Getting Started with Region Modules
From OpenSimulator
Hello World
This brief tutorial is intended to get people started with developing applications with/for opensim using region modules and the opensim API. The module available here writes "HELLO" in prims on every region of your opensim instance, and makes them move every 2 seconds or so. Please note:
- The opensim API is rapidly changing. The code available here works for SVN 7176, which corresponds to opensim 0.6.0. Please use that version to run this example.
To get started:
- Download and install opensim svn 7176, and build it as normal.
- Get this zip file: Unzip it somewhere.
- Before you go changing the code of the application, see its effect inworld by doing this:
- Grab HelloWorld/bin/Release/HelloWorld.dll and dump it in opensim/bin
- Start opensim as normal, and login to it.
You should see the word HELLO spelled out in prims, and moving every so often.
Are you ready to explore the code now?