01] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[10:01] Snoopy Pfeffer is Online
[10:01] Nebadon Izumi: ouch
[10:01] Charles Krinke: Like our hat, Nebadon.
[10:01] Nebadon Izumi: see
[10:01] Nebadon Izumi: helmet is key
[10:01] Nebadon Izumi: hehe thanks
[10:02] Snoopy Pfeffer: hi all :)
[10:02] Richardus Raymaker: i think not that the building collapse today. so helmet stay in the box. :P
[10:02] Nebadon Izumi: hello snoopy
[10:02] Justin Clark-Casey is Online
[10:02] Snoopy Pfeffer: hello Neb :)
[10:02] Richardus Raymaker: hi snoopy
[10:02] Charles Krinke: All right. I think the normal agenda is 1) "Recommended" version for the week, then 2) Things developers wish to bring up, then 3) Things testers wish to bring up.
[10:02] Snoopy Pfeffer: hi Rich
[10:03] Warin Cascabel gave you Plaza Teleport System v2.0.
[10:03] Richardus Raymaker: are there mor eher ethat use OVH as ISP ?
[10:03] Justin Clark-Casey: huh, nice chair, Tervavus
[10:03] Snoopy Pfeffer: nice newbie throusers Justin ;) hehe
[10:03] Charles Krinke: Hey, Justin, you are both gray and clothesless.
[10:03] Strawberry Fride: I'm liking v9214
[10:03] Justin Clark-Casey: I got a funny message saying thc client thread crashed on login.
[10:03] Justin Clark-Casey: Yet, here I am
[10:03] Snoopy Pfeffer: me too
[10:03] Warin Cascabel: I got that too.
[10:03] Strawberry Fride: me too
[10:03] Snoopy Pfeffer: very strange!
[10:03] Homer Horwitz: justin: Yep, me too
[10:04] Michael Skelito: same here
[10:04] Teravus Ousley: seems like a child agent crashed
[10:04] Justin Clark-Casey: That message should be fatal, so something funny is going on
[10:04] Justin Clark-Casey: huh
[10:04] Richardus Raymaker: 9230 sems good for me.
[10:04] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes but it wasnt crashed!
[10:04] Homer Horwitz: It doesn't seem very fatal currently.
[10:04] Justin Clark-Casey: hmm, should o a different msg for a client agent then
[10:04] Ideia Boa: for me too, and 3 times now
[10:04] Nebadon Izumi: ya im gonna investigate that message a bit later
[10:04] Homer Horwitz: Didn't notice anything not working, so far.
[10:04] Justin Clark-Casey: maybe only to console
[10:04] Nebadon Izumi: the other 2 regions on this server are not doing it
[10:04] Nebadon Izumi: so its either sim content
[10:04] Fly Man is Online
[10:04] Nebadon Izumi: or configuration
[10:04] Richardus Raymaker: so, do we have today a new recommended ?
[10:04] Nebadon Izumi: thats the cause
[10:04] Justin Clark-Casey: I saw a Mantis report of that too
[10:05] Charles Krinke: I think the key purpose for the "recommended" version is for those to have a semi-stable version one step back from the bleeding edge.
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 1) masagin
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 2) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #01
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 3) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #02
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 4) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #03
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 5) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #04
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 6) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #05
[10:05] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:05] Fly Man: Morning all
[10:05] Teravus Ousley: morning
[10:05] Snoopy Pfeffer: nice vid :)
[10:05] Nebadon Izumi: morning Fly man
[10:05] Warin Cascabel: Howdy, Fly Man
[10:05] Justin Clark-Casey: Hi Fly man
[10:05] Charles Krinke: morning, Fly-Man
[10:05] Ideia Boa: hey Fly
[10:05] Snoopy Pfeffer: hi Fly
[10:05] Snoopy Pfeffer: hello Teravus
[10:05] Nebadon Izumi: these are the OpenSIM 2 year birthday videos
[10:05] Fly Man: I will be back shortly, ± 15 mins
[10:05] Snoopy Pfeffer: :)
[10:05] Nebadon Izumi: if you ever want to watch them
[10:05] Nebadon Izumi: i made a new movie theatre here
[10:05] Fly Man: with some more news about the Region Manager
[10:05] Nebadon Izumi: on Wright Plaza
[10:06] Nebadon Izumi: theres all kinds of buttons everywhere
[10:06] Nebadon Izumi: just clickem and watch :)
[10:06] Charles Krinke: 9214, 9230 , other? Just for the next week for a "recommended" version.
[10:06] Nebadon Izumi: 9235
[10:06] Nebadon Izumi: is awesome
[10:06] Nebadon Izumi: i planned on doing a release on that rev
[10:06] Fly Man: 9235
[10:06] Charles Krinke: any objections to r9235 for "recommended" for the next week?
[10:06] Fly Man: 9235 is stable, has all the things someone needs for Groups
[10:06] Strawberry Fride: I kinda did a release to 9214 this morning
[10:06] Fly Man: and also works fine for FreeSwitch
[10:06] Justin Clark-Casey: Is the issue that halted 0.6.5 fixed in 9235?
[10:06] Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSimulator Server (OS Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) Kernel \r on an \m) ChilTasks:True PhysPrim:False
[10:07] Richardus Raymaker: 9230 runs not bad for me..
[10:07] Fly Man: Justin, 0.6.5 is Profile bots
[10:07] Fly Man: bits*
[10:07] Fly Man: 0.6.4 release is still needed if I'm not mistaken
[10:07] Snoopy Pfeffer: I use 9235 and it is great :)
[10:07] Justin Clark-Casey: Profile bits?
[10:07] Starky Rubble: me too
[10:07] Fly Man: Justin, yes
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 1) masagin
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 2) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #01
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 3) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #02
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 4) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #03
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 5) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #04
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 6) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #05
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 7) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #06
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1: 8) Open Simulator 2nd Birthday (OSGrid) M1 Rock w/ Mitch Triellis #07
[10:07] Youtube Video Player v1.1:
[10:07] Strawberry Fride: 0.6.4 let us down badly yesterday with constant OD crashes
[10:07] Justin Clark-Casey: what does that mean?
[10:07] Strawberry Fride: ODE
[10:07] Fly Man: I'm holding back on Profile
[10:08] Fly Man: until there's a proper 0.6.4 release
[10:08] Fly Man: then i can go on and wreck some bits
[10:08] Justin Clark-Casey: you mean 0.6.5?
[10:08] Fly Man: Nope, 0.6.4
[10:08] Justin Clark-Casey: but there has been a 0.6.4
[10:08] Starky Rubble: for some time
[10:08] Fly Man: I didn't see a proper release for 0.6.4
[10:08] Charles Krinke: Any objections if Nebadon either adds the new "recommended" version for this week or 'appoints' someone to add it to the wiki?
[10:08] Homer Horwitz: Yep. is running here
[10:08] Justin Clark-Casey: What consistutes a "proper release", in your opinion?
[10:08] Warin Cascabel: No objection.
[10:09] Fly Man: what is the number of the branch 0.6.4 full release
[10:09] Ideia Boa: i'm working with 9235 and it is ok
[10:09] Charles Krinke: Justin. In my opinion, a "recommended" version is merely a one-week statement based on at least "some testing" of one or two respected peeres.
[10:09] Justin Clark-Casey: I don't know,
[10:09] Fly Man: As I only see Release Candidates
[10:09] Justin Clark-Casey: There's adefinitely a 0.6.4 out there....
[10:09] Starky Rubble: it was 205 wasn't it?
[10:09] Justin Clark-Casey: it's downloadable from thje website
[10:10] Homer Horwitz: Fly Man: try svn co
[10:10] Charles Krinke: Also, in my opinion, a "release" is one that is tagged, compiled, downloadable and has few if any objections from any core deveopers or testers.
[10:10] Justin Clark-Casey: charles: true - I was just curious if the issue that stopped 0.6.5 is still in 9235. But it's not too important
[10:10] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[10:10] Fly Man: homer, that works
[10:10] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[10:10] Fly Man: but I need to make sure everyone is done with 0.6.4
[10:10] Fly Man: before I start a rampage on the core bits
[10:10] Homer Horwitz: Or download it from
[10:10] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[10:10] Nebadon Izumi: is it dist or builds
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: ?
[10:11] Homer Horwitz: dist for the distributions
[10:11] Richardus Raymaker: i need a wish :P
[10:11] Justin Clark-Casey: as far as I know, 0.6.4 is out there and that is the current release. 0.6.5 is next
[10:11] Strawberry Fride: I think the holdup issue that stopped 0.6.5 has been fixed - certainly in 9214
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: ok cool
[10:11] Richardus Raymaker: oops wisk
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: i had not looked at that in a while
[10:11] Fly Man: K, then I need to postpone to 0.6.6
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: i thought it was builds
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: good to know
[10:11] Charles Krinke: We all need at least "three" wishes on a regular basis.
[10:11] Maria Korolov is Online
[10:11] Homer Horwitz: Neb: I think builds was done by bamboo. Which got eaten by panda.
[10:11] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[10:12] Nebadon Izumi: ok
[10:12] Nebadon Izumi: so we need to whack that eh?
[10:12] Fly Man: I need some parts from the user server to be wrecked, database on hold and some tables wrecked
[10:12] Nebadon Izumi: or can panda roll it up too?
[10:12] Homer Horwitz: Whereas dists contains the "official" builds (after it has been tagged)
[10:12] Charles Krinke: r9235 for "recommended" this week? Nebadon to appoint someone to edit the OpenSim wiki? go on to next issue?
[10:12] Justin Clark-Casey: I think builds only turn up in dist if they're tagged for release now (rc or proper)
[10:12] Homer Horwitz: Yep
[10:12] Justin Clark-Casey: what Homer said :)
[10:12] Nebadon Izumi: ok so it still works?
[10:12] Justin Clark-Casey: next
[10:13] ARADTech KoolKam: heheh
[10:13] Fly Man: Out favorite topic:
[10:13] Fly Man: Support *grins*
[10:13] Homer Horwitz: Neb: And after some *beep*s used trunk-builds for productive work (judging by the comments about April 1st), I don't think there will be automatic trunk-builds anymore.
[10:13] Justin Clark-Casey: Hello Derika
[10:14] Fly Man: I managed to squeeze in some time this week with my team to work on the support piece
[10:14] Fly Man: so I hope that it will be ready coming 1st of May
[10:14] Justin Clark-Casey: what is that?
[10:14] Fly Man: Justin, Support @ OSG
[10:14] Fly Man: Will be included in the website
[10:14] Justin Clark-Casey: customer service representatives on phones?
[10:14] Fly Man: Nope
[10:15] Fly Man: Support Q => website => helpers => Answer
[10:15] Justin Clark-Casey: hackers grunting on irc?
[10:15] Justin Clark-Casey: ah :)
[10:15] Starky Rubble: hehe
[10:15] Fly Man: I had something that worked
[10:15] Justin Clark-Casey: I would like to ask if the memory issues are now better
[10:16] Justin Clark-Casey: Are they still a problem with long running regions with avatar traffic, or have things improved?
[10:16] Fly Man: but after a speed test on it with 20.000 requests, it broke down
[10:16] Ideia Boa: I use Crafty Syntax Live Help on my site, and it works ok
[10:16] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:16] Snoopy Pfeffer: high traffic regions and ones with much building restart each day between 1 and 8 times
[10:17] Snoopy Pfeffer: others can run for days
[10:17] Fly Man: Normally I restart them once a day
[10:17] ARADTech KoolKam: yes
[10:17] Fly Man: but that's because of rolling restarts
[10:17] BlueWall Slade: Lbsa grew to over 1G after several hours
[10:17] Fly Man: So the largest peak of memory I saw was 2 G
[10:17] Snoopy Pfeffer: I restart automatically based on memory consumption or if it crashed
[10:17] ARADTech KoolKam: how many avi's in here now
[10:17] Justin Clark-Casey: do we think the situation is improving, getting worse or staying about the same?
[10:17] Nebadon Izumi: 22
[10:17] Warin Cascabel: It seems better to me
[10:17] Snoopy Pfeffer: it's better
[10:17] Starky Rubble: 21? and a cube
[10:18] Fly Man: Justin, seems to be improving a bit
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: someone is over near the sandbox
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: 22
[10:18] ARADTech KoolKam: we have live today?
[10:18] ARADTech KoolKam: I hear Mitch
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: this video is from the 2 year birthday
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: up on the screen
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: i taped it
[10:18] ARADTech KoolKam: ahh the video
[10:18] Justin Clark-Casey: cool. Yeah, I think RemedyTomms work on the texture pipeline may have improved things
[10:18] Warin Cascabel: Though I notice that every time I recompile scripts in an object, memory usage increases by nearly 1MB for each script - and the effect is cumulative; it's like it's not releasing the memory from the previous script compilation.
[10:18] Nebadon Izumi: its on youtube
[10:18] Snoopy Pfeffer: there is still a problem with textures on 64 bit servers
[10:19] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes scripts consume much memory
[10:19] Nebadon Izumi: ya thats possible
[10:19] Nebadon Izumi: im still running OpenSim.32bitlaunch
[10:19] Nebadon Izumi: seems to run fine
[10:19] Justin Clark-Casey: I think daily restarts are unfortunate but a good idea - I don't think that kind of thing is uncommon even in commercial products
[10:20] Fly Man: Justin, but here's a good one for you ;)
[10:20] Richardus Raymaker: still need to script auto restart
[10:20] ARADTech KoolKam: coldfusion comes to min dhehe
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: ya that aside, i have no doubt in time we'll have uptimes recorded in months
[10:20] Fly Man: "Where are the test scripts for OpenSim ?"
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: but until then
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: restart multiple times a day if you need
[10:20] Justin Clark-Casey: Fly Man: haven't we discussed that before, a few months back?
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: really depends on your situtation
[10:20] Snoopy Pfeffer: I will write a blog about opensim service management under linux
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: i have sims that can run for a month myself
[10:20] Strawberry Fride: we do daily reboots on consoles - cleans things out pretty well
[10:20] Nebadon Izumi: even one with 12k prims and 1000 scripts
[10:20] Fly Man: Justin, I think so, but it's come to my attention again from 1 of my workers in the team
[10:20] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[10:21] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, as long as nobody logs in I can keep a region up almost permanently :)
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: ya even with visitors
[10:21] Charles Krinke: Hah, me too, Justin
[10:21] Strawberry Fride: ditto :)
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: as long as its not on mass
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: and your in windows
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: linux is a bit more unstable with mono
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: unfortunatly
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: your not gonna get much more than 1-2 days
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: in linux
[10:21] Justin Clark-Casey: Anybody running mono 2,4?
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: even in the best circumstances
[10:21] Snoopy Pfeffer: I had 4 days once lol
[10:21] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[10:22] Fly Man: Justin, does 2.5 => 2.6 also count ?
[10:22] Snoopy Pfeffer: but only for low traffic regions
[10:22] Justin Clark-Casey: Fly Man: no :)
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: this region is still 2.0.1
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: because it gets occasional trampolines
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: in 2.5
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: 2.4 i mean
[10:22] Justin Clark-Casey: I was hoping 2.4 would be a lot better, but I'm hearing rumblings about problems
[10:22] Ideia Boa: I have big problems when someone use Second inventory
[10:22] Justin Clark-Casey: Nebadon: oh, boo :(
[10:22] Richardus Raymaker: i run mono 2.4
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: ya with 2.0.1 its pretty solid
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: but
[10:22] Justin Clark-Casey: Ideia: Lots of console messages about malformed packets?
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: to be fair
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: i am planning on doing mono svn 2.6 soon
[10:22] Nebadon Izumi: and see if it improves
[10:22] Richardus Raymaker: lets say, my conenction is more unstable then opensim
[10:23] Nebadon Izumi: Adam seems to think Mono is transitioning to new GC
[10:23] Justin Clark-Casey: Nebadon: I really, really hope it does.
[10:23] Snoopy Pfeffer: I use mono 2.5 since many weeks and it works great
[10:23] Richardus Raymaker: and i think that creates the disapearing regions
[10:23] Ideia Boa: and normaly crash the region or the server
[10:23] Nebadon Izumi: adn that its not complete
[10:23] Charles Krinke: Question: Do we need to change OpenSim or WiRedux to make attaching a region to an OpenSim grid require some intervention, like obtaining a UUID, regionHandle, or *some* database field in the future to calm down some of the security discussions going on?
[10:23] Nebadon Izumi: and part of opensims problem in Mono
[10:24] Fly Man: Charles, that piece will be solved once Region Manager is in place
[10:24] Charles Krinke: k
[10:24] Warin Cascabel: My heavily primmed/scripted region right next to Lbsa (Linux 32-bit, Mono 2.2) has been up for 44 hours, no issues. Top reports about 1.3GB in use, "show stats" says 982 MB. Which is awesome compared to the way it used to be, which crashed or required restarts every few hours. So there's been a great deal of improvement in stability and memory use.
[10:24] Fly Man: Region Manager will be the Wiredux way of being online with regions
[10:24] Fly Man: All regions will be web based
[10:24] Strawberry Fride: splendid Fly Man :)
[10:24] Ideia Boa: FLy you can do something like the frensh guys have to register a region
[10:24] Fly Man: Idea, even worse ;)
[10:25] Fly Man: You need to be a member of OSG to obtain a region ;)
[10:25] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, OpenSim weather doesn't seem too bad right now
[10:25] Richardus Raymaker: warin, try mono 2.4
[10:25] Fly Man: As the Region Manager will be a simple way to obtain a region
[10:26] Fly Man: and also make a reservation for a place
[10:26] Warin Cascabel: Any specific improvements I should look for with 2.4, Richardus?
[10:26] Fly Man: if it's not already taken
[10:26] ARADTech KoolKam: good stuff :)
[10:26] Charles Krinke: I would like to make another regular plea for folks to get independent corroboration on Mantis issues to ensure they have less chance of being ignored as a one-time occurence or a configuration issue.
[10:26] Fly Man: Yes, but this will be a future feature
[10:26] Fly Man: Build 1a will have login, region management
[10:26] Fly Man: and creating of a new region
[10:27] Fly Man: 1b and 1c will be the Reservation and Restraining builds
[10:27] Charles Krinke: What is it that developers need from testers they are not getting?
[10:27] Snoopy Pfeffer: is it possible to extend the time until a location on the grid becomes available for new regions when a region is down?
[10:27] Justin Clark-Casey: Cake#
[10:28] Snoopy Pfeffer: 1 ady is a bit short
[10:28] Snoopy Pfeffer: day*
[10:28] Fly Man: Snoopy, remember that it's still development ;)
[10:28] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes I know Fly :)
[10:28] ARADTech KoolKam: This whole shutdown vs crash thing
[10:28] Fly Man: Nebadon and me set it up knowing that after 24 hours ppl will be knowing that their region is failing
[10:28] Fly Man: and we'll add some new parts to it as well
[10:28] ARADTech KoolKam: unless they shutdown
[10:28] Fly Man: but first, I need to work 3 days ;)
[10:29] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes usually
[10:29] Fly Man: after that, I have 2 weeks of leave
[10:29] Charles Krinke: Snoopy, I think we would all like to ensure our locations are 1) Negotiated, 2) Available 3) not usurped, 4) Known to all and I think we are headed that direction, but we are not there yet.
[10:29] Fly Man: that I can work on those things
[10:29] ARADTech KoolKam: most people dont know if they shutdown the region becomes avial immed
[10:29] Fly Man: Arad, that's true
[10:29] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes true
[10:29] Fly Man: BUT:
[10:29] Snoopy Pfeffer: thanks :)
[10:29] Fly Man: That will be a change
[10:29] ARADTech KoolKam: I was shutting down all the time
[10:29] Fly Man: a region will be released instantly
[10:29] ARADTech KoolKam: and would still be
[10:29] Fly Man: but if you made a reservation on it
[10:30] ARADTech KoolKam: if I hadnt seen that you lose your place
[10:30] Simulator Version v0.5 shouts: OpenSimulator Server (OS Fedora release 9 (Sulphur) Kernel \r on an \m) ChilTasks:True PhysPrim:False
[10:30] Fly Man: automatically the Region Manager kicks in, making sure you have that place still when you return
[10:30] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes I did not loose a region till now, but a month ago I was just lucky!
[10:30] Fly Man: But this is a temporary solution
[10:31] ARADTech KoolKam: there is no way to make both crash and shutdown 24 hours/
[10:31] Fly Man: as I think once you picked a place, you only get that place
[10:31] Fly Man: The whole grid is large enough for many regions
[10:31] Fly Man: but for some reason, ppl want to be close to the Plaza's
[10:31] Charles Krinke: I would like to make a plea for a few folks to help edit the OpenSim wiki with paragraphs, mini-appNotes, FAQ and hints as part of our ongoing "technical manual project.
[10:31] Justin Clark-Casey: The Plaza's are downtown :)
[10:32] Snoopy Pfeffer: some regions are linked with the way their terrain looks like
[10:32] Fly Man: so my suggestion would be to either move some plaza's to other parts of the grid
[10:32] Snoopy Pfeffer: such regions cannot simply move
[10:32] Fly Man: or make a barrier around them, keeping them "clean"
[10:32] Richardus Raymaker: if i lose me spot , a big design from more will break as example
[10:32] Aramis Soren: someone snagged one of mine now my runway is split in half lol
[10:32] Fly Man: AND:
[10:32] Fly Man: A word of advice:
[10:32] Richardus Raymaker: zauis and wright or close to each other. offcorse i like to use zauis
[10:33] Fly Man: When you have a region that's "moving"
[10:33] Teravus Ousley: FOOT:
[10:33] Michael Skelito: isn't there a 24 grace period here when you shut down?
[10:33] Fly Man will try to add something to the regions table that checks the table
[10:33] Nebadon Izumi: no
[10:33] Fly Man: and "saves" who had a region where
[10:33] Nebadon Izumi: theres no grace period on a proper shutdown
[10:33] Warin Cascabel: Not if you shut down cleanly, Michael - your spot goes available immediately.
[10:33] Nebadon Izumi: only on crash
[10:33] ARADTech KoolKam: shutdown is bad
[10:33] ARADTech KoolKam: lawys crash your sim
[10:33] Fly Man: to see if we have "pirates" that takes region places asap as they're down
[10:33] Snoopy Pfeffer: wow
[10:34] Fly Man: But, Build 1c will have that
[10:34] Snoopy Pfeffer: grace periods are important
[10:34] Charles Krinke: We should be delighted that our virtual real estate is increasing in "demand"
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:34] Fly Man: Before that, I will make some queries that we can run on regular basis to have some info
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: doh
[10:34] Justin Clark-Casey: Fly Man: So are you able to do region management indepedent of OpenSim itself?
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: i acidently clicked your cube
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:34] Fly Man: Justin, in short:
[10:34] BlueWall Slade: we could log attempts to hyjack regions and if they are over a limit, ban them from attaching regions
[10:34] Fly Man: Region Manager will be the answer to loss of folders
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: thought i was camming
[10:34] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:35] Homer Horwitz: Of folders?
[10:35] Fly Man: We'll be using the web based ability for OpenSim region to be created
[10:35] Aramis Soren: i noticed another "Plaza" in a region name, might want to let them know those are kinda reserved
[10:35] Fly Man: the only thing you will need on a region is your personal user and pass string to connect to the Region Manager
[10:35] Strawberry Fride: I do all region management in a separate database - there's the ability to request your region xml on startup, coordinates controlled centrally, but each grid has its own needs :)
[10:35] Fly Man: the Manager will send back the info to the OpenSim region
[10:36] ARADTech KoolKam: How many in here now?
[10:36] Fly Man: Pro: Your terrain image will change instantly
[10:36] Nebadon Izumi: i still show 22
[10:36] Fly Man: Pro: You won't have any trouble doing rolling restarts as a region can be picked up by another instance on your machine
[10:36] BlueWall Slade: the stats report 16, I think it's wrong
[10:37] Fly Man: I got this idea after I talked with Propero Linden
[10:37] Nebadon Izumi: ya
[10:37] Justin Clark-Casey: Strawberry: Is a completely independent solution better for you, or would it be better done via plugins directly on the grid service?
[10:37] Nebadon Izumi: stats are always wrong at the meeting
[10:37] Nebadon Izumi: say list
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Visitor List:
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Teravus Ousley
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Maria Korolov
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: BlueWall Slade
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Starky Rubble
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Orion Hax
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Ideia Boa
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Warin Cascabel
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Richardus Raymaker
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Michael Skelito
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Strawberry Fride
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Charles Krinke
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Snoopy Pfeffer
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Homer Horwitz
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Derika Juran
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Justin Clark-Casey
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Fly Man
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: ARADTech KoolKam
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Andreas mueller
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Alpha Core
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Little Sister
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: prism pawpaw
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Aramis Soren
[10:37] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Total = 22
[10:37] ARADTech KoolKam: there it is then :)
[10:37] Richardus Raymaker: seperate is betetr to maintance..
[10:37] Fly Man: SL uses the same method, only their regions are shared over seperate machines
[10:38] Strawberry Fride: the web region xml was the thing that prompted me to develop our solution - but it has evolved a lot in 5-6 months with customer integration
[10:38] Fly Man: And when a region crashes, another instance can boot up, have that region appointed to it
[10:38] Fly Man: and boot it
[10:38] Fly Man: so you won't loose a region that long
[10:38] Fly Man: Especially when Snoopy told me she has a perfect way of making a instance reboot itself
[10:38] Snoopy Pfeffer: hehe
[10:38] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes Fly I will write a blog about that
[10:38] Justin Clark-Casey: Strawberry; There's always this debate over how 'out of the box' a solution OpenSim should be. I think there are people who both like OpenSim to be core stuff only, and those who prefer a complete solution
[10:38] Fly Man: So I thnk Region Manager will be 1 of the solution for the short term
[10:38] Snoopy Pfeffer: maybe already tomorrow
[10:39] Warin Cascabel: What's that, try to do some actual work on it, and that makes it restart? :)
[10:39] Richardus Raymaker: cool snoopy
[10:39] Fly Man: Warin, Snoopy will write an assay about it ;)
[10:39] Snoopy Pfeffer: hehe
[10:39] Warin Cascabel: I was just joking, Fly Man. :)
[10:39] Fly Man: I was too ;)
[10:40] Warin Cascabel: OK :)
[10:40] Snoopy Pfeffer: well I can just write about how I do it under linux
[10:40] Fly Man: She needs to write a Learning Curve Essay about it
[10:40] Fly Man: and it will be done this Friday I just heard ;)
[10:40] Snoopy Pfeffer: we could extend that to a best practices guide "how to run opensim"
[10:40] Aramis Soren: hi hippo welcome
[10:40] Justin Clark-Casey: Hello hippo
[10:40] Fly Man: hippo, yes
[10:40] Fly Man: it's on the Wiki already
[10:41] Justin Clark-Casey: do you know the url?
[10:41] Fly Man: For the ppl that didn't hear
[10:41] Fly Man: We tested the Freeswitch voice implementation yesterday
[10:41] Snoopy Pfeffer: wow cool
[10:41] Fly Man: and it worked mighty fine ;)
[10:41] Strawberry Fride: oo!
[10:41] Fly Man:
[10:41] Snoopy Pfeffer: how can I test Freswitch?
[10:41] Justin Clark-Casey: fly: thanks
[10:41] Strawberry Fride: I have installed and configured the server part
[10:41] Fly Man: That's all you need to Freeswitch
[10:41] Strawberry Fride: planning on a test later
[10:41] Justin Clark-Casey: any plans to voice enable this meeting? :)
[10:41] Nebadon Izumi: i have like 80% working
[10:41] Nebadon Izumi: well its onyl 1 on 1
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: much like old rotary telephones
[10:42] Justin Clark-Casey: oh right
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:42] Fly Man: Justin, yes ;)
[10:42] Aramis Soren: can't post a voice log though
[10:42] Warin Cascabel: Searching the wiki for "freeswitch", "Freeswitch" or "FreeSwitch" turns up 0 pages.
[10:42] Snoopy Pfeffer: do you need any extensions IBM made?
[10:42] Fly Man: Justin, if you have a unlimited bandwidth server
[10:42] Justin Clark-Casey: could do a podcast ;)
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: yea
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: hang on
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: search is wierd
[10:42] Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha
[10:42] Nebadon Izumi: lemme get you link
[10:42] BlueWall Slade: Vivox is comming - will it be group/spatial?
[10:42] Warin Cascabel: Thanks, Nebadon
[10:42] Aramis Soren: that would be cool, as long as those who miss can get to it
[10:42] Strawberry Fride: is freeswitch spatial?
[10:42] Fly Man: BlueWall, yes
[10:42] Fly Man: Straw, Yes
[10:42] Ideia Boa: and, your voice, was nice, Fly? :-))
[10:42] Strawberry Fride: cool :)
[10:42] Teravus Ousley: freeswitch is spacial, but no distance volume mixing
[10:42] Fly Man: Idea, it worked nicely
[10:42] Strawberry Fride: lookingforward to playtime later
[10:42] Snoopy Pfeffer: only Vivox supports spatial DrScofield told me
[10:43] Homer Horwitz: No voice for meetings, please. It's difficult enough to follow 4 simultaineous conversations via text...
[10:43] Snoopy Pfeffer: ah ok
[10:43] Nebadon Izumi:
[10:43] Justin Clark-Casey: so is Freeswtich just one to one or was that a voice :)
[10:43] Fly Man: But there's another piece I would like to explain:
[10:43] Warin Cascabel: Thanks.
[10:43] Fly Man: "Groups are enabled on some sims"
[10:43] Justin Clark-Casey: heh. But voice might make things more single threaded
[10:43] Charles Krinke: Yes, text for meetings also makes an automatic transcript which is helpful to those that are not here
[10:43] Aramis Soren: true Homer
[10:43] Strawberry Fride: how are groups working out?
[10:43] Teravus Ousley: freeswitch works both one on one and for region/parcelmedia.. but no distance mixing
[10:43] Fly Man: Please remember that on this moment, there's NO OSgrid wide groups server
[10:43] Homer Horwitz: Charles: +1
[10:43] Strawberry Fride: saw the commits go in
[10:44] Fly Man: So, please either use the server that's mentioned on the OpenSim.ini.example
[10:44] Snoopy Pfeffer: can we add a grid wide groups service for testing?
[10:44] Fly Man: that one is from Mcortez
[10:44] Fly Man: or setup your own server
[10:44] Justin Clark-Casey: I'm curious to see when/if a core implementation of the groups service comes along
[10:44] Aramis Soren: *golf clap* for mcortez's work on that
[10:44] Justin Clark-Casey: the server side, that is
[10:44] Fly Man: Justin, it's already in ;)
[10:44] Charles Krinke: I would suggest both 'groups' and 'freeswitch' are good candidates for a couple of 'zealot' testers that are willing to wiki config notes
[10:45] Nebadon Izumi: ya its partially working now i thought
[10:45] Nebadon Izumi: in core
[10:45] Justin Clark-Casey: Right, but it has no server component
[10:45] Fly Man: Justin, it does ;)
[10:45] Fly Man: But that part isn't in Core
[10:45] Homer Horwitz: Not in core.
[10:45] hippo finesmith: groups works if u have the php stuff
[10:45] Justin Clark-Casey: unlike users, grid, inventory, etc.
[10:45] Fly Man: it's in the Flotsam SVN
[10:45] Justin Clark-Casey: exactly, which is why I'm curious as to whether there will be a core bundled one
[10:45] Fly Man: But Justin, feel free to extend a server
[10:45] Fly Man: UGAIMP
[10:46] Richardus Raymaker: ?:)
[10:46] Homer Horwitz: P?
[10:46] Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha - I already have more than enough to do :)
[10:46] Fly Man: Process Server
[10:46] Homer Horwitz: Proups?
[10:46] Snoopy Pfeffer: yes UGAIMP lol
[10:46] Strawberry Fride: lol
[10:46] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:46] Richardus Raymaker: no V ?
[10:46] Charles Krinke: I wanna see "URGAISM"
[10:46] Homer Horwitz: Vroups?
[10:46] Strawberry Fride: I do wish that screen wouldn't force play
[10:46] Richardus Raymaker: Voice
[10:46] Warin Cascabel: LOL
[10:46] Homer Horwitz: Doesn't sound better...
[10:46] Snoopy Pfeffer: hehe
[10:46] Homer Horwitz: Ah
[10:46] Justin Clark-Casey: Charles: you're a bad influence
[10:46] hippo finesmith: anyway will freeswitch work right out of the box?
[10:46] Justin Clark-Casey grins
[10:46] Fly Man: Voice server won't ever be a core, I think
[10:46] Richardus Raymaker: lol
[10:47] Justin Clark-Casey: no... and groups might be marginal, not sure
[10:47] Snoopy Pfeffer: there will be different voice implementatioms
[10:47] Fly Man: But sure, Justin, once someone will feel lucky and create it ...
[10:47] David Straaf: Hi
[10:47] Aramis Soren: i would see a dr about that oku lol
[10:47] Charles Krinke: As we move forward and new features are off to the side, keeping up on wiki documentation for configuration will get more and more challenging
[10:47] Fly Man: I think it's not that hard to make the php implementation => C#
[10:47] Justin Clark-Casey: Charles: do you know if there is an uptodate list of implement LL functions?
[10:48] ARADTech KoolKam: yeah me too the vids keep playing
[10:48] Fly Man: Justin, the wiki should have the latest
[10:48] Justin Clark-Casey: no, the impl is not difficult, which is why I suspect we will see it sooner or later. The only issue is whether other developers feel strongly enough that it shouldn't be in core
[10:48] David Straaf: :-) I am starting developing around opensim, just gettin' in touch with the platform and testing into a local region...
[10:48] Fly Man: Justin, Same goes for Profile
[10:48] Justin Clark-Casey: Fly Man: Couldn't see it the other day - only the old list with lots of Alondria and CharleieO entries
[10:48] hippo finesmith: cool
[10:48] Charles Krinke: I dont know if the wiki is up to date or not, but searching for 'NotImplemented" finds the 27 or so missing ones.
[10:48] Justin Clark-Casey: Fly Man: yes
[10:48] Fly Man: Some developers want it to be out
[10:48] Fly Man: and I tend to agree on some of them
[10:49] Snoopy Pfeffer: btw there is still a serious bug in the implementation of rotations of root prims of link sets (see mantis 3467 and 3463)
[10:49] Fly Man: that's why I'm waiting for a full release before wrecking
[10:49] Fly Man: as it will take more then just some code changed
[10:49] Fly Man: as the users table would be a lot smaller
[10:49] hippo finesmith: ok who or what blew up
[10:49] Justin Clark-Casey: your use of the word wrecking makes me nervous :)
[10:49] Charles Krinke: Are we at the point where we need to plan on more regular 'full releases' yet?
[10:49] Justin Clark-Casey: how about adjusting?
[10:49] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:49] Nebadon Izumi: power of positive thinking?
[10:49] Fly Man: Justin, okay, have it your way
[10:49] Homer Horwitz: Well, core can vote -1 on wrecking :)
[10:50] Strawberry Fride: releases at the moment are a little hit and run - not much back patching to the tagged parts
[10:50] Fly Man is adjusting the users table to match the change for Profile
[10:50] Justin Clark-Casey: I'm just observing that wrecking will probably make it less likely to go in than not :)
[10:50] David Straaf: I have started making a region module... something between the TreePopulator one and that server-side-objects they have made in openlife...
[10:51] Fly Man: Everything after userInventoryURI , userAssetURI will be transplanted to Profile Module outside
[10:51] David Straaf: just to get in touch with the thing
[10:51] Aramis Soren: nice
[10:51] Justin Clark-Casey: Strawberry: yes - I don't think there is enough interest yet in doing more proper releases, despite recent events
[10:51] Strawberry Fride: no indeed - I agree there
[10:51] David Straaf: i have a question that i guess is a bit basic, forgive me for it...
[10:51] Strawberry Fride: so frequent tags is a nice way to go
[10:52] Strawberry Fride: if folks can all agree and settle on stable points
[10:52] Strawberry Fride: stableish
[10:52] Fly Man: I think we can do a RC every week
[10:52] Charles Krinke: David: Have you joined the FreeNode channel #opensim and the opensim-users mailing list?
[10:52] Fly Man: ( recommended version for that week)
[10:52] Justin Clark-Casey: David: Ask away
[10:53] David Straaf: I want to use a notecard stored in a prim as a "properties" setup for that prim server side capabilities (I don't know if it's the best approach) and I have found that the notecard is written in something called "Linden Text version 2"... is there any public known function that parses it? or should i write my own parser?
[10:54] Richardus Raymaker: wow
[10:54] Justin Clark-Casey: David: I know of no parser in core OpenSim, at least.
[10:54] Charles Krinke: I thought there were already LSL functions to parse notecards.
[10:54] Nebadon Izumi: we need to get one of these rolling Ter
[10:54] Nebadon Izumi: hehe
[10:54] Charles Krinke: And I have used them
[10:54] Richardus Raymaker: the futere flinstone car ?
[10:54] Strawberry Fride: this region ODE?
[10:54] Warin Cascabel: llGetNotecardLine(), I believe.
[10:54] ARADTech KoolKam: swet!
[10:54] Justin Clark-Casey: Hmm, that's a good point
[10:54] Charles Krinke: needs a laser cannon, Nebadon
[10:55] Warin Cascabel: What we really need is osReadNotecardToList(). :)
[10:55] Charles Krinke: patch?
[10:55] Strawberry Fride: warin - sounds wonderful :)
[10:55] Homer Horwitz: Warin: Why?
[10:55] Homer Horwitz: That's just ~10 lines of LSL...
[10:55] Strawberry Fride: one line instead of etc
[10:55] Justin Clark-Casey: David: Yes, you might want to follow down llGetNotecardLine to see where that goes
[10:58] BlueWall Slade is Online
[10:59] BlueWall Slade: Thanks Charles
[10:59] Justin Clark-Casey: bye Charles
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: heh ok treadmaster 9000 = death too
[10:59] Charles Krinke is Offline
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: dont even click that thing
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: lol
[10:59] Aramis Soren: good job FlyMan and mcortez this week
[10:59] Snoopy Pfeffer: lol
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: its evile
[10:59] Strawberry Fride: seeya later folks :)
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: sim is holding up relatively well though
[10:59] Nebadon Izumi: im suprised
[10:59] Justin Clark-Casey: bye Strawberrry
[11:00] Snoopy Pfeffer: is it evil because it has rotated prims in it's link set making it explode when you unlink it? hehe
[11:00] Justin Clark-Casey: apart from the fact that I'm not sunk in the moon :)
[11:00] Richardus Raymaker: bye straw
[11:00] Michael Skelito: byees all
[11:00] David Straaf: with this Module i will be able to make a prim on the floor look and server side act like a sown field... then by the properties in the notecard request the kind of trees, population and so...
[11:00] Justin Clark-Casey: alright, I'm out of here too, goodbye folks
[11:00] Richardus Raymaker: justin is sinking in the moon
[11:00] Snoopy Pfeffer: bye Justin
[11:00] Homer Horwitz: Yep, hopping out, too.
[11:00] Snoopy Pfeffer: bye Homer
[11:00] Richardus Raymaker: bye homer
[11:00] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:00] Homer Horwitz waves and poofs.
[11:00] Justin Clark-Casey is Offline
[11:01] Snoopy Pfeffer: I also need to go
[11:01] Snoopy Pfeffer: see you all soon
[11:01] Snoopy Pfeffer: bye
[11:01] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:01] Richardus Raymaker: bye snoopy. see you
[11:01] Snoopy Pfeffer: oki bye
[11:02] ARADTech KoolKam: sound awesome David :)
[11:02] ARADTech KoolKam: Later everyone :)
[11:02] Aramis Soren: neb... you ain't right ;)
[11:02] Richardus Raymaker: bye arad
[11:02] Aramis Soren: lol
[11:02] Richardus Raymaker: so coolk teravus. it seems to work so good to
[11:02] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:02] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:02] Ideia Boa: Tevarus, can you give me the script of you cube
[11:02] David Straaf: to let the world evolution by itself
[11:02] Ideia Boa: ?
[11:03] AirSurfer: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:03] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:03] Primitive: You are not the owner of this vehicle ...
[11:03] Aramis Soren: that would be cool david, grasses too not just trees?
[11:03] Aramis Soren: hi Alpha
[11:04] Aramis Soren: nice find us on #opensim and #opensim-dev on freenode irc
[11:04] David Straaf: I will join the OSGrid with my sim as soon as i get a router with loopback-nat
[11:04] hippo finesmith: does ne 1 actually answer anything here lol
[11:04] Orion Hax: Isle_of_Orion_3_3
[11:04] Aramis Soren: mailing lists are on the wiki... somewhere :)
[11:04] Aramis Soren: hippo flyman said all you need is on that page
[11:04] Nebadon Izumi: say list
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Visitor List:
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Teravus Ousley
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Maria Korolov
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: BlueWall Slade
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Starky Rubble
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Orion Hax
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Ideia Boa
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Warin Cascabel
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Richardus Raymaker
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Michael Skelito
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Strawberry Fride
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Charles Krinke
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Snoopy Pfeffer
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Homer Horwitz
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Derika Juran
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Justin Clark-Casey
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Fly Man
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: ARADTech KoolKam
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Andreas mueller
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Alpha Core
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Little Sister
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: prism pawpaw
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Aramis Soren
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: oku taku
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: David Straaf
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: hippo finesmith
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Star Design
[11:04] Visitor List Recorder v1.1: Total = 26
[11:04] David Straaf: now if i make it public, i can't login from inside my home network
[11:04] Teravus Ousley is Online
[11:04] Nebadon Izumi: nie
[11:04] Nebadon Izumi: nice
[11:04] Nebadon Izumi: well Im gonna run too
[11:05] Aramis Soren: loopback problem david?
[11:05] Nebadon Izumi: i need lunch

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