Related Software
From OpenSimulator
Technical Reference -> Terms -> Related Software
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This is a page which lists software packages that are related to OpenSimulator but are not part of the core project. Opensimulator is not responsible for the content referenced by these links.
Dependant Software
OpenSim depends on many other libraries to function. You get these with your default distribution of OpenSim, but for more information on each project you should see it's home page
- libopenmetaverse
- ODE ODE is an open source, high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics.
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.
- mono Mono is a cross platform, open source .NET development framework.
- nant NAnt is a free .NET build tool.
- realXtend realXtend viewer and server working with OGRE and support MESH.
- Subversion Subversion is an open source version control system.
- Python Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be used for many kinds of software development.
- XmlRpcCS
- NUnit
- Prebuild
- DotNetOpenMail
- Prototype JavaScript Framework ajax
- Nini
- log4net
- GlynnTucker.Cache
- todo: list the rest of the contents of bin here
OpenSim Viewers
The following 3D Viewers are known to work with OpenSim. We take no responsibility for their bugs, features, or lack there of.
OpenSim Forge Projects
OpenSimulator now has a forge for related software.
- OpenSim Installers
- Hippo OpenSim Viewer
- OpenSimWi(Redux)
- Open Source Terrain Textures
- OGP Patches
- Xenki Viewer
- OSTray
- SL Launcher
- Open User Manual
- DeepServer (ASP.NET Grid Server)
- realXtend Modules
todo list some of the top opensim forge projects.
These are either application or region modules which can be added to the OpenSim core distribution to provide extra functionality.
None are listed yet!
These are independent implementations of OpenSimulator services, such as the user server or the inventory server (also known as UGAI).
- OpenUGAI - A Perl implementation of the UGAI services which runs within Apache.
- Terraingen - Tool for producing OpenSim terrains from USGS DEM files.
- RegionGenerator - Generates Region XML Files
- Second Inventory - A Windows based client that can be used to back up and restore objects from Second Life as well as from various OpenSimulator based grids. It allows you to back up objects from the Second Life main grid, and restore them into OpenSimulator grids. It is still a bit primitive and sometimes can be flaky. This software is in no way supported by the OpenSIM team, please contact its creator for support.
- METAbolt - METAbolt is a non-graphical (text based) viewer. It's light weight and cross grid, which means it will work in Second Life as well as other grids that are based on OpenSIM. The viewer is Open Source so it's free. Currently METAbolt is only available for Windows platforms.
- 3D Head Tracking Software - The idea here is that Johnny has written an application that will allow real3d perspective using a WiiMote & a modified set of safety glasses. Johnny includes all of the source and several sample applications to get this moving forward. Would someone like to pick this up and build us a real3D interface for the SL browser? It's not as hard as you think.
- Edusim on Opensim - Edusim is a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment based concept of lesson driven 3D virtual worlds on the classroom interactive whiteboard or classroom interactive surface. Currently Edusim on Opencobalt Cobalt exists but tweaking a client and making Opensim "finger friendly" would seem to be a relatively straight forward task.