From OpenSimulator
osRevokeScriptPermissions(key revoked_key, string function)
| |
Dynamically allow/disallow ossl execution to owner/creator/group by function name. | |
Threat Level | Severe (Pending Peer Review) is unknown threat level |
Permissions | Use of this function is always disabled by default |
Extra Delay | 0 seconds |
Example(s) | |
list functions = ["osNpcCreate", "osNpcGetPos", "osNpcLoadAppearance", "osNpcGetRot", "osNpcMoveTo", "osNpcRemove", "osNpcSaveAppearance", "osNpcSay", "osNpcSetRot","osNpcSit", "osNpcStand", "osNpcPlayAnimation", "osNpcStopAnimation","osNpcMoveToTarget", "osNpcStopMoveToTarget", "osOwnerSaveAppearance", "osAgentSaveAppearance"]; default { state_entry() { llSetColor(<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); } touch_start(integer det) { llSay(0, "Enable"); osGrantScriptPermissions(llGetOwner(), functions); state enabled; } } state enabled { state_entry() { llSetColor(<0,1,0>,ALL_SIDES); llSay(0, "ossl functions enabled"); } touch_start(integer det) { osRevokeScriptPermissions(llGetOwner(), functions); state default; } } This example will allow the owner of this object to create and manipulate NPCs. To allow other possibilities, change the llGetOwner() to any key for another avatar or group. The osRevokeScriptPermissions uses the same syntax to remove previuosly granted permissions. |