HyperGrid Team/HowTo

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Refer to: Installing_and_Running_Hypergrid


Checkout OpenSim, prebuild and build as normal.

for Linux users that will be command line like below, in this example i will use /opt for the checkout.

# cd /opt
# svn co http://opensimulator.org/svn/opensim/trunk opensim
# cd opensim 
# ./runprebuild.sh
# nant

for Windows users that will be command line like below, in this example i will use C:\opensim for the checkout.

SVN checkout e.g. with TortoiseSVN http://tortoisesvn.net/ by right clicking the opensim folder in explorer and choose SVN Checkout you want to use like C:\opensim and type in this url - http://opensimulator.org/svn/opensim/trunk under "URL of repository", and hit Ok.

When svn checkout is done open a command prompt via start - run - cmd 
c:\>cd opensim 
c:\opensim> runprebuild.bat
c:\opensim> compile.bat

  • If you want to run in standalone mode and you want it to be network-able, or if you have your grid on loopback ( change all the [Network] server addresses to "http://<external_host_name>:<http_port>". See below for the OpenSim.ini
  • To make sure the hypergrid is running type this on your console: link-region. If you don't get/hear anything back, the hypergrid is not properly Enabled/Installed.
  • Make a copy of your /bin/OpenSim.ini.example and rename it to OpenSim.ini

The following is an example of what needs to be changed in OpenSim.ini to have your Region HyperGrid Enabled note: If you have several regions on one OpenSim.exe, all regions will after these changes be HyperGrid Enabled.


  • Example of the OpenSim.ini changes for a standalone:
; Set this to true if you want this OpenSimulator to run the Hypergrid functionality
hypergrid = true
; ##
; ##
WorldMapModule = "WorldMap"
WorldMapModule = "HGWorldMap"
http_listener_port = 9000
default_location_x = choose a number between 8000 - 12000 (if you want to HG to and from OSGrid)
default_location_y = choose a number between 8000 - 12000 (if you want to HG to and from OSGrid)
grid_server_url = http://example.com:9000
grid_send_key = null
grid_recv_key = null

user_server_url = http://example.com:9000
user_send_key = null
user_recv_key = null

asset_server_url = http://example.com:9000
inventory_server_url = http://example.com:9000
messaging_server_url = http://example.com:9000

  • Example of the OpenSim.ini changes for a grided OpenSim:
; Set this to true if you want this OpenSimulator to run the Hypergrid functionality
hypergrid = true
; ##
; ##
WorldMapModule = "WorldMap"
WorldMapModule = "HGWorldMap"
http_listener_port = 9000
default_location_x = choose a number between 8000 - 12000 (if you want to HG to and from OSGrid)
default_location_y = choose a number between 8000 - 12000 (if you want to HG to and from OSGrid)

grid_server_url = http://example.com:8001
grid_send_key = null
grid_recv_key = null

user_server_url = http://example.com:8002
user_send_key = null
user_recv_key = null

asset_server_url = http://example.com:8003
inventory_server_url = http://example.com:8004
; Port 8005 reserved
messaging_server_url = http://example.com:8006

In your OpenSim.ini . HGWorldMapModule will, after teleporting to another grid, clean up tiles in your map left over from the grid on which you were previously.

If you already have an OSGrid connected region, and you want that Hypergrid Enabled, just make the changes to OpenSim.ini as described above, only remmeber to keep the http://osgrid.org:port in [network section] and the OSgrid specific keys. "1234"

After these OpenSim.ini changes you are ready to proceed with your new Standalone HG Enabled region so read on to start everything up.

To start the OpenSim in a basic sqlite setup

Start the /opt/opensim/bin/opensim-ode.sh script.


 # cd /opt/opensim/bin
 # ./opensim-ode.sh


 c:\>cd \opensim\bin
 c:\>opensim.exe -physics=OpenDynamicsEngine

On startup answer these questions: (on the External Host Name question type in your Public/External IP Address. in this example. for x,y choose numbers between 8000-12000, put in Local Server Firstname and Lastname)

DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Region Name [OpenSim Test]: MyHGRegion
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Grid Location (X Axis) [1000]: 8000 - 12000
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Grid Location (Y Axis) [1000]: 8000 - 12000
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Internal IP Address for incoming UDP client connections []:
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Internal IP Port for incoming UDP client connections [9000]:
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: External Host Name []:
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: First Name of Master Avatar [Test]: firstname
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: Last Name of Master Avatar [User]: lastname
DEFAULT REGION CONFIG: (Sandbox Mode Only)Password for Master Avatar account test]:
21:52:59 - [STARTUP]: No startup command script specified. Moving on...
21:52:59 - [!]:STARTUP COMPLETE
Currently selected region is MyHGRegion
21:52:59 - [STARTUP]: Startup took 0m 52s
Region (MyHGRegion) # 

After the initial setup you OpenSim will have created a default.xml file under /bin/Regions In the default.xml make sure that the x,y coords match the OpenSim.ini's settings



You will also need to open your firewall or router on region ports as specified in default.xml (internal_ip_port="9000") and OpenSim.ini in this example you would have to open port 9000 on TCP/UDP, to be able to access your standalone region from the Internet.

Now to test your Hypergrid settings and start HyperGridding test if you can teleport between regions like below with method 3 of dynamic linking.

Testing your HyperGrid via Method 3 (dynamic)

Starting in svn r8193, if you're in an HG-enabled region, you'll be able to dynamically link sims, and teleport there, in any one of these ways (and probably more). All you need to know is the target address, e.g. from the list below.

1) Type for example secondlife://hypervz.hypergrid.dk:9000/ in the public or an im  
chat box, click the chat "history" and click on that new link, if it works it will then show you 
the new region on the Teleport Map.
2) Click the the "Map" button and search for HG's like this:
3) Using the viewer's embedded browser visit pages that have links like 
secondlife://ucigrid04.nacs.uci.edu:9007/ (there's one up at
For example to teleport from your Standalone HG Enabled OpenSim server to an OSGrid region you would use 

Again, you can link to a specific region within an instance by adding the name of that region at the end, like this: secondlife://ucigrid04.nacs.uci.edu:9007:Gateway 7000/

Important Notes

Make sure you have a 'home' set. If your home region doesn't exist, the hyperlink TPs may not work. To set your home, go to one of your local regions and "Set Home" from the viewer.

Due to a viewer bug, you can only TP between regions that are no more than 4096 cells apart in any dimension. What this means in practice is that if you want to link to OSGrid, you must have your own regions reachable from the (10,000; 10,000) point on the map, which is where OSGrid is centered. Place your regions somewhere in the 8,000s or the 12,000s.

After svn r9321 the startup commandline switch -hypergrid=true is moved into OpenSim.ini as described above.

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