OpenSim: Testing

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Revision as of 10:44, 24 August 2007 by Pfelts (Talk | contribs)

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Planned functionality in upcoming public release (0.4):

  • Basic (standalone mode. Grid mode functionality is planned for releases after 0.4)
    • login - Windows or Linux client, Three arguments should work:
      "-loginuri http://localhost:9000"
      or "-loginuri http://ipAddr:9000"
      The last one should work on either the same computer as the sim or a different computer.
    • logout - Should have no error. May have warning.
    • relog - Should have no error. May have warning.
  • Avatar
    • walk - Walk across land, uphill, downhill & underwater.
    • fly - Fly underwater, just above the land & > 100m above the land.
    • hover - Hover up to 1000m.
    • teleport within region - Teleport between two locations on the same sim by double-clicking using the map.
  • Building
    • create prim - Create a prim. Make it small & then large. Duplicate the prim. Create a small building.
    • change prim type - Box, Cylinder, all should work.
    • change transparency - Change transparency from 0 - 100.
    • change colour - Using the color picker, make sure we can select at least 2 different colors.
    • change texture - default, blank, and one from inventory.
    • link multiple - Build at least 2 prims and link together with Ctrl-L. Move, copy & unlink.
    • permissions
    • change prim size, shape - hope to have it working.
  • Terraforming
    • raise - Large/medium/small tool should be able to raise anywhere in the sim.
    • lower - Large/medium/small tool should be able to lower anywhere in the sim.
    • flatten - Large/medium/small tool should be able to flatten anywhere in the sim.
  • Land
    • subdivide - Select a piece of land with the edit terrain tool and subdivide.
    • join - Select 2 pieces of land with the edit terrain tool and join.
    • offer for sale - Select a piece of land with the edit terrain tool and offer for sale.
  • UI
    • friends list
    • uploads
    • edit profile
    • search
    • full map
    • money
    • HUD attachments
  • Friends
    • add
    • remove
    • permissions
      • mapping
      • online visibility
      • can edit my objects
  • Groups
    • create
    • join
    • description
    • graphic
    • notices
    • vote
    • invite person
    • remove person
    • member list
    • group list
    • publish
    • set title
    • change active title
    • enrollment fee
    • open enrollment
    • set mature flag
    • group land
    • Group Roles
      • create
      • edit
      • remove
      • add person
      • remove person
      • abilities
  • Chat / IM
    • local chat
    • chat at distance
    • send / receive IM
    • offline IM
    • group IM
    • multiple friend IM
    • participant list
    • voice (?)
  • Physics / Collision
    • sit on object - status of this functionality unclear for 04. release.
    • walk on land - works.
    • prim collision and walking on prims - we hope to have it working with ODE phsyics engine or basicphysics engine.
    • prim physics - likely will not be working by 0.4.

Current functionality (may be out of date):

  • Basic (standalone mode. Grid mode functionality is planned for releases after 0.4)
    • login - Windows or Linux client. Three arguments should work:
      "-loginuri http://localhost:9000"
      or "-loginuri http://ipAddr:9000"
      The last one should work on either the same computer as the sim or a different computer.
    • logout - Should have no error. May have warning.
    • relog - Should have no error. May have warning.
  • Avatar
    • teleport within region - clicking on map and teleporting within region works. camera position and avatar height are not always "sane" when reappearing, but moving the avatar restores height and cam.
    • animation
    • play sounds
  • Building
    • create prim - Create a prim. Make it small & then large. Duplicate the prim. Create a small building.
    • change prim type - Box, Cylinder, all should work.
    • change transparency - Change transparency from 0 - 100.
    • change colour - Using the color picker, make sure we can select at least 2 different colors.
    • change texture - default, blank, and one from inventory.
    • link multiple - Build at least 2 prims and link together with Ctrl-L. Move, copy & unlink.
    • permissions

  • Terraforming
    • raise - Large/medium/small tool should be able to raise anywhere in the sim.
    • lower - Large/medium/small tool should be able to lower anywhere in the sim.
    • flatten - Large/medium/small tool should be able to flatten anywhere in the sim.
  • Land
    • subdivide - Select a piece of land with the edit terrain tool and subdivide.
    • join - Select 2 pieces of land with the edit terrain tool and join.
    • offer for sale - Select a piece of land with the edit terrain tool and offer for sale.
    • buy land: not working.
  • UI
    • friends list
    • uploads
    • edit profile
    • search
    • full map
    • money
    • HUD attachments
  • Friends
    • add
    • remove
    • permissions
      • mapping
      • online visibility
      • can edit my objects
  • Groups
    • create
    • join
    • description
    • graphic
    • notices
    • vote
    • invite person
    • remove person
    • member list
    • group list
    • publish
    • set title
    • change active title
    • enrollment fee
    • open enrollment
    • set mature flag
    • group land
    • Group Roles
      • create
      • edit
      • remove
      • add person
      • remove person
      • abilities
  • Chat / IM
    • local chat
    • chat at distance
    • send / receive IM
    • offline IM
    • group IM
    • multiple friend IM
    • participant list
    • voice (?)
  • Physics / Collision
    • sit on object - currently doesnt work.
    • walk on object - currently doesnt work.
    • bump into object - currently doesnt work.
    • fall on object - currently doesnt work.
    • collisions - currently doesnt work.
    • lot of other things, i'm sure ;)
  • Scripting
    • test all LSL functions - currently doesnt work.
    • expand this
  • Inventory
    • expand this
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