User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 5/Commands

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Latest revision as of 15:36, 6 February 2012


[edit] Myriad Lite Commands

[edit] Commands

Myriad Lite accepts a variety of chat commands on channel 5.

Many commands are detailed below in context, and more are described in the additional documentation below as well.

/5 <command> will activate that command.

Scripters can also send the same commands as a link message.

Custom HUDs can be constructed with buttons named each command, and the button will activate the command of the same name

You can send commands to Myriad Lite on chat channel 5.

  • /5 armoroff - turn off powered armor to save battery
  • /5 armoron - turn on powered armor
  • /5 checkammo - check the ammo left in your firearm
  • /5 checkarmor - check what amount of armor you currently have on
  • /5 checkbattery - check the battery level in powered armor
  • /5 combatoff - disable the built in fist fighter
  • /5 combaton - enable the built in fist fighter
  • /5 credits - credit where credit is due
  • /5 debugoff - turn off debugging messages if showing
  • /5 debugon - turn on debug messages
  • /5 drawboth - draw weapons in both hands if attached
  • /5 drawleft - draw a weapon in your left hand, if attached
  • /5 drawright - draw a weapon in your right hand, if attached
  • /5 holsterboth - holster the firearms in both hands, if attached
  • /5 holsterleft - holster the firearm in your left hand, if attached
  • /5 holsterright - holster the firearm in your right hand, if attached
  • /5 quest - see your current status in your current quest
  • /5 recharge - recharge the batteries in powered armor
  • /5 reload - reload your firearm
  • /5 reset - reset your meter and reload your character sheet
  • /5 safetyoff - unsafe your firearm
  • /5 safetyon - safe your firearm
  • /5 sheatheboth - sheathe the melee weapons in both hands, if attached
  • /5 sheatheleft - sheathe the melee weapon in your left hand, if attached
  • /5 sheatheright - sheathe the melee weapon in your right hand, if attached
  • /5 version - show the credits which includes the HUD version number and date

[edit] Martial Combat: Armor

Armor is always useful to deflect or absorb kinetic impacts.

Some armor is static, just a simple object like a medival shield or bulletproof vest.

In science-fiction, armor may be computerized or formed from an electronic field.

Myriad Lite calls armor that requires electricity to run "power armor"

For non-powered armor, simply wear the item and you should see the armor value reported.

  • /5 checkarmor to see what your current armor value is

The following commands let you control power armor:

  • /5 armoron to activate power armor.
  • /5 armoroff to deactivate power armor and save the battery
  • /5 recharge to recharge a power armor battery

[edit] Close Combat: Hand-To-Hand Fighting

For Hand-to-Hand combat, do not attach another weapon.

Say: /5 combaton in main chat to activate the built in "fist fighter"

In mouselook OR third person view, hold the left mouse button down, to start your attack, then press the following keys to actually attack

  • Up Arrow: one-two punch
  • Left Arrow: left-hand punch
  • Right-Arrow: right-hand punch
  • Down-Arrow: roundhouse kick

Say: /5 combatoff to disable the fist fighter mode

[edit] Close Combat: Melee Weapons

For melee weapon (knife, sword, club, etc)

Wear the melee weapon, which disables fist fighter mode if active

NOTE: The melee weapon is invisible when first attached, as if it is "sheathed".

Say /5 drawright or /5 drawleft in main chat to draw the weapon.

In mouselook or third person view, press left mouse button to trigger the weapon's attack.

[edit] Ranged Combat: Firearms

Wear a firearm with a Myriad bullet in it.

NOTE: The melee weapon is invisible when first attached, as if it is "sheathed".

Say /5 drawright or /5 drawleft in main chat to draw the weapon.

Go into mouselook for first person view


Press left mouse button to fire.

Ranged combat does not work in third-person view.

/5 checkammo will show ammo count remaining.

/5 reload will reload ammo

Holstering a weapon

  • /5 holsterright
  • /5 holsterleft
  • /5 holsterboth

[edit] Quests

Thanks to a mighty contribution from Baroun Tardis, Myriad Lite also includes Baroun Tardis' Adventure Machine (BAM) v1.

Sim owners can create objects using BAM allowing you to find and participate in scavenger hunt-style "quests", "adventures", or "crusades" in their regions.

To go on a quest, you find an Non-Player Character (NPC) in the sim who will give you the quest, and the first task to complete, along with a hint. Complete each task in the quest, possibly earning prizes or necessary support equipment along the way. Once you have completed the quest tasks, return to the NPC to complete the quest itself, and possibly earn a prize.

You should get the first 'task' for the adventure, which will show what your goal and a hint on how to obtain it.

If you should lose track of what you're doing, touch the HUD on your screen, and it will give you a quick update on the status of your adventure.

If you remove your HUD, it will reset and clear the current adventure.

This will cause you to lose all goals you have achieved, and reset you to "no adventure in progress"

Adventures are like a scavenger hunt: You go after certain goals, and when you get all of them , you win the main prize at the end.

Say /5 quest or click the HUD attachment will show you your current quest status.

There are four basic types of goals in the BAM system:

1) Adventure Giver : if you're reading this, you've already found one.... These start adventures, and can also be the end point of one. Usually, some small prize is given out when you complete the adventure. These have a text floating over their head, indicating their name, such as "Baker" or "Clerk"

2) Collision Goal: These occupy an area, and when you run into it or step on it while looking for that area, it lets you know you've reached it, and gives you a clue for the next step in the adventure. These have no floating text, since that would be too much of a give away that this is the spot (grin)

3) Location Goal: These scan an area, and when you enter it while looking for that area, let you know you've reached it, and give you a clue for the next step in the adventure. These have no floating text, since that would be too much of a give away that this is the spot (grin)

4) Touch Goal : These sit still, waiting, until you touch them. If they're not the current goal for you in the adventure, then nothing happens. If they _are_ your current goal, then the victory music plays and you get clue/hint for the next step. These have a text floating over them, indicating their name.

If you have problems with an adventure, please contact the region owner of the region where you found the quest.

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