Chat log from the meeting on 2008-06-17

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[10:50] Neas Bade:
[10:50] Neas Bade: did my clothes just show up for you now?
[10:50] You: hey
[10:50] You: no
[10:50] You: your grey
[10:51] You: am i?
[10:51] Neas Bade: you are too
[10:51] Neas Bade: the textures are taking a long time to spool in
[10:51] You: yea its been like this since we changed UUIDs
[10:51] Charles Krinkeb: Gracious. I need to restart my laptop. back in 3 minutes.
[10:51] You: thats the 1st complaint i got
[10:51] You: everyone is grey now
[10:51] You: hehe
[10:51] Teravus Ousley is Online
[10:51] Neas Bade: your clothses just showedd up for me
[10:51] You: yea
[10:51] You: i rebaked
[10:51] Neas Bade: I think it just takes a bit
[10:51] Charles Krinkeb is Offline
[10:51] You: no
[10:51] Neas Bade: well, the rebake thing was always an issue
[10:52] You: it never happens now unless you rebake
[10:52] You: you wont even see yourself now
[10:52] You: this all started after the migration
[10:52] You: almost immediatly everyone noticed
[10:52] Neas Bade: well, it may have made a timing problem slightly worse, but I'm really doubting it is anything other than that
[10:52] You: yea
[10:53] You: i didnt think it that major
[10:53] You: hehe
[10:53] You: did you rebake Ter?
[10:53] You: or was that automatic?
[10:53] Teravus Ousley: I figured everyone was talking about rebaking.. so I might as well
[10:53] You: ah yea
[10:53] You: it doesnt happen now
[10:53] You: unless you do
[10:53] You: otherwise everyones always grey now
[10:54] Neas Bade: its a feature :)
[10:54] You: hehe
[10:54] Neas Bade: less complexity for the viewer
[10:54] You: Attack of The "Greys"
[10:54] Neas Bade: it's better than no pants
[10:54] You: we need aluminum foil hats
[10:54] Justin Clark-Casey is Online
[10:54] Charles Krinkeb is Online
[10:54] You: on another note
[10:55] You: i just erased about 60 prims that had negative location here
[10:55] You: and over in the 0,0,0 corner
[10:55] You: there is a fox tail under ground
[10:55] You: that if you touch it you crash
[10:55] Neas Bade: so, we did the first integration of content with patches from the IBM side, which is this handshake
[10:55] Justin Clark-Casey: woooooooo, creepy
[10:55] You: i had to delete the prims with negative locations from the DB
[10:55] You: cause if you touch them
[10:55] Teravus Ousley watches the map load :D yay
[10:55] You: viewer crashes
[10:55] Charles Krinkeb: I was thinking that a little grotto over there so we could admire things like that would be fun.
[10:56] You: where too?
[10:56] Charles Krinkeb: Maybe a little underwater sight-seeing spot near 0,0,0 so we can see things like appear and study them?
[10:57] Justin Clark-Casey: with a big sign saying - "Under no circumstances touch the fox tail of death!"
[10:57] You: yea map is working good
[10:57] You: hehe yea
[10:57] You: dont touch the fox tail
[10:57] Neas Bade: make it a big red button
[10:57] Charles Krinkeb: I bet many of our sims have stuff at 0,0,0
[10:57] Justin Clark-Casey: I excevated some stuff from the bottom of sdague's sim once
[10:57] You: i wonder if we can do a check
[10:57] Justin Clark-Casey: it was this weird big shiny thing
[10:57] You: and just purge anything thats negative
[10:57] You: casue the prims are untouchable
[10:58] You: theres no way to delete or move them in world
[10:58] Justin Clark-Casey: all that stuff might be historical detritus
[10:58] Justin Clark-Casey: probably the result of bugs
[10:58] Teravus Ousley: well, also make sure that they're not part of a linkset
[10:58] Neas Bade: I just want trees to not be grey :)
[10:58] Charles Krinkeb: problem with purging stuff that negative is it might be a negative offset from a root prim in a group perhaps?
[10:58] Neas Bade: ter, where is the map code?
[10:58] You: no this is in relation to the sim
[10:58] Neas Bade: I might take a look at the tree stuff
[10:58] You: there are 2 location feilds
[10:58] You: one is in location to sim
[10:58] Teravus Ousley: linksets have prim that are a wide variety locations
[10:59] You: the other is in location to prims
[10:59] Charles Krinkeb: Nebadon. I cant get to the console for WP and LP right now. Should we shut down LP for the meeting?
[10:59] You: oh sure
[10:59] Teravus Ousley: Sean: Scene.CreateTerrainTexture
[10:59] You: hang on i'll shut it down
[10:59] Charles Krinkeb: thanks. vnc is acting up.
[10:59] You: done
[11:00] Chris D is Online
[11:00] You: so sdague did i hear you say Trees are grey for you?
[11:00] Neas Bade: on the map
[11:00] You: ahh
[11:00] Teravus Ousley: on the map
[11:00] You: ok
[11:00] You: hehe
[11:00] Charles Krinkeb: Is the tone of our meeting today the 0.6 release and how to get there?
[11:00] Neas Bade: my test sim is mostly trees
[11:00] Teravus Ousley: you could just check for trees via their pcode
[11:01] Neas Bade: I like the outdoors
[11:01] Neas Bade: so the mapp looks wierd
[11:01] Charles Krinkeb: lots of lightning outdoors.
[11:01] You: hehe
[11:01] Neas Bade: yeh, I think we said this would be 0.6 focus
[11:01] Hiro Protagonist is Online
[11:02] Teravus Ousley: Sean I've commented the CreateTerrainTexture routine pretty highly
[11:02] Hiro Protagonist: 'sup y'all
[11:02] You: hello
[11:02] Charles Krinkeb: I also suspect Nebadon and I would appreciate a 64bit Linux conversation during this meeting for a short while.
[11:02] Charles Krinkeb: and Hiro as well.
[11:03] Hiro Protagonist: yeah, a little background is really all we need I think
[11:03] You: does anyone here have experience with 64 bit systems?
[11:03] Hiro Protagonist: I used one briefly when I first got this box - had numerous small troubles
[11:04] Hiro Protagonist: never really got opensim going on it though
[11:04] BlueWall Slade is Online
[11:04] Chris D: I run 64bit linux but I run opensim as a 32bit application
[11:04] You: yea
[11:04] You: i think most do
[11:04] Neas Bade: oh, I can't build any more
[11:04] Hiro Protagonist: everyone warned me off it
[11:04] You: there
[11:04] Hiro Protagonist: thats when Harrisona got me started on sidux
[11:04] You: i turned it on Sean
[11:04] Neas Bade: did someone take me out of Estate Managers?
[11:04] Neas Bade: ah cool
[11:04] You: build away
[11:04] You: no
[11:04] You: you have to enable admin
[11:05] You: or you cant make changes
[11:05] You: even if your estate manager
[11:05] Teravus Ousley sees neas on the estate manager list
[11:06] You: yea
[11:06] You: but unless you enable admin
[11:06] Hiro Protagonist: Neas, any insights into what's up with running opensim servers on 64bit linux?
[11:06] You: on the advanced tab
[11:06] You: you cant do estate functions
[11:06] You: unless you own the region
[11:06] Teravus Ousley: hmm, odd, I'm able to. Just not 'request godmode'
[11:06] You: yea
[11:06] You: i never have been
[11:06] BlueWall Slade is Offline
[11:06] You: on sims i dont own
[11:06] You: even if im estate manager
[11:07] Teravus Ousley disables physics
[11:07] You: lol
[11:07] You: thats probably going to crash here
[11:07] BlueWall Slade is Online
[11:07] Teravus Ousley: yep, works without me .having to be sim owner.. and without faking admin status.
[11:08] Teravus Ousley turns physics back on
[11:08] You: no
[11:08] You: not those estate
[11:08] You: land manager
[11:08] You: sorry
[11:08] You: land options
[11:08] Neas Bade is Offline
[11:08] You: i dont know about estate manager
[11:08] Teravus Ousley: ahh, yes. I never liked that
[11:08] Neas Bade is Online
[11:08] Dahlia Trimble: can I prevent others from building on my sims? do those flags work?
[11:08] Teravus Ousley: ... that Land wasn't done within the perms
[11:08] Teravus Ousley: Neas, the sim didn't crash.. did you?
[11:09] You: maybe he thought he was stuck
[11:09] You: lol
[11:09] Teravus Ousley: hehe, well, I specifically said 'Teravus turns off physics'
[11:09] Charles Krinkeb: I believe permissions are partly implemented and will be one of our big pushes for 0.7 right after we get 0.6 released.
[11:09] Charles Krinkeb: So, other then cleaning up some Mantisi, what else is needed to get 0.6 outa here?
[11:10] Neas Bade: man, the fonts suck more here
[11:10] Hiro Protagonist checks teh roadmap
[11:10] You: eh
[11:10] You: heh
[11:10] Charles Krinkeb: how come?
[11:10] You: what are you trying to do?
[11:11] You: ah note board?
[11:11] Neas Bade: I get way better fonts on my environment
[11:11] You: hmm this server is real basic
[11:11] Hiro Protagonist: the two biggies I think are nHibernate and LSL completion
[11:11] Teravus Ousley: I spy a Maa
[11:11] Hiro Protagonist: yep
[11:12] Hiro Protagonist: he snuck up on us
[11:12] Tedd Maa: mahn, I am sexy now or what?
[11:12] You: ok not to drasticly change subject
[11:12] You: but on the topic of this noteboard
[11:12] You: and osDynamicImage
[11:12] You: or whatever the funciton is
[11:12] You: 2 problems i see
[11:12] You: we cant do Full bright
[11:12] Neas Bade: osSetDynamicTextureData
[11:12] You: and the texture should be 24 bit
[11:12] You: not 32 bit
[11:13] Neas Bade: that's probably easily solvable
[11:13] Neas Bade: I might dig at that this week
[11:13] You: thats why you can see through it
[11:13] Neas Bade: yeh
[11:13] You: ok that is all
[11:13] You: lol
[11:13] Hiro Protagonist: question in re: teh roadmap
[11:13] Hiro Protagonist: what do we consider 'LSL completion'?
[11:13] You: for .6 you mean?
[11:13] Hiro Protagonist: yippers
[11:14] You: i think it was just laying out the basic functions
[11:14] You: not fully functionality of the functions
[11:14] Neas Bade: other suggestions from folks?
[11:14] Hiro Protagonist: well, the roadmap is a lil vague
[11:14] Hiro Protagonist: it just says Complete LSL functions
[11:14] You: yes in the common file
[11:14] Teravus Ousley: :D
[11:14] Hiro Protagonist: mebbe it's that way on purpose lols
[11:15] You: i think the goal was to just get the functions responding in some way
[11:15] You: not 100% functional though
[11:16] Hiro Protagonist: as in, stubs for all them, so any script will compile
[11:16] You: yea
[11:16] You: exactly
[11:16] Neas Bade: so what are the drop dead needs for LSL?
[11:16] Hiro Protagonist: kk
[11:16] Hiro Protagonist: templates for unimplemented functions I guess
[11:16] You: it might compile, but it may not function as it does in LL still
[11:16] Teravus Ousley: llSquishObject!
[11:16] Hiro Protagonist: lols
[11:16] Hiro Protagonist: go TER!
[11:16] You: hehe
[11:17] Hiro Protagonist: how are we doing with nHibernate progress Neas?
[11:17] Hiro Protagonist: btw, if you havent yet, you should drop by Bade Plaza sometime
[11:17] Teravus Ousley: nHyberst00gle </sarcasm>
[11:17] Dahlia Trimble: ewww
[11:17] Neas Bade: well, if I managed to get to spend time on it this week, I think I'll get most of the stores over to it in the next 2 weeks
[11:17] Charles Krinkeb: We have templates. They all have nonimplemented() calls.
[11:17] Neas Bade: honestly, nhibernate shouldn't be a blocker for 0.6
[11:18] Neas Bade: especially because Ter hates it ;)
[11:18] Hiro Protagonist: Just working of our wiki, for lack of any other guideline
[11:18] Teravus Ousley: nah, I'm just joking about it.
[11:18] You: so maybe the nhibernate completion should just be migration module completion?
[11:18] Neas Bade: Getting the migrations in was the only thing I would have tried to hold up 0.6 for
[11:18] You: yea
[11:18] Teravus Ousley: It's got a funny name.. and funny names deserve to be sarcassed a few times.
[11:18] Hiro Protagonist: cool, so that's doneish
[11:18] Charles Krinkeb: Is it fair to aim for July 4th for 0.6 and strive for stability improvements and whatever can be done by then?
[11:18] Neas Bade: as I didn't want another big release that didn't give us a way to move forward
[11:19] Neas Bade: yeh, migrations are looking good
[11:19] Neas Bade: Ter, absolutely :)
[11:19] Hiro Protagonist: most everything else is pretty well there, even if a few things need work
[11:19] Hiro Protagonist: avatar presence could use a bit more lovin'
[11:19] You: the suspense of that update took about 2 weeks off my life though
[11:19] Neas Bade: it managed to get osgrid assets migrated with no data loss
[11:19] You: lol
[11:19] You: i was pacing
[11:19] Neas Bade: heheh
[11:19] You: like cmooon
[11:19] Teravus Ousley: hehe
[11:20] Neas Bade: honestly, if something works for osgrid, I consider it working :)
[11:20] Neas Bade: this is the most brutal environment we have
[11:20] Hiro Protagonist: :D
[11:20] Neas Bade: which is awesome
[11:20] You: hehe yea
[11:20] Charles Krinkeb: we try
[11:20] You: i assume everyone has seen the new map?
[11:20] You:
[11:20] Hiro Protagonist: in re: avatar persistence, I see about 50% of the avs as they should be right now
[11:20] Neas Bade: the map rocks
[11:20] Teravus Ousley: a billion map requests!
[11:20] You: doo it
[11:20] You: lol
[11:20] Hiro Protagonist: some are all or partially grey, including my own
[11:21] You: wow
[11:21] You: map works in the viewer browser
[11:21] You: amazing
[11:21] Dahlia Trimble: nice :)
[11:21] Neas Bade: I think grey goo avatars is a good thing to add to a 0.6 resolution
[11:21] Hiro Protagonist: inventory, btw, has gotten very reliable and predictable, I dont want to let that go unnoticed
[11:22] Teravus Ousley: the only thing that needs work is requesting 600 map images when opening it.
[11:22] Hiro Protagonist: kudos to all who busted their asses and heads on that
[11:22] Charles Krinkeb: The mainmap is working quite well and teleporting is 75% reliable using it now.
[11:22] Neas Bade: Ter, is there any work on the texture quality version stuff?
[11:22] Hiro Protagonist: yes, we are seeing *major* improvements there
[11:22] Teravus Ousley: texture quality?
[11:22] Dahlia Trimble: can we scroll further on the main map now?
[11:22] Hiro Protagonist: thanks, Teravus, for getting one more trick into your retinue
[11:22] Neas Bade: where it won't request a higher quality texture later
[11:23] Teravus Ousley: are we talking about map or texture assets in general?
[11:23] Neas Bade: I find I need to regen text boards quite a bit when new people join, as they get 1 low quality version and don't get the higher ones
[11:23] Hiro Protagonist: map, methinks
[11:23] Neas Bade: textures in general
[11:23] You: thats comm lag Sean
[11:23] Hiro Protagonist: ahhh, mah bad
[11:23] Neas Bade: neb, it never comes through though
[11:23] Hiro Protagonist: speaking of lag
[11:24] Teravus Ousley: oh. not yet. That's actually somewhat tricky... because the logic is already insane.
[11:24] Neas Bade: ok, just thought I'd bring it up
[11:24] You: yea i think its timing out
[11:24] Hiro Protagonist: I found out what it is that completely blocks the region periodically
[11:24] You: Sean i had question
[11:24] You: that timeout period
[11:24] You: we had to use for migration
[11:24] Neas Bade: Hiro, what's that?
[11:24] You: could that be used for other areas that are timing out
[11:24] You: maybe thats why we see such variations from system to system
[11:25] Hiro Protagonist: it's when mono does a System.GC.collect()
[11:25] Neas Bade: Neb, yes, but more importantly now that I understand that the driver has a 30 second kill switch, I want people to point out those places
[11:25] Hiro Protagonist: the mono VM completely stops everything while the system wide GC happens
[11:25] Hiro Protagonist: they call it 'stop the world'
[11:25] You: ok good to know
[11:25] Neas Bade: because with migrations, we can probably add indexes to speed up those queries a lot
[11:25] Teravus Ousley: hehe
[11:25] Teravus Ousley: 'stop the world'
[11:25] You: heh yea
[11:25] You: gotta love that
[11:25] Hiro Protagonist: funneh huh lols
[11:25] Neas Bade: yeh, we shouldn't be calling the GC directly
[11:26] Justin Clark-Casey: do we ever do that?
[11:26] You: i think mono does it automaticlly
[11:26] You: why its random
[11:26] Neas Bade: Hiro, which mono?
[11:26] Hiro Protagonist: well, I think we were forcing a system wide GC in order to get accurate memory stats
[11:26] Teravus Ousley: hmm, well, I have to for ODE.. I have to pin the vertex and index list, and then release them manually
[11:26] Neas Bade: yes, we were
[11:26] Hiro Protagonist: all of them as far as I know Neas
[11:26] Justin Clark-Casey: hiro: no, that only happened for 1 revision
[11:26] Neas Bade: ok, good
[11:27] Hiro Protagonist: ok then we shouldnt see any more of it
[11:27] Charles Krinkeb: But, is ODE calling it?
[11:27] Hiro Protagonist: well
[11:27] Hiro Protagonist: most of the time
[11:27] Teravus Ousley: pinnedIndex = GCHandle.Alloc(result, GCHandleType.Pinned);
[11:27] Hiro Protagonist: the system will do a System.GC.collect() if memory gets tight
[11:27] Teravus Ousley: pinnedIndex.Free();
[11:27] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

[11:27] Justin Clark-Casey: I think it's too early to really be worrying about that kind of thing
[11:28] Neas Bade: there, so it is easy to text capture
[11:28] Hiro Protagonist: what kind of thing Justin?
[11:28] Neas Bade: ok, so what else?
[11:28] Teravus Ousley: .. well, ODE requires it.
[11:28] Justin Clark-Casey: hmm, we do GC.Collect in some places
[11:28] Neas Bade: yeh, that's find for now
[11:28] Justin Clark-Casey: like the GroupsModule and LLClientView. How bizarre
[11:28] Neas Bade: we'll work on that down the roade
[11:28] Teravus Ousley: it won't work without pinning the vertex and index list in memory
[11:28] Hiro Protagonist: sorry, you guys lost meh lols
[11:28] Neas Bade: if there are places we can get rid of it cool, otherwise, let it hang around
[11:29] Hiro Protagonist: anyway, didnt mean to derail our discussion
[11:29] Neas Bade: I think just being mindful not to use it except when really required would be good
[11:29] Hiro Protagonist: it was just something I recently learned I thought I'd pass on
[11:29] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

[11:29] Charles Krinkeb: I think the key question is "What are the minimum necessary conditions to get 0.6 outa here?"
[11:30] Neas Bade: yep
[11:30] BlueWall Slade: how about llGiveInventory?
[11:30] Teravus Ousley: reverting to revision 1 in SVN?
[11:30] BlueWall Slade: is that one hard to do?
[11:30] Neas Bade: heh
[11:30] Justin Clark-Casey: probably not all that hard
[11:30] Charles Krinkeb: Perhaps one minimum is to get the number of open Mantis to below 300. Its currently about 375
[11:30] Hiro Protagonist: I kinda thought it was working for some reason
[11:30] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

[11:30] Hiro Protagonist: certainly a good mantis reduction wouldnt hurt
[11:31] Neas Bade: I just realized there is one more place I need to add in migrations before the release
[11:31] Hiro Protagonist: perhaps Neas
[11:31] Hiro Protagonist: we should consider as drop dead lsl needs
[11:31] Hiro Protagonist: for Tedd/Charles/Melanie to get their architecture concerns addressed to their mutual satisfaction
[11:31] Teravus Ousley: um, how about content library minimums?
[11:31] Charles Krinkeb: Ooops. Actually, its at 413 open right now. I think getting it down is of some importance.
[11:31] Neas Bade: Good point Ter
[11:32] Teravus Ousley: someone was doing sounds..
[11:32] You: that was me
[11:32] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - ?

[11:32] Teravus Ousley: are those going to get includd?
[11:32] You: if we want
[11:32] You: i have the sounds read
[11:32] You: but not the xml
[11:32] You: i can work on that
[11:32] Neas Bade: It would be really nice to have some stock clothes
[11:32] You: they wont work
[11:33] You: and im not sure my sounds should be included in inventory
[11:33] You: they are viewer sounds
[11:33] You: which wont work
[11:33] Teravus Ousley: after which we can implement the sound items.
[11:33] You: if we insert them
[11:33] BlueWall Slade: sean, did you get qavimator to build?
[11:33] Neas Bade: I haven't tried recently
[11:33] You: i dont think they should be inventory items
[11:33] You: to be honest
[11:33] Neas Bade: I need to do that again
[11:33] You: just assets
[11:33] Teravus Ousley: they should be assets at the very least
[11:33] You: yes
[11:33] You: i'll wrap that up
[11:33] You: and make a mantis
[11:33] Neas Bade: honestly, there is nothing wrong with having an extensive stock inventory tree
[11:33] Teravus Ousley: snappy good.
[11:33] BlueWall Slade: i saw a note about the compile file in svn
[11:34] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - ?

[11:34] Teravus Ousley: Gestures? Anyone feel like taking that on?
[11:34] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - Clothes? - ?

[11:34] Teravus Ousley: Groups.. anyone feel like expanding my skellital code?
[11:35] Neas Bade: Ter, ideas on what kind of gestures you want?
[11:35] Justin Clark-Casey: hmm, any chance of not pushing the board contents to llSay()?
[11:35] You: do gestures work now?
[11:35] Teravus Ousley: no.
[11:35] Teravus Ousley: gestures are not implemented
[11:35] You: ok just a note too
[11:35] You: about my sounds
[11:35] Neas Bade: just, sure, I wanted to push it on llsay so that it can be copied
[11:35] Neas Bade: maybe I'll make that on touch
[11:35] You: inserting them into DB wont do anything, does anyone know what is needed to engage the viewer sounds?
[11:35] Justin Clark-Casey: okay np :) I just lose the conversation when I look away (and then have to move the mouse, etc, etc)
[11:36] Teravus Ousley: we probably have to send them to the client
[11:36] Teravus Ousley: .. that's probably it
[11:36] You: theres a region packet
[11:36] You: or something
[11:36] You: becasue most of the sounds are spatial
[11:36] You: ie typing
[11:36] You: bumping
[11:36] You: everyone hears em
[11:36] You: like 90% of them
[11:37] Hiro Protagonist: there are various packets for sound
[11:37] Justin Clark-Casey: wow, hardy heron appears to get loads of updates every day atm
[11:37] You: im sure getting them in the asset database will help flush all that out
[11:37] Hiro Protagonist: Neas, did you get my last suggestion in re: LSL drop dead needs?
[11:38] Rip Oxbar: WOW
[11:38] You: hehe hello Rip
[11:38] Rip Oxbar: ive never seen so many folks here at one time
[11:38] Neas Bade: Hiro, I think I missed it, sorry
[11:39] You: hmm
[11:39] Hiro Protagonist: I was saying perhaps we should accept as a requirement that Tedd/Charles/Melanie to get their script engine architecture concerns addressed to their mutual satisfaction
[11:39] You: script break?
[11:39] Neas Bade: I think that might be too much of a gate on 0.6
[11:39] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - Clothes? - ?

[11:39] Neas Bade: there we go
[11:39] Teravus Ousley modified it a little bit..
[11:39] Rip Oxbar: is this a offical meeting?
[11:40] Hiro Protagonist: as near as we get yup
[11:40] Neas Bade: Rip, yeh, this is our weekly meeting
[11:40] Neas Bade: welcome
[11:40] You: well i think what they are Doing Hiro is not in relation to .6 really
[11:40] Rip Oxbar: Well then its a first for me :)
[11:40] Charles Krinkeb: yes, Rip. We meet here each week from 1900-2000UTC and this is called "Office Hour" for OpenSim.
[11:40] You: thats more beyond .6 i would think
[11:40] Charles Krinkeb: All are welcome, Rip.
[11:40] Hiro Protagonist: I just thought it might be good to include, as from what I understand, it isnt going to take long and will represent something of a fwd stride
[11:40] Rip Oxbar: thanks ill just listen :)
[11:41] You: is Tedd here?
[11:41] You: hehe
[11:41] You: maybe he can comment
[11:41] Hiro Protagonist: I keep hoping he would speak up
[11:41] Teravus Ousley: Paging Mr. Maa
[11:42] Hiro Protagonist: I dont want to sign him up for nothing while he aint lookin lols
[11:42] Neas Bade: oh, interesting bug
[11:42] Neas Bade: presense doesn't seem to work
[11:42] Neas Bade: my contact list only shows kurt there
[11:42] You: yea
[11:42] You: thats never really worked 100%
[11:43] Hiro Protagonist: yeah, that's something else that could use a bit o lovin'
[11:43] Teravus Ousley: the reason is it's coming in too early
[11:43] Neas Bade: it used to work
[11:43] You: it sort of works
[11:43] Hiro Protagonist: mostly works
[11:43] Neas Bade: did someone file a mantis for that yet?
[11:43] Hiro Protagonist: I get notifications that seem accurate
[11:43] Hiro Protagonist: burt the list doesnt seem to track them
[11:43] Teravus Ousley: .. there needs to be an event that signifies the client is ready to receive data
[11:43] You: i see alot of people come online
[11:43] You: but they dont show on friends
[11:43] You: i get the blue popup notice
[11:43] You: but not friends list
[11:43] BlueWall Slade: did the UUID migratino affect that?
[11:43] You: no
[11:44] Hiro Protagonist: didnt seem to
[11:44] Neas Bade: no
[11:44] You: that was happening before that
[11:44] Neas Bade: the UUID migration would only have had the effect of slowing a couple of things down
[11:44] Neas Bade: it couldn't have effected anything else
[11:44] Rip Oxbar: thanks guys
[11:44] Teravus Ousley: the problem is the friend events happen before the client is ready to receive them.
[11:44] Teravus Ousley: .. when logging in.
[11:44] Kurt Stringer: hey all, I've been here, but I am actually "here" now ;-)
[11:45] Neas Bade: what's causing the issue after logged in
[11:45] Teravus Ousley: .. there needs to be an event that signifies the client is ready to receive data
[11:45] Neas Bade: right, but isn't it more than that?
[11:45] Teravus Ousley: no
[11:45] Justin Clark-Casey: interesting. If you create a prim and make it physical before it persists for the first time, it doesn't appear to be reloaded on sim restart
[11:45] Digi Fly: lol
[11:45] Neas Bade: because peopel that come in after I've been here for a while don't show up in my friends lit
[11:45] Rip Oxbar: that looks fun Neb :)
[11:45] Dahlia Trimble: lol @nebadon
[11:45] Neas Bade: justin yep
[11:45] Neas Bade: physical prims aren't saved
[11:45] Teravus Ousley: .. well, I attribute that to restarting the Messaging Server currently
[11:46] Teravus Ousley: .. since when you restart the messaging server.. it takes a while for it to get up to speed
[11:46] Justin Clark-Casey: ah oh ee
[11:46] BlueWall Slade: i have run into some issues when teleporting a long distance away...
[11:46] BlueWall Slade: still gathering info & will file a report
[11:46] Justin Clark-Casey: sdague: is there a good reason for that?
[11:46] Neas Bade: BlueWall great
[11:46] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - LSL Completion - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - Clothes? - ?

[11:47] You: JustinCC i think best reason is so sim restartes
[11:47] You: hehe
[11:47] Neas Bade: it hammers the db too much
[11:47] Justin Clark-Casey: hmm, okay
[11:47] Hiro Protagonist: heh, distance doesnt really affect teleport quality, unless you mean distance across networks; i.e., fron somewhere in the states to somewhere in europe or asia
[11:47] Neas Bade: saving physical prims is brutal on the system
[11:47] Teravus Ousley: well, it isn't anymore
[11:47] You: Teleporting long distance does seem to have issue
[11:47] You: im not sure why
[11:47] Teravus Ousley: .. so I'd say test it saving physical prim now
[11:47] Neas Bade: ok, perhaps we put back in the stopped check then?
[11:47] BlueWall Slade: the TP works, but the scene is empty
[11:48] Dahlia Trimble: grrrr my computer wont stop swapping :( need to close this viewer ... bye all :)
[11:48] Hiro Protagonist: sorry guys
[11:48] Neas Bade: previously I set it so that physical prims were only saved if they came to rest
[11:48] Teravus Ousley: yes. Since it's threaded now, I don't anticipate it being a problem
[11:48] Hiro Protagonist: havent seen that one
[11:48] Neas Bade: based on the assumption that in motion prims being saved may cause very odd restart issues
[11:48] Teravus Ousley: Well, they should be saved if they've come to a rest.
[11:48] You: i can say on my regions that the use of physical prims has decreased alot
[11:48] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, they don't seem to be saving at rest - at least not if they are initially at rest
[11:48] Teravus Ousley: currently, they are not saved at all.
[11:49] You: i cant nearly put out as many as i could before
[11:49] Justin Clark-Casey: teravus: okay, that makes sense with what I'm seeing
[11:49] You: seems to generate a tremendous amount of lag now
[11:49] You: i have trouble with even 20-30 prims
[11:49] Hiro Protagonist: you mean phys prims?
[11:49] You: io used to be able to get 100s out
[11:49] You: yes
[11:49] Hiro Protagonist nods
[11:49] Digi Fly: this ones working hiro.
[11:50] Hiro Protagonist: heh
[11:50] You: also i did some testing on Mac
[11:50] You: with ODE
[11:50] You: its unuseable
[11:50] Teravus Ousley shrugs, the system hasn't changed from when you tested 100's so.. *shrugs*
[11:50] You: yea
[11:50] You: well
[11:50] You: what has changed
[11:50] You: is i have more prims out now
[11:50] You: and more scripts
[11:50] You: here in Wright Plaza though
[11:50] Teravus Ousley: well, Mac users need to tweak the OpenSim.ini settings and let us know what the proper ones are.
[11:50] You: 1 physical prims can bring this region down
[11:50] Teravus Ousley: I don't have a mac to test against
[11:50] You: yea ok
[11:51] You: i will let Ming know
[11:51] You: he was willing to do what it takes
[11:51] You: but he didnt know what to do
[11:51] Neas Bade: yeh the word "unusable" doesn't really help :)
[11:51] You: your squatting
[11:51] You: on your knees
[11:51] You: major bounce
[11:51] You: like 50+m
[11:51] You: prims fly off
[11:51] You: at the slightest touch
[11:51] Teravus Ousley: right, it's the avatar 'standup' tensor
[11:51] You: like at light speed
[11:51] You: lots of crashing
[11:51] You: like 20 prims brought down a brand new MBP
[11:51] Teravus Ousley: .. hehe.. and parhaps other things.
[11:52] Neas Bade: neb, I'd try to get it consolidated in a mantis
[11:52] You: yea its Mings server
[11:52] Teravus Ousley: like I said.. I don't have a mac to test against. :D
[11:52] Neas Bade: Mac just sucks, face it ;)
[11:52] You: lol
[11:52] Hiro Protagonist: probably best thing is have him tweak settings first
[11:52] Justin Clark-Casey: sad macs
[11:52] You: yea
[11:52] You: i really didnt know what to say
[11:52] You: im just relaying
[11:52] You: hehe
[11:52] You: someone else brought it up
[11:52] You: and i contacted ming
[11:52] You: we did some testing
[11:52] Teravus Ousley:
[ODEPhysics] section
[11:53] You: ok
[11:53] Teravus Ousley: has those options
[11:53] You: i'll let him know
[11:53] Tedd Maa: ah, sorry, phone called and away I went :)
[11:53] Hiro Protagonist: wb Tedd
[11:53] Teravus Ousley: Wb Mr. Maa
[11:53] You: thats alright, we decided to transfer all the mantis tickets to you while you were gone
[11:53] Rip Oxbar: Neb r u dizzle yet :)?
[11:53] Rip Oxbar: Dixxy
[11:53] Rip Oxbar: Dizzy
[11:53] You: hehe
[11:53] Charles Krinkeb: he has been "dizzle" a looooong time
[11:54] BlueWall Slade: lol
[11:54] Hiro Protagonist: rofl
[11:54] Charles Krinkeb: as am i
[11:54] Rip Oxbar: hes making me Dizzle or Dizzy now :)
[11:54] Neas Bade: heh
[11:54] Neas Bade: WP acting much better today
[11:54] Tedd Maa: I dizzle, therefore I am... or I dizzle, therefore scripts work.
[11:54] You: yea not too bad
[11:54] Charles Krinkeb: Tedd. Can you share your vision of LSL going forward a little bit?
[11:54] You: wonder if erasing all those negative prims did anything
[11:54] You: and also
[11:54] You: just as a note
[11:54] You: all the negative prims
[11:55] You: were -0.2
[11:55] You: they were not part of link sets
[11:55] You: i actually saw everything that erased
[11:55] Neas Bade: Can I get a volunteer to make some Mantis issues for the items up on the text board?
[11:55] Tedd Maa: Yeah... LSL implementation has been going really good. We continue with that like before..
[11:55] You: they were all at 0,0,0 and negative to that
[11:55] Tedd Maa: Within a few days hopefully a new script engine wills tart to emerge
[11:55] Neas Bade: I've got to drop in a minute to go do far pickup
[11:55] Neas Bade: Tedd, cool
[11:55] Teravus Ousley: I need to drop now actually
[11:55] Rip Oxbar: Will there be any other script languages available Tedd?
[11:56] Tedd Maa: New one will be much cooler and will hopefully bring everyone into the ScriptEngine arena
[11:56] Tedd Maa: no, it will be same engine with new architecture
[11:56] Teravus Ousley: tc, see yas in da chats
[11:56] You: later Ter
[11:56] Hiro Protagonist: TC Ter
[11:56] Teravus Ousley is Offline
[11:56] Charles Krinkeb: How should we solicit patches from new folks to the LSL subroutines file. As before?
[11:56] Tedd Maa: But it will make it possible for anyone to safely donate their own languages, compilers, command sets, modifications, etc.
[11:57] Neas Bade: very cool
[11:57] Neas Bade: looking forward to it
[11:57] Rip Oxbar: ummm
[11:57] Hiro Protagonist: ++ Tedd
[11:57] Rip Oxbar: hummm
[11:57] You: do you think LSL can be wrapped up in 2 weeks?
[11:57] paulie Femto is Online
[11:57] You: that seems a tall order
[11:58] You: hey paulie
[11:58] Tedd Maa: ck: Yeah, just insert patches as before. We will do cleanup between engines, and with som SVN history log we should be able to do that easily
[11:58] paulie Flomar: Howdeh. :)
[11:58] Justin Clark-Casey: huh, if physical prims don't persist that must mean all the balls I've lost in the deep tardis creek must also dissappear
[11:58] Tedd Maa: LSL will not be done in 2 weeks... first we need to get all commands in, then endless bugfixing and tweaking :)
[11:58] You: ok
[11:59] Rip Oxbar: im dizzy now boy o boy....i got go..have a good one guys
[11:59] Neas Bade: justin, unless them come to rest :)
[11:59] You: so should that be stricened from the .6 release?
[11:59] Tedd Maa: has anyone thought about any interprim communication?
[11:59] You: make lsl a .7 thing
[11:59] You: the release mark was 2 weeks
[11:59] You: why i ask
[11:59] Justin Clark-Casey: neas: from what teravus said, not even then
[11:59] You: and it was initially part of the roadmap
[11:59] Neas Bade: ok
[11:59] Tedd Maa: is FULL LSL support part of .6? I don't know exactly how much work remains in those files...
[11:59] You: well
[12:00] Tedd Maa: ck is probably the man to answer that
[12:00] Justin Clark-Casey: I hought there already was some interprim communictation
[12:00] Neas Bade: alright, volunteers to file some mantis issues?
[12:00] You: getting the functions layed out
[12:00] You: not 100%
[12:00] Hiro Protagonist: I got the grey goo thing Neas
[12:00] You: CTRL+ALT+R
[12:00] You: fixed the greys
[12:00] Tedd Maa: I don't know if there is interprim comm yet, might be... I was thinking of adding support for shared objects/shared memory
[12:00] Kurt Stringer: there is prob about 20% left on LSL
[12:00] Hiro Protagonist: not for me, NEb
[12:00] You: hmm try rebakle from menu
[12:01] You: does alt work in linux on viewer?
[12:01] You: i dont think it does
[12:01] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store - Save resting physical prims

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - Clothes? - ?

[12:01] Hiro Protagonist: it has for me in the past
[12:01] Hiro Protagonist: rebaking from menu helped some
[12:01] Chris D is Offline
[12:01] You: yea i think it depends on your flavor
[12:01] Hiro Protagonist: kurt is still grey, as is charles
[12:01] Hiro Protagonist: and justin
[12:01] You: yea i see you now
[12:01] Justin Clark-Casey: I prefer to be grey
[12:01] You: hehe
[12:01] Neas Bade: ok, I'm dorpping
[12:02] Neas Bade: catch you all on IRC
[12:02] Justin Clark-Casey: if I'm not greay I'm just black anyway - makes a nice change
[12:02] You: later
[12:02] Justin Clark-Casey: bye neas
[12:02] Neas Bade is Offline
[12:02] paulie Flomar: bye neas
[12:02] You: ok well i guess that mark for 2 weeks to get out .6
[12:02] You: i wonder if thats more pressure than charles needs
[12:02] Justin Clark-Casey: hee hee
[12:02] You: to get the LSL all layed out
[12:02] Hiro Protagonist: I think I just orbited digifly lol
[12:03] Hiro Protagonist: I deleted the loveseat
[12:03] You: lol
[12:03] Tedd Maa: sounds a bit much, I'd guess the remaining functions were the hardest ones (like OpenSim not supporting them yet)
[12:03] You: yea im just thinking
[12:03] Digi Fly shouts: No, im at 0,0,0
[12:03] You: took over a year to get what we have
[12:03] You: and were gonna wrap it up in 2 weeks
[12:03] You: that seems crazy
[12:03] Justin Clark-Casey: digifly: show off!
[12:03] You: unless im missing something
[12:03] Justin Clark-Casey: I think whether it's realistic or not is for individuals to judge
[12:04] You: yea
[12:04] You: well for charles mostly
[12:04] You: i dont know anyone else working on it
[12:04] Digi Fly: cant move
[12:04] You: all the people who were working on it seem to be MIA
[12:04] Hiro Protagonist: Tedd, I think as far as actual functionality, we were just looking for stubs unless it's just low hanging fruit or something
[12:04] You: yea
[12:04] Justin Clark-Casey: yes. Personally I'm not a great fan of roadmaps, though I guess they do help in some circumstances
[12:04] Primitive: Suggestions for Feature Gates - Grey goo avatars - Hiro - Remove unneeded GC calls - Migrations for MySQL Grid Store - Save resting physical prims

LSL Drop Dead Needs - ?

Content Requirements - Sounds from nebandon - Clothes? - ?

[12:04] Justin Clark-Casey: we shall see :)
[12:04] You: yea i dont think he means 100% functional
[12:05] You: i mean if we can do it thats great
[12:05] You: im just thinking sounds like alot of pressure on charles
[12:05] Hiro Protagonist: they're kind of a necesary evil if we're stamping releases Justin
[12:05] You: hes putting on himself
[12:05] Tedd Maa: We already have empty stubs sort of, commands are there but throws not implemented exception :)
[12:05] Justin Clark-Casey: well, releases are kind of stable points in time
[12:05] You: yea
[12:05] You: lsl wont change stability
[12:05] Justin Clark-Casey: rather than goalposts per se, at least up till now
[12:05] Justin Clark-Casey: tedd: yep, lots of that stuff
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: we're still real loose justin ;)
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: loose about the hoose!
[12:06] You: heh if anything LSL functions might cause less stability
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: hahahah
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: !!
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: there's a moose loose about the hoose!
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: loose, FTW
[12:06] Digi Fly: hiro, not sky. 0,0,0 wher ethe coordinates
[12:06] You: heh
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: there you are DF
[12:06] You: i better check to see if theres a couch over there
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: well, I'm still waiting for massive llRezObject() griefing
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: nah
[12:06] Hiro Protagonist: I deleted it
[12:06] You: ig
[12:06] Justin Clark-Casey: but I appear to have been confounded in that expectation
[12:06] You: oh
[12:06] Digi Fly: needed to relog could move
[12:06] You: you missed that Justin
[12:07] You: its happened
[12:07] Hiro Protagonist: yup
[12:07] Justin Clark-Casey: did I? Oh cool!
[12:07] Digi Fly: np hiro
[12:07] You: yep
[12:07] Hiro Protagonist: Assembly Wizard
[12:07] You: i have the scripts
[12:07] You: if you want them
[12:07] You: privately of course
[12:07] You: i made that offer for all core devs only
[12:07] Justin Clark-Casey: yes, I might take you up on that
[12:07] You: ok let me know
[12:07] Hiro Protagonist: it's pretty stock stuff really
[12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: we'll need a defense at some point, though I think we'll only shift our asses when it becomes more common - and then some desparate grid owner may submit the patch anway
[12:08] Hiro Protagonist: any sufficiently motivated and skilled lsl scripter could do it
[12:08] You: yea
[12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: yeah, I just can't be bothered to write it myself :)
[12:08] You: some grey goo to slow the crazy rezzing
[12:08] You: although that doesnt seem to work all well for lindens
[12:08] You: heh
[12:08] Justin Clark-Casey: yes, it always sound liek a balance between protection and functionality for people who want to use scripts to rez whole builds
[12:08] You: yea
[12:09] You: doesnt have to stop it either really
[12:09] You: just slow it down
[12:09] Justin Clark-Casey: still, at least with OpenSim we can let people write their own grey goo fence modular implementations :)
[12:09] Hiro Protagonist: this was easily defeatbale by setting parcel options to owner-rez
[12:10] You: yea indeed
[12:10] You: or adjust its settings
[12:10] You: to what they need
[12:10] Hiro Protagonist: he just happened to do it in free-build zones
[12:10] Hiro Protagonist: yang, WP...
[12:11] You: oh Paulie
[12:11] Hiro Protagonist: a couple over on one of my regions....
[12:11] paulie Flomar: neb?
[12:11] You: there is a foxtail
[12:11] You: under the ground in the corner here
[12:11] You: i think its yours
[12:11] You: but its unhighlightable
[12:11] You: and if you touch it you crash
[12:11] You: i suspect its not in this region
[12:11] paulie Flomar: neb: lol. i dont think its mine, but I'll look...
[12:11] Hiro Protagonist: that is a powerful piece of tail rofl
[12:11] paulie Flomar: hawhaw!
[12:11] Digi Fly: Like prim hair on your head. don edit it.
[12:11] Justin Clark-Casey: that foxtail - it's so fricking cool!
[12:11] Digi Fly: then you crash too
[12:12] You: yea i think
[12:12] Justin Clark-Casey: is that a client crash?
[12:12] You: that prim is an attachment
[12:12] paulie Flomar: should I try and remove it or will I crash?
[12:12] You: from a border crossing gone wrong
[12:12] You: and its now stuck
[12:12] paulie Flomar: where is it, neb?
[12:12] You: 0,0,0
[12:12] Hiro Protagonist: I rememebr when stuff like that used to happen on the linden grid
[12:12] You: under the ground
[12:12] paulie Flomar: ah
[12:12] You: disable camera constratings
[12:12] You: constraints
[12:12] paulie Flomar: i got sent to 0/0/0 once .
[12:12] paulie Flomar: here
[12:12] paulie Flomar: that was scary.
[12:13] paulie Flomar: theres things down 0/0/0...
[12:13] You: what i was getting at though
[12:13] You: is check that regions db
[12:13] You: for prims that are beyond 255
[12:13] You: or also negative numbers
[12:13] You: see if you find anything odd
[12:13] BlueWall Slade: ahhh
[12:13] Hiro Protagonist: heh
[12:13] Hiro Protagonist: which corner is 0,0,0?
[12:13] You: infact i recommend everyone here check their databases
[12:13] You: Yang
[12:13] paulie Flomar: is it on the cameo side, neb?
[12:13] You: Yang / Cameo / Taokie
[12:13] You: that corner
[12:14] BlueWall Slade: well, beyond 255 in the x/y position
[12:14] You: yes
[12:14] You: dont over react if you see them
[12:14] BlueWall Slade: and 4096 in the z?
[12:14] You: but check it out
[12:14] You: actually
[12:14] You: its 768 here i think still
[12:14] You: we arent havok
[12:14] You: i havent tested it though
[12:14] You: to be honest
[12:14] BlueWall Slade: i have been on a prim at that height
[12:14] You: not sure how high we can go with ODE
[12:14] You: ok
[12:15] You: yea maybe that was just a client limit to keep Havok 1 from dieing
[12:15] BlueWall Slade: haven't attempted to build there though
[12:15] Hiro Protagonist is Offline
[12:15] You: they removed the limit
[12:15] You: i bet Hiro touched the tail
[12:15] paulie Flomar: I'll check cameo laters.
[12:15] You: i told him
[12:15] Hiro Protagonist is Online
[12:15] You: dont even cam on it
[12:15] You: or you crash
[12:15] paulie Flomar: wow
[12:15] You: yea
[12:15] You: very odd
[12:15] You: hehe
[12:15] BlueWall Slade: i setup a local grid here for testing
[12:16] You: welcome back he who hath touched the tail
[12:16] Hiro Protagonist: l
[12:16] Hiro Protagonist: lols
[12:16] Justin Clark-Casey: so that's a hard client crash?
[12:16] BlueWall Slade: hiro - blown away by a piece of tail
[12:16] You: yea
[12:16] You: it just kills the client
[12:16] Justin Clark-Casey: doesn't look like anything happens on the OpenSim server from the logs
[12:16] You: yea its definatly client side
[12:16] Justin Clark-Casey: wow - that means we're sending data to it that the client isn't expecting
[12:16] paulie Flomar: I'm going to go try it! hehehe
[12:16] You: im guessing its sending the client some crazy #
[12:16] You: that it can not handle
[12:16] BlueWall Slade: i had that on one of my regions
[12:16] Justin Clark-Casey: kind of a client bug in a way since it shoud deal with unexpected data
[12:17] You: yea
[12:17] You: i would say the viewer should handle it better for sure
[12:17] Justin Clark-Casey: though it also needs to be fixed our end so we don't send that data either
[12:17] Justin Clark-Casey: yes
[12:17] BlueWall Slade: kept returning the prims, and they dissapeared
[12:17] You: but my question is how do we contain the tail
[12:17] You: lol
[12:17] Justin Clark-Casey: ideally you should never simply trust the data you're given from an external source
[12:17] Hiro Protagonist: ok
[12:17] Hiro Protagonist: I have a little piece of it selected
[12:17] Hiro Protagonist: it belongs to Paulie Femto
[12:17] Digi Fly: wich corner ?
[12:17] You: yea
[12:18] Hiro Protagonist: yang
[12:18] You: every so often i can get a piece
[12:18] BlueWall Slade: jcc - is that like my border crossings throwing an out of range coord?
[12:18] You: but if i delete it
[12:18] You: it comes back
[12:18] Hiro Protagonist: it's a little tiny cube
[12:18] You: its pure evil
[12:18] You: yea
[12:18] You: i deleted that cube 10 times
[12:18] Hiro Protagonist: any way to return it?
[12:18] You: not sure
[12:18] You: i just hit elete
[12:18] You: delete
[12:18] You: and it would go away
[12:19] You: but a region restart
[12:19] You: it comes back
[12:20] You: I think what we really need
[12:20] You: is a Furry Priest
[12:20] You: to cleanse the region
[12:20] Justin Clark-Casey: ha ha
[12:20] You: hehe
[12:20] BlueWall Slade: lol
[12:20] Hiro Protagonist: rofl
[12:20] Hiro Protagonist: papa bear and the all-jug band?
[12:20] Justin Clark-Casey: sounds like seedy strip joint entertainment
[12:21] UUID Speaker: Nebadon Izumi, your key is 7b2022f0-5f19-488c-b7e5-829d8f96b448
[12:21] Hiro Protagonist: heh
[12:21] Hiro Protagonist: I'm gonna try to return it
[12:21] You: k
[12:21] Hiro Protagonist: I finally got the camera insode the tail prim the cube sits in
[12:21] You: yea the cube doesnt crash you
[12:21] You: i dont know why
[12:21] You: but if you even cam on that tail
[12:21] You: its over
[12:22] Hiro Protagonist: yeah, that's what I did the first time
[12:22] You: the oddest part
[12:22] You: i found about 30 prims in that exact spot that belonged to paulie in the DB
[12:22] You: and i erased them
[12:22] You: yet it remains
[12:22] You: im thinking maybe another region has it too
[12:22] You: in the same exact spot
[12:22] Hiro Protagonist: mebbe so
[12:23] You: but at 256 or something
[12:23] You: 1m over the limit
[12:23] Hiro Protagonist: so yang, cameo and taoki vixen need to check for it or something
[12:23] You: Taoki is clean
[12:23] You: so is here
[12:23] You: i think
[12:23] You: just need Yang and Cameo
[12:23] Hiro Protagonist: the cube returned, or appeared to
[12:23] You: Taoki brought it to my attention
[12:23] Hiro Protagonist: but the tail remains
[12:23] You: there was alot more down there too
[12:24] You: a vending machine
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist: heh
[12:24] You: all kinds of stuff that if you touched it
[12:24] You: you crashed
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist: no kidding
[12:24] You: i got everything but that damn tail
[12:24] You: yea
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist: ok guys
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist: I gotta git
[12:24] You: according to the database though out to 5,5,5 has no prims
[12:24] You: ok
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist: catch ya in the channels
[12:24] You: later
[12:24] Hiro Protagonist is Offline
[12:25] BlueWall Slade: hey, i gotta run too - good work everyone! this are a lot better since a couple of weeks ago
[12:25] You: ok guys i'll post the log on website
[12:25] Justin Clark-Casey: yep, I'm going too
[12:25] You: see you in the IRC
[12:25] Justin Clark-Casey: see you around
[12:25] Justin Clark-Casey is Offline

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