OpenSim 0.6 IClientAPI

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IClientAPI is Being Deprecated

That's right! The horrendous IClientAPI interface is slowly being replaced with smaller sub-interfaces that clients may choose to implement or not. As such, please don't write any new methods that take IClientAPI as arguments; they should take IClientCore and test which interfaces those implement before trying to do things with them.

Porting Guide

OnNewClient vs OnClientConnect

  • OnNewClient is deprecated, please use OnClientConnect instead.
    • Rationale: OnNewClient passes IClientAPI in it's parameter, IClientAPI is being deprecated.
    • IClientAPI Changes: IClientCore may not contain all the interfaces you want just yet, but if it does (see the list below for what's been ported so far), you should switch to OnClientConnect and then use IClientCore.[Try]Get<IClientInterface>().Method() instead of IClientAPI.Method();

Instant Message

  • Dropping fromAgentSession from SendInstantMessage (both overloaded versions)
    • Rationale: Session ID is both linden specific, and something that shouldnt be transmitted to users anyway (security).
    • IClientAPI changes: Insert this parameter into your packets manually if you need it, LLClientView.cs contains a reference to sessionID already. Be advised that this represents a security risk (giving the users one of the two shared secrets).
  • Dropping imSessionID from SendInstantMessage (both overloaded versions)
    • Rationale: IM Session ID's are unique to SL and we just multiplex the two users ID's to form this so it's static anyway.
    • IClientAPI changes: Multiplex the ID inside your own implementations vs relying on the module to do it for you.


  • Dropping sessionID from SendBlueBoxMessage
    • Rationale: Session ID is both linden specific, and something that shouldnt be transmitted to users anyway (security).
    • IClientAPI changes: Insert this parameter into your packets manually if you need it, LLClientView.cs contains a reference to sessionID already. Be advised that this represents a security risk (giving the users one of the two shared secrets).


  • Dropping SendChatMessage(bytes[]...) - the overload with string still works however.
    • Rationale: We arent using this, and sending the bytes raw instead of a string is poor methodology.
    • IClientAPI Changes: Drop this method if you arent using it.

Example Conversion



       private void OnNewClient(IClientAPI client)
           client.OnInstantMessage += OnInstantMessage;


       void OnClientConnect(IClientCore client)
           IClientIM clientIM;
           if(client.TryGet(out clientIM))
               clientIM.OnInstantMessage += OnInstantMessage;


Isnt this messier? I see more code! What's this IClientIM thing?

The short answer here is we're now using multiple interfaces to represent clients. Rather than dictating that every client must obey IClientAPI.cs - we can say clients can pick and choose the bits and pieces they want to implement.

The extra code is mostly in checking that the client supports Instant Messaging before attempting to handle IM's for it. If the client doesnt support that interface, it will lead to a crash if you try use it.

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