User:Emperor Starfinder

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Many thanks to Chris of Fleepgrid for posting in his wiki that he was able to get osmodules working on IIS.
Many thanks to Chris of Fleepgrid for posting in his wiki that he was able to get osmodules working on IIS.
If you should have any trouble getting your osmodules working on IIS on Windows you can email me at [ - email] and I will be glad to help you.
If you should have any trouble getting your osmodules working on IIS on Windows you can email me at and I will be glad to help you.

Revision as of 17:51, 23 January 2013

About Emperor Starfinder

Emperor Starfinder is the head of the Second Galaxy Development Team and is a core developer of Second Galaxy! and Galaxy Futures! both of which are 3D virtual world grids which use opensimulator features in their base framework.

How to install osmodules on Windows operating systems with IIS

Okay so after a lot of annoying bugs and frustration, I finally got search, profiles, and offline messaging working. Thanks to Guy for giving me that last push I needed to revisit it.

For those who are having trouble with the profiles, search, and offline messaging and are running on windows I recommend the following steps as it worked for me.

1. Install IIS (you can either install the IIS 7.5 express from Microsoft or activate IIS 6.0 through your control panel by going to the control panel and under programs turn on or off new features. In the features manager check the boxes for IIS and click ok.)

2. Through the web installer from Microsoft you'll want to install php 5.3.19 (sorry I am not to sure yet why profiles, search, and offline messaging hates php 5.4.x. I'll try and play around with this when I get some time and through the list of projects I have waiting for me to implement.)

3. Go to your IIS Manager by clicking on start and typing in IIS Manager to find the manager.

4. In the IIS manager you might need to scroll down to find the php manager. Open the manager.

5. In the php manager you might get an incompatibility highlighted in yellow. No need to panic this is normal. Click the recommended link next to this message and it will go away.

6. Click the php.ini link and edit the php.ini file and turn on asp_tags and short_open_tags. Then click save.

7. Click the phpinfo link to verify that you have configured everything correctly. No need to worry about the php_curl or php_xmlrpc as these are on by default. (they were for me).

8. Minimize your IIS manager now.

9. Copy the web root folders for search and profiles to your IIS wwwroot folder. You can find this directory in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\

10. In my case I named the search, profile, and offline messaging directory folders search, profiles, and messaging. I also changed the xmlrpc groups web root directory to groups.

11. Make sure to configure your database info and your ini files accordingly in your opensim server.

12. Restart or launch your opensim instance.

13. Log in using your viewer of choice and test. Everything should work quite well.

I am sorry to see these modules not working well with the current php versions in wamp and xampp servers. Someone will need to revisit that and figure out how to actually make these compatible with any php-xmlrpc version.

Many thanks to Chris of Fleepgrid for posting in his wiki that he was able to get osmodules working on IIS.

If you should have any trouble getting your osmodules working on IIS on Windows you can email me at and I will be glad to help you.

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