Offline Messaging

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Revision as of 08:28, 9 November 2011 by Fleep (Talk | contribs)

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Offline messaging makes it possible to send IM's to people that are not online and saves the messages directly to a database.

Through OpenSim.Wiredux as a module

In the latest version of OpenSim.Wiredux the offline module is already ready to be used

  • Install the wi_offline_msg.sql file on your database

You need to enable the Offline Messaging Module in your Opensim.ini file.

Changes in the OpenSim.ini file

; Control which region module is used for instant messaging.
; Default is InstantMessageModule (this is the name of the core IM module as well as the setting)
InstantMessageModule = InstantMessageModule
; MessageTransferModule = MessageTransferModule
OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule
OfflineMessageURL = http://yourserver/offline.php
MuteListModule = MuteListModule
MuteListURL = http://yourserver/mute.php

When you did it right, reboot your region and try to send a message to an offline person. Check the database to see that it has written a record.

Next time that person logs in, he will get the message and the database will be updated

P.D: The MuteListModule and URL must be uncommented in order for the offline module to work, even if there is no mute.php file in the web folder.

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