Load Oar

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Load Oar Console Command

Once you have saved regions in OAR files, the 'load oar' console command will load the OAR file into the current region. There are many parameters that enable replacing the region's current contents or merging the OAR file's contents with the objects and terrain already in the region.


The load oar command has the format:

load oar [parameters] OARFILE

where "OARFILE" is the path to the OAR file to read in, and "[parameters]" is zero or more optional parameters from the following list:

Parameter Since Description
--merge 0.6.8 Specify to merge the contents of the reading OAR with the existing contents in the region.
--skip-assets 0.6.9 If set, this will not load any of the assets from the OAR, though all other data will be loaded. This saves a lot of time and database operations if loading an OAR multiple times on a grid -- specify --skip-assets after the first time the OAR is loaded on a grid as the assets would have already been loaded the first time the OAR files was loaded.
--displacement dev Specify a displacement that is added to all objects in the OAR file as they are added to the region. The displacement MUST be specified as "<x,y,z>". So, for instance, to load an OAR from a 256x256 region into the middle of a larger 512x512 region, the parameter would be --displacement "<128,128,0>". Note that you can specify a "Z" displacement which will move the objects up or down. Thus --displacement "<0,0,1000>" will put all the OAR's objects up high for a sky box.

The displacement is also applied to the terrain if it is included. The 'z' component is added to the terrain's heights.

--rotation dev The degrees to rotate all the objects loaded from the OAR.
--rotation-center dev The center around which to rotate objects on load.
--no-objects dev Don't load any scene objects.
--force-terrain dev Force terrain loading on --merge. Normally, --merge does not overwrite the existing region's terrain.
--force-parcels dev Force parcel loading on --merge. Normally, --merge does not overwrite the existing region's parcel data.

Notes On Regions of Different Sizes

Example Uses

Replacing a region's contents with what's in an OAR file

Merging together two region's worth of contents

Loading a 256x256 region's contents into the middle of a 512x512 sized region

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