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Revision as of 13:17, 14 May 2022 by Aiaustin (Talk | contribs)

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From 2022 some viewers have code designed to validate whether the inventory structure is properly set up and may have facilities to warn users if there are problems with their inventory structure.

OpenSim Inventory Folder Types

OpenSim has been permissive about inventory folder duplication. However, Opensimulator until 2015 used folder types that where different from the ones expected by viewers, so Region and Grid owners should pay attention to some cases where viewer side restrictions are being validated:

  • My Inventory or Inventory: should be type 8 and each user must have only one. (type 9 was used on older versions)
  • My Suitcase or Suitcase: is optional. If present, should be type 100 and each user must have only one. (type 8 or 9 was used on older versions)
  • Trash: should be type 14
  • Lost and Found: should be type 16
  • Current Outfit: must be type 46

Viewers will look for specific folders, mostly only on creating a new item, So if they are duplicated, it just may not be clear the folder they choose. Users should be advised to only have duplications while doing merge of inventories, etc. Folder types in OpenSim have still no other use than show type specific icons and to allow use of inventory filters.

Also see the informative Wiki page on Inventoryfolders.

External Discussions on Inventory Issues

Check and Correct Inventory Script (User Contribution)

See also Check_inventory_script for advice and a PHP script which can help fix some inventory type issues.

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