OSSL Implemented

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Revision as of 04:15, 26 January 2009 by Aiaustin (Talk | contribs)

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Function Explanation Examples Threat Level
string osSetDynamicTextureURL(string dynamicID, string contentType, string url, string extraParams, int refreshTimer); Loads a web texture on a prim. Should work for any image URL (including php scripts) that Opensim can render. [Note refreshTimer may not yet be implemented, use a timer event and recall the function to get the same effect] example 1 VeryLow
osSetDynamicTextureData("", "vector", drawList, "1024", 0); Writes text and vector graphics onto a prim face. Exemplified in two standard library scripts. Functions VeryLow
double osTerrainGetHeight(int x, int y); Gets height of terrain None
int osTerrainSetHeight(int x, int y); Sets height of terrain High
int osRegionRestart(double seconds); Restarts the region High
void osRegionNotice(string msg); Sends a notice to the region VeryHigh
System.Collections.Hashtable osParseJSON(string JSON); returns a hashtable containing the structured JSON contents (c# only) example 1 None
osMessageObject(key objectId, string message); sends a string to the object identified by objectId, the receiving object requires to implement the method dataserver( key queryid, string data ) in a contained script(s). The queryid passed will be the id of the calling object. Low
osTeleportAgent(key agentId, string regionName, vector position, vector lookAt); Teleports agent agentId to region regionName, region-local position position, with looking direction lookAt without asking the user first (in contrast to llMapDestination) High
osTeleportAgent(key agentId, vector position, vector lookAt); Teleports agent agentId to position position in the same region, with looking direction lookAt without asking the user first (in contrast to llMapDestination) High
osConsoleCommand(string command); Issues command as if from the server console. "Severe" threat level. Eg.: osConsoleCommand("link-region X Y URL port"). Severe
osMakeNotecard(string cardname, list cardlines); Writes a new notecard into the containing prim's inventory. The list parameter may contain only strings. Eg.: osMakeNotecard("new card", ["line-1", "line-2", "line-3"]). High
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