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Word marked with "*" are primarily for testing purposes for sim owners and not end users.

Word Stack Description
dup ( n -- n n ) Duplicates the top item of the stack
. * ( n -- ) Prints the top item of the stack in console
dump * ( -- ) Dumps the VM's current status in console
swap ( n1 n2 -- n2 n1) Swaps the order of the top two items in the stack
savestate * ( n -- ) Saves the VM's state to file n.fmo
words * ( -- ) Lists the primitive words loaded to console
loadlib ( n -- ) Loads the words in n.dll
 : [;] Special Define a user word. The first word following the : in the estack is the name. All words following until ; is the definition of the word
savestack ( ... n -- ) Pops the entire stack into variable n
loadstack ( n -- ... ) Push's the stack saved in variable n
clearstack ( ... -- ) Clears the entire stack
if,[else],then ( n -- ) If n is true, execute words until else or then. If n is false, execute else to then
not ( n -- n ) If n is true, push false, if n is false, push true
> ( n1 n2 -- n ) If n1 > n2, push true else push false
< ( n1 n2 -- n) If n1 < n2, push true else push false
>= ( n1 n2 -- n ) If n1 >= n2, push true else push false
<= ( n1 n2 -- n) If n1 <= n2, push true else push false
= ( n1 n2 -- n ) If n1 == n2, push true else push false
 != ( n1 n2 -- n ) If n1 != n2, push true else push false (technically pushes "= not" to estack)
 ! ( n1 n2 -- ) Saves n1 to variable n2
@ ( n -- n ) Pushes variable n to stack


Word Stack Description
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