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Revision as of 06:09, 9 June 2008 by Olish (Talk | contribs)

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Caution ! The RemoteAdmin feature is unsecured at this time. For testing uses only.


How to Setup the Remote Admin

Setup OpenSim

First you should enable the remote admin interface to do so just add the following lines to your OpenSim.ini file:

enabled = true
access_password = secret

Example in Python

# Author  : DrScofield 
# Source  :
# License : BSD License

import xmlrpclib  
# XML-RPC URL (http_listener_port)  
gridServerURL = ‘′  
# instantiate server object  
gridServer = xmlrpclib.Server(gridServerURL)  
# invoke admin_alert: requires password and message  
gridServer.admin_broadcast({’password’: ’secret’,   ‘message’: ‘the answer is 42′})

Example in PHP

This example needs the RemoteAdmin PHP Class file available here.


// Author  : Olish Newman
// Source  :
// Licence : BSD License

// Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class. It can be downloaded from the link above.

// Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above
$myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret');

// Invoke admin_broadcast
$parameters = array('message' => 'the answer is 42');
$myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_broadcast', $parameters);

// Invoke admin_shutdown (example for use without parameters)


RemoteAdmin Commands

Name Status Description
admin_create_region Create a new region
admin_shutdown Shut down the region
admin_broadcast Send a general alert
admin_restart Restart OpenSim
admin_load_heightmap Load Height Map...
admin_create_user Create a new user
admin_load_xml Execute the Load XML command


Thanks to DrScofield for the Python Script Sources :

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