Estate Support

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 11:16, 14 August 2008 by Melanie (Talk | contribs)

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SVN r5525 introduced estate support into OpenSim.

Updating to this or a later revison will create estate support in your instance. It will convert the previous settings file to a set of database tables.

The following tables are created

regionsettings (this will be dropped and recreated if it existed

These tables will be created in the region datastore by default.

On conversion, it will set up an environment as close as possible to what existed before.

It auto-creates one estate per region, with default estate IDs, starting from 100. All new estates will be parented by estate 100 as well. It then places the region in it, converts the old region bans to new estate bans for that estate and sets the new estate flags to defaults. All the information is saved in the database in the new tables.

Region settings are now really by region, no longer per instance.

This patch causes all regions to revert to the settings from estate_settings.xml. This will repair the loss of ground textures some people have reported with the last patch. However, per-region settings made with the last patch will revert to the settings from estate_settings.xml. This is a trade off and was done to make the most common migration case more robust.

Estate owners

Estate owners are now supported, but have to be entered in the database manually, since no support for this exists in the client. Set the EstateOwner field in estate_settings to the UUID of the user you want to be the estate owner. It will become effective in each region at the next region restart.

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