Automated Testing

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 11:47, 9 January 2008 by Daedius (Talk | contribs)

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To create a system of automatic building, testing, and simulation so we can have better awareness of our changes to OpenSim.


To properly test OpenSim, we will need to address a number of objectives:

  • Crossplatform Support
  • Build Stability
  • Code Test
  • Code Performance
  • Runtime Performance
  • Code Style
  • Web site results
  • Communication

We will be using a number of in-house technologies as well as 3rd party (NUnit, Nant, etc.) to address our challenges. We will strive to maintain all our testing tools in a package that any one can use on any computers with any operating system. For convience, a centralized site for this testing result information on opensim will be created on .


  • Daedius Moskvitch ( daedius @@@@

Testing Objectives

Crossplatform Support

There are a number of objectives that should report on which operating system they ran

  • Build Stability - Make sure all our builds compile on every operating system
  • Code Test - Make sure all our tests run on every operating system
  • Code Performance - See how our functions run on every operating system
  • Runtime Performance - See how operating systems actually run opensim

Build Stability

Ensure that the build is intact.

Code Test

Code Performance

Runtime Performance

Code Style

Web site results

Results of our testing should be accessible web service. This web service will be available via a maintained plugin for build bot so when running a build bot master, one only need a website that can access the web service and properly show it how they wish. Our web service needs to be able to hand off a variety of information:

  • Realtime status information of operations
  • Crossplatform Support information on tests that have been run for some spiffy grids
  • Build results for showing us what happens when things break
  • Code test results for showing us what tasts ran
  • Code performance for showing us how all our profiled code worked
  • Runtime Performance statistics information for bar graphs and charts
  • Code Style results for showing which code structure names are non-standard


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