Textures (Content Creation)

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 04:58, 29 May 2023 by Tess Juel (Talk | contribs)

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This is a quick copy from the Artist Home page. Serious editing needed

Textures are images used to cover surfaces of 3d models and terrain. Textures can be anything form 1x1 to 1024x1024 images. Most of the textures for buildings, items and clothes are usually 512x512.



Best Practices

The Deadly Sins of Texturing

How not to do textures for Opensim.


There are no links in this category at the moment. The links that used to be here are both broken.


There are no links in this category yet.


There are no links in this category yet.

Content Libraries


Some Great free textures.


Content: All kinds License: Various Collection of textures, meshes, objects, avatars and other items. Licenses vary.


Mainly a commercial texture store geared towards architects but also with some great free content.

Torley Textures

A collection of more than 600 FilterForge generated abstract textures by Torley Linden. Originally intended as a prize for his obstacle course in Second Life, these textures have been widely spread both in SL and on various opensim grids. Please note that all these textures have already been uploaded several times to the hypergrid and it is recommended to use existing uploads whenever possible - there's no need to load the grid servers with more duplicates than necessary.


Zadaroo is perhaps best known for hosting all of Linda Kellie's works after Kellie took down her own website but there is also some good classic content by the siteowner there. Please note that everything from Zadaroo has already been uploaded several times to the hypergrid and it is recommended to use existing uploads whenever possible - there's no need to load the grid servers with more duplicates than necessary.

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