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Secondlife URL protocol modification

The Secondlife client installation, on Windows, modifies your web browser to allow you to enter a special URL (secondlife://) in your browser, which launches the client and logs you into any sim at any coordinates you wish.

Until now, the functionality was limited to logging you into the official Linden Lab grid. You couldn't use the URL to log into other grids, like Deepgrid or Osgrid.

By making a simple (3 character) registry modification, the limitation disappears. You can then choose any grid you want to log into when entering a secondlife:// URL in your browser. I've tested it in IE 7 and Firefox 2.0 (on Windows). The mod retains your option to logon to the LL grid and you can still use the regular "Start Location" functionality.

This mod doesn't work when the Secondlife client is already open. Your client must be closed to allow the browser to launch your client. If someone could make this work from within the Secondlife client, THAT would be amazing.

This also doesn't work on Linux or MAC versions of the Secondlife client. Maybe someone can make it so.

The registry mod is simplicity.

Just add three characters to the end of the key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\secondlife\shell\open\command.

Change it from this:
"C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe" -set SystemLanguage en-us -url "%1"
To this:
"C:\Program Files\SecondLife\SecondLife.exe" -set SystemLanguage en-us -url "%1",%1

Adding ,%1 at the end of the key allows your browser to send extra commands to your Secondlife client when the client opens. In effect, adding this parameter allows you to send ANY legal commands to the client.

The format for sending the commands, in a browser URL, is simply to add them after the the normal secondlife://region/x/y/z command, separating each command and its arguments with commas. Here's how we tell the client to log us into deepgrid, for example: secondlife://someregion/x/y/z/,-loginuri,

We used the -loginuri command, followed by the grid and port we wanted to log into. It's easy and fun!

OpenSim grids don't yet support choosing your region on login, so the region argument is ignored for now on OpenSim grids. This functionality will be added soon. Choosing your region works the same as it always did on the Linden grid. To log into the Linden grid, just leave off the commands and commas after the region command.

I hope this mod will allow websites to post secondlife:// teleport links to non-Linden grids.

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