Second Birthday

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 00:22, 16 January 2009 by WWWench (Talk | contribs)

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OpenSim 2nd Birthday Banner.png



The consensus is that OpenSim was 'born' on Jan 29 2007, when Darren Guard (MW) made his prototypical c# 3D world server publicly available. Help us celebrate this joyous occasion! Read History for some recap of the early days.


Here you can add your activity, sorted by starting time GMT. Please supply at least basic information (when it starts, ends, what happens and how to get there). Also, if the activity takes place in a public hypergrid location, feel free to add link-region information so that others can link to your region.

Consider announcing your party on the opensim-users mailing list.

Jan 29 2009

When? (GMT) When? (Local Time) Duration What? Where? How do I get there? link-region server and port
4:00pm 7:00am (PST) 4 hours Soft music pre-party Example Grid


Hypergrid Bridges

To bridge between grids in the 1000's and grids in the 10,000's, you can use 2 gateways in the UCI Grid:

  • Gateway 3000, placed in position 3,000 3,000: 9003
  • Gateway 7000, placed in position 7,000 7,000: 9007


This banner is suitable for inclusion on your own web page, in blogs et c:

OpenSim 2nd Birthday Banner.png

Invitation Card

This image is suitable for creating your own invitation notecards:

OpenSim Second Birthday Note.png

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