User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 5/Healing Heart

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Myriad Lite Healing Heart

Many combat-based games offer a heal-up object that will partly or fully restore the player's health when activated.

The Myriad Lite Healing script was designed to sit in a heart-shaped object that spins, turns grey when used until it respawns and turns red again when active.

Jeanie Weston has contributed a heart-shaped sculpy texture to save prims available in the Marketplace pack on SecondLife.


  1. Make a sculpty prim.
  2. Drag and Drop the Jeanie's Heart sculpt texture onto the sculpt map area of the build tool
  3. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Healing script from inventory into the object
  4. Edit the script to provide full healing or partial healing as desired.
  5. Rez copies of the healing heart where desired to give combatants a chance to heal up.


// Myriad_Lite_Healing-v0.0.2-20120130.lsl
// Copyright (c) 2012 By Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Baroun's Adventure Machine Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Baroun Tardis (SL)
// Myriad Lite and Baroun's Adventure Machine licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported
// You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software.
// If you do not agree to this license, simply delete these materials.
// There is no warranty, express or implied, for your use of these materials.

// CHANMYRIAD OUT - RPEVENT|str eventmessage

float   TOUCH_RANGE = 3.0;      // meters - how close do you have to be for touch-to-heal to work
integer RESPAWN_FLAG = TRUE;    // once heal is used, respawn it after a certain time?
float   RESPAWN_TIME = 30.0;    // how long until heal respawns?
integer CHANMYRIAD = -999;      // channel for Myriad RP events
string  DIV = "|";              // Myriad message field divider
integer HEALALL = TRUE;         // heal all? if FALSE...
integer HEALAMOUNT = 0;         // heal how many critical/wound boxes?

    llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET,<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); // set all prims to red on all sides
    llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,0.25,1.0); // set the object slowly spinning around the Z (vertical) axis
    if ( HEALALL == TRUE ) { // what label do we set?
        llSetText("Full Healing",<1,0,0>,1.0); // Set a red FULL heal hovertext
    } else { // this is only a partial heal
        llSetText("Partial Healing",<1,0,0>,1.0); // set a read PARTIAL heal hovertext

default {
    state_entry() {
        SETUP(); // if reset, go to setup
    on_rez(integer start_param) {
        start_param = 0; // LSLINT
        SETUP(); // if rezzed from inventory, go to setup
    // COLLISION_START EVENT - if player runs into the heal object, try healing them
    collision_start(integer collisions) {
        while (collisions--) { // count down through each collision in this event
            if ( RESPAWN_FLAG == FALSE ) { // this heal has already been used recently
                return; // so just return since we're not going to heal anyone at the moment
            key who = llDetectedKey(collisions); // what hit the heal object?
            // we check the owner of the colliding object to see if its an avatar, or someone's bullet, etc
            key whoowner = llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(who,[OBJECT_OWNER]),0);
            if ( who == whoowner) { // this is an avatar that owns itself
                // calculate the CHANPLAYER dynamic channel for who is being healed
                integer chanplayer = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)who,0,6));
                if ( HEALALL == TRUE ) { // are we healing all damage?
                    llRegionSay(CHANMYRIAD,llKey2Name(who)+" is fully healed!");
                    llWhisper(chanplayer,"HEALALL"); // tell that player's HUD to heal ALL damage
                } else {
                    llRegionSay(CHANMYRIAD,llKey2Name(who)+" is partially healed!");
                    llWhisper(chanplayer,"HEALPARTIAL"+DIV+(string)HEALAMOUNT); // tell player HUD to heal some damage
                llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET,<.5,.5,.5>,ALL_SIDES); // make the heal item grey and used looking
                llSetTimerEvent(RESPAWN_TIME); // set a timer to respawn this heal item after a while
                RESPAWN_FLAG=FALSE; // set a flag so the heal can't be reused until it respawns
                return; // collision is done, let's exit after healing first avatar found in collisions

    // TOUCH_START EVENT - when player clicks heal, see if they are close enough
    touch_start(integer touches) {        
        while (touches--) { // count down through all touches in this touch-start event
            if ( RESPAWN_FLAG == FALSE ) { // this heal has been used recently and has not respawned
                return; // so exit early since we're not healing anyone right now
            key who2 = llDetectedKey(touches); // who clicked us, we don't check for avatar since objects can't click
            // find the current location of what clicked us
            vector whopos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(who2,[OBJECT_POS]),0);

            if ( llVecDist(whopos,llGetPos()) <= TOUCH_RANGE ) { // check distance between heal item and whoever clicked
                // calculate CHANPLAYER dynamic player channel to send healing message to
                integer chanplayer2 = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString((string)who2,0,6));
                if ( HEALALL == TRUE ) { // are we healing all damage?
                    llRegionSay(CHANMYRIAD,llKey2Name(who2)+" is fully healed!"); // tell region someone is healing
                    llWhisper(chanplayer2,"HEALFULL"); // heal all damage
                } else {
                    llRegionSay(CHANMYRIAD,llKey2Name(who2)+" is partially healed!"); // tell region someone is healing
                    llWhisper(chanplayer2,"HEALPARTIAL"+DIV+(string)HEALAMOUNT); // heal some damage
                llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET,<.5,.5,.5>,ALL_SIDES); // make the heal item grey and unused looking
                llSetTimerEvent(RESPAWN_TIME); // set a timer to respawn this heal item after a while
                RESPAWN_FLAG=FALSE; // set a flag so the heal can't be reused until it respawns
                return; // touch is done, let's exit after healing first avatar found in clicks
        } // end while
    timer() {
        llSetLinkColor(LINK_SET,<1,0,0>,ALL_SIDES); // set color to red again to show this can be used
        RESPAWN_FLAG=TRUE; // set a flag to all the next heal attempt to work
        llSetTimerEvent(0.0); // stop the timers until the next heal event starts a new one
} // end default
// END

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