User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview 5/Meter

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Latest revision as of 15:35, 6 February 2012

[edit] Myriad Lite Meter

Many people prefer a hovertext meter to let others see the in-character alias name of the player and see the relative damage or health of their opponents during combat.

[edit] Setup

  1. Create a cylinder 0.025m for X and Y, and 0.5 meters for Z
  2. Set the texture to "Default Transparent" and set the transparency to at least 2%
  3. Drag and Drop the Myriad Lite Meter script (below) from inventory into the object
  4. Take the meter into inventory.
  5. Attach the meter object from inventory to a convenient spot, such as an ear or eye.
  6. Press CTRL-ALT-T to "Show Transparent"
  7. Edit the position and rotation of the meter attachment.
  8. Detach the meter back into inventory to "save" the new default attachment point.
  9. Attach or wear the meter when designed.

You should see "waiting for update" at first, which gets replaced with your character sheet alias and health on the next meter update event.

[edit] Myriad_Lite_Meter-v0.0.5-20120202.lsl

// Myriad_Lite_Meter-v0.0.5-20120202.lsl
// Copyright (c) 2012 By Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai
// Myriad RPG licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales
// Myriad Lite software Copyright (c) 2011 by Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL)
// Baroun's Adventure Machine Copyright (c) 2008-2011 by Baroun Tardis (SL)
// Myriad Lite and Baroun's Adventure Machine licensed under the
// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported
// You must agree to the terms of this license before making any use of this software.
// If you do not agree to this license, simply delete these materials.
// There is no warranty, express or implied, for your use of these materials.

integer CHANATTACH; // dynamic channel for player attachments 
integer HANDATTACH; // attach channel handle for llRemove
string CHAN_PREFIX = "0x"; // prefix to convert to hexadecimal
string DIV = "|"; // Myriad message field divider
string  STATUS; // settext message
integer NAME_FORMAT; // 1 = Alias only, 2 = First "Alias" Last, 3 = Alias (First Last)
integer SHOW_HEALTH; // show the health percentage or not?
vector  COLOR = <0,1,0>; // set text color
float   ALPHA = 1.0; // set text alpha 0.0 = clear, 1.0 = solid
vector GREEN = <0,1,0>; // color constant for convenience
vector YELLOW = <1,1,0>; // color constant for convenience
vector RED = <1,0,0>; // color constant for convencience
vector BLACK = <0,0,0>; // color constant for convenience

    llSetText("--- Waiting for Myriad Update ---",<1,0,0>,1); // set a default banner to show we haven't been updated yet
    NAME_FORMAT = 1; // 1 = Alias only, 2 = First "Alias" Last, 3 = Alias (First Last)
    SHOW_HEALTH = TRUE; // show the health percentage or not?
    CHANATTACH = (integer)(CHAN_PREFIX+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),1,7)); // calculate wearer's dynamic attachment channel
    if ( HANDATTACH != 0 ) llListenRemove(HANDATTACH); // remove previously open channel
    HANDATTACH = llListen(CHANATTACH,"",NULL_KEY,""); // start a listener on the dynamic channel
    llWhisper(CHANATTACH,"ATTACHMETER"); // tell HUD we're attached

default {
    state_entry() {
        SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter
    on_rez(integer param) {
        param = 0; // LSLINT
        SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter

    attach(key id) { // 
        if ( id != NULL_KEY ) {
            SETUP(); // wearing, let's setup
        if ( id == NULL_KEY ) { // detach, drop, derezzed to inventory - NOT ON LOGOUT
            if ( HANDATTACH != 0 ) llListenRemove(HANDATTACH);
    changed(integer changes) {
        if ( changes & CHANGED_OWNER ) { // if owner has changed, we need to recalculate the dynamic channel
            SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter
        if ( changes & CHANGED_REGION || changes & CHANGED_TELEPORT ) { // owner jumped to new location? restart
            SETUP(); // setup hovertext and channel
    listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) {
        name = ""; // LSLINT
        id = NULL_KEY; // LSLINT
        if ( channel == CHANATTACH ) { // did this message come in on attachment channel?
            list fields = llParseString2List(message,[DIV],[]); // break message down into list separated by |
            string command = llList2String(fields,0); // read first item in list to get the Myriad command
            if ( command == "METER") { // if this is the METER command, let's update the meter status
                string playername   = llList2String(fields,1); // get the full player name from the list of METER values
                list   name2        = llParseString2List(playername,[" "],[]); // separate first and last name by space
                string firstname    = llList2String(name2,0); // get the firstname from the name2
                string lastname     = llList2String(name2,1); // get the lastname, if any, from the name2
                string gamename     = llList2String(fields,2); // get player's alias/game name (originally set in their character sheet)
                integer curwounds   = llList2Integer(fields,3); // what is player's current wound value?
                integer maxwounds   = llList2Integer(fields,4); // what is player's maximum healed wounds allowed by level/stats?
                integer curcritical = llList2Integer(fields,5); // what is player's current critical wounds value?
                integer maxcritical = llList2Integer(fields,6); // what is player's maximum healed critical wounds value?
                integer isdead      = llList2Integer(fields,7); // is player dead?
                integer isincap     = llList2Integer(fields,8); // is player incapacitated?
                // okay, we've broken down status, lets create a banner from that using colors
                STATUS = ""; // start with an empty string
                COLOR = GREEN; // start with fully healthy color
                if ( NAME_FORMAT == 1 ) { // what name format do we want to see?                
                    STATUS = gamename; // 1 == just Alias name from character sheet
                } else if ( NAME_FORMAT == 2 ) { // not format 1, so format 2?
                    STATUS = firstname + "\"" + gamename + "\"" + lastname; // firstname "alias" lastname
                } else if ( NAME_FORMAT == 3 ) { // not format 1, or 2, so...
                    STATUS = gamename + "("+playername+")"; // alias (firstname lastname)
                if ( SHOW_HEALTH == TRUE ) { // do we want a health number (unrealistic)
                    float currentpoints = (float)curwounds + (float)curcritical; // add up noncritical and critical wounds boxes remaining
                    float maxpoints = (float)maxwounds + (float)maxcritical; // add up total wounds boxes player should have
                    if ( currentpoints > 0.0 ) { // if player has some wounds left
                        float health = ( ( currentpoints / maxpoints ) * 100.0 ); // get a percentage
                        STATUS += "\nHealth: "+(string)llRound(health)+"%"; // add the percentage health to the status
                    } else { // oops all resilience gone
                        STATUS += "\nHealth; 0%"; // so add a zero% to status
                if ( curwounds == maxwounds && curcritical == maxcritical ) { // are all health boxes full?
                    COLOR = GREEN; // fully healthy
                if ( curwounds < maxwounds && curwounds >= 1 ) { // we've lost some wounds, but not incapacitated
                    COLOR = YELLOW; // set a warning that we've been wounded and not fully healty
                if ( curwounds < 1 ) { // if we're out of non-critical wounds, we're in trouble
                    COLOR = RED; // we're incapacitated but not dead, bleeding out here
                if ( isincap == 1 && isdead == 0 ) {
                    STATUS += " ! INCAPACITATED !";
                    COLOR = RED; // set color to warning that we're down but not dead yet
                if ( isdead == 1 ) {  // if we're dead
                    STATUS += " !!! DEAD !!!"; // add a notice to status
                    COLOR = BLACK; // set color to color of death
                llSetText(STATUS,COLOR,ALPHA); // show the new status text over the meter
                return; // we're done with this command, exit entire listen event
            } // end if command meter
            if ( command == "REGISTERATTACHMENTS" ) { // HUD asking for attachments attached?
                SETUP(); // just setup
        } // end if chanattach
} // end default
// END

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