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osNpcLoadAppearance(key npc, string notecard)
Load appearance from a notecard. This notecard must contain appearance data created with one of the save appearance functions.
Threat Level High
Permissions ${OSSL|osslNPC}
Extra Delay 0 seconds
// osNpcLoadAppearance Script Exemple
// Author: djphil
integer total;
        total = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
        if (total < 1)
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "The inventory of this primitive must contain at least one appearance notecard for npc.");
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Collide a NPC with this primitive to see osNpcLoadAppearance usage.");
    collision_start(integer number)
        key collider = llDetectedKey(0);
        if (osIsNpc(collider))
            integer random = llFloor(llFrand((float)total));
            string notecard = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ALL, random);
            osNpcLoadAppearance(collider, notecard);
            osNpcSay(collider, "Wow cool, i have a new appearance now!");
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Only NPC's can collide with me and load a new appearance ...");
This function was added in 0.7.2-post-fixes

An important hint: This function works only for the npc owner.
You must create the npc with OsNpcCreate and the option OS_NPC_NOT_OWNED to allow all others to change the appearance.

See Also:

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