RemoteAdmin:RemoteAdmin Proposals

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This is a page dedicated to OpenSim's remote administration module

Please see RemoteAdmin Standards for proposed naming schema

  • Please post your Function along with a brief description of what it would be for, or do and an example of it.
  • Make sure it begins with admin_.
  • And remember, almost anything within reason can be posted here as an idea, who knows, maybe a variation of your request can be possible.
  • Consider posting your proposal to Mantis so that we can smoothly discuss about it. After that, add the link to mantis issue in the description.

RemoteAdmin Proposal Table

Function Description Example Usage Signed
admin_teleport_all_agents Teleports all agents in a simulator or specifyed region to a region/position Michelle Argus
admin_save_iar executes the Save IAR command Michelle Argus
admin_quit_region close region without removing region from the map. Michelle Argus
admin_load_iar executes the Load IAR command Michelle Argus
admin_fcache_clear executes the fcache clear command Michelle Argus
admin_get_windlight_scene get windlight settings Michelle Argus
admin_set_windlight_scene set windlight settings Michelle Argus
admin_set_windlight_scene_targeted set windlight settings for target agent Michelle Argus
admin_region_stats quary the region stats, similar to osGetRegionStats Michelle Argus
admin_set_log_level change the log level of the console, eg when problems occure Michelle Argus
admin_backup executes the backup command Michelle Argus
admin_config_get executes the config get command Michelle Argus
admin_export_map executes the export map command Michelle Argus
admin_kill_uuid executes the kill uuid command
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